Masari Update #5

4 min readAug 16, 2018


Masari has had significant developments since update #4. Let’s take a look at all the exciting news.

Mobile Wallet

Masari Front End Developer Gnock has created a Masari mobile wallet for Android phones. A mobile wallet is a cornerstone for adoption, and an incredibly convenient way to hold MSR. It also ties into Masari being a simple cryptocurrency. The Masari Mobile Wallet can be downloaded here:

Screens from the mobile app

The is the first release of the mobile wallet. Future developments on it will include an iOS version, addition to the Google Play Store, and app improvements with more functionality. This app is designed similarly to the fully client side

Full-Time Developer

Masari has its first full time developer starting in September— founder and lead dev Thaer Khawaja. In an incredibly bold move, Thaer left the rat race to focus on Masari development in the midst of a major bear market. While the exit scams and ICO failures get weeded out in crypto’s black summer, Thaer is going all in on MSR.

The announcement was met with wide spread support and well wishes. The core team is also happy to continue working day in and out with Thaer on Masari’s development and market reach.


There is very exciting news on the exchange front. Recently the core team has started conversations with Cryptopia about listing on their exchange. The communication has been fluid and effective. There are four steps to list with them. We have completed one of the four and have a framework in place to list with Cryptopia. The listing will not require any further fundraising or a donation campaign. Pending their approval during the review phase, we can expect to see Masari integrated on Cryptopia sometime within the next 3–6 weeks!

The core team is incredibly excited about this listing opportunity. The Cryptopia team has been amazing to work with. They have shown a helping hand in every way possible, and have made it clear they appreciate how Masari operates as a project. In turn, we appreciate how professional and courteous the Cryptopia team has been. The core team is eager to provide access to a reputable and recognized exchange for our traders and user base. We are confident that our traders and users experience with Cryptopia will be similar to ours during the listing process: encouraging, easy, and smooth.

Twitter Advertising Campaign

TOGM from the pool has added a new feature to the Masari Pay bot in Discord. Funding campaigns can now be added to the bot, and as donations come in tracking towards the goal is reflected in a % value. The core team’s first campaign was to fund a month of Twitter promote mode, and we reached our funding goal within 48 hours of launch! Now, promote mode is active for Masari’s Twitter.

Keep an eye out for future funding campaigns in Discord. And if you have any ideas for projects to pursue, pop in and let us know.


In an effort to better document project performance and technical advancements, the Masari core team has decided to produce papers relating to our innovations. The first whitepaper that will be produced is about the Weighted-Weighted Harmonic Mean (WWHM) difficulty adjustment algorithm (DAA) implemented to fight against mining exploits, preceding the contributions added to the current Linearly Weighted Moving Average (LWMA) implementation. This algorithm is important as it protected and stabilized the network, while paving the way for the state of difficulty algorithms in the CryptoNote space today. The whitepaper(WP), once fully drafted, will be available to download and review in the near future. The next paper on tap will be Uncle Mining. Vote

Masari is in the final legs of a month long vote to be listed on the new exchange The top 15 coins will be added to the exchange without cost to the project. At the time of writing, Masari was in 14th place with over 4200 votes so far. A big push is needed to stay in the guaranteed listing field. The vote wraps up on Aug 28.


Discord: 1980 members (+150 from Update #4)

Twitter: 1106 followers (+99)

Reddit: 1043 subs (+94)

AMA #1




Masari (MSR) is a scalability-focused, untraceable, and fungible cryptocurrency which uses the RingCT protocol