Masari Update #7

5 min readNov 2, 2018


This long overdue update launches SECOR & Uncle Mining on the testnet, touches on the Masari Collaboration Corner, shows off our new client-side explorer, and offers some exchange best practices among others.

Uncle Mining

November 1st, 2018 marks the successful launch of Masari’s v8 testnet. This is exciting as it features the new, original design and implementation of SECOR: Simple Extended Consensus Resolution. SECOR delivers Uncle Mining, which will increase network security, deliver faster blocks, and reward miners for their hard work that would have otherwise been orphaned.

This new blockchain feature is cutting edge, and a first in the CryptoNote space. With this groundbreaking development issues will certainly arise. To encourage code reviewers and facilitate the successful launch of Uncle Mining, bounties ranging from 100 — 10,000 MSR (depending on severity) will be given out for each new vulnerability discovered in the SECOR design and implementation. As always, the code is open source and available on Masari’s GitHub.

Collaboration Corner

One of the most common complaints the core team hears about the project is that people want to help or contribute, but don’t code. Of course people can do RTs, likes, upvotes in social environments, but that doesn’t welcome nor facilitate contribution. The crypto space has seen launches of a variety of community participation programs, but they don’t necessarily resemble autonomous organizations, nor do they empower the participants to self-govern or evolve.

A framework is being drafted that will allow Masarians to contribute to areas in which they have interest or expertise — including outreach, development, education, intelligence, marketing, and social media among others. The Collaboration Corner will launch one of the most effective, inclusionary programs the crypto space has seen; and it will further decentralize the stewardship of the Masari project. Keep an eye out for the charter this month.

Block Explorer

Masari’s old block explorer was the consummate plain Jane site. Black and white with not a lot of jazz. That is changed now with the launch of The site is currently in testing and will be ported over to once it’s out of beta.

The new explorer is fitted for both SECOR and Blocktree - as both require overhauls of the user interface to facilitate their additions. The new explorer is also entirely client-side (verifications), which is becoming a hallmark of Masari development.

Masari Pay

Our beloved Masari Pay Discord bot has been under the weather for quite a while.

For the lotto participants and tippers alike, it’s been a frustrating month of October without having Masari Pay up and running. The bot has been having an issue with running too many wallets which causes it to overload. A new bot design will be spun up by Masari developer Gnock. In the mean time if you had funds on Masari Pay — they are safu. The current Masari Pay bot will be moved to a server with better capacity to transact in the near future.


Masari’s client side web wallet received some nice improvements in the month of October. You can view the history here. The web wallet is also undergoing SECOR testing to coincide with its launch.

Mobile holders can look forward to the Android wallet being added to the Play store in November, with a potential iOS version available by the end of the year. Bug reporting is still encouraged and welcomed in the phone app feedback channel in Discord.


Masari core team members will be taking part in recording two separate podcasts in November. Neither of the hosts asked for compensation, which is appreciated and encouraged. The podcast with Talking Cryptocurrency was born out of this thread in particular. The recording dates and medium are below. Please show your support to these ethical projects.

November 4: Coach Cryptos | CoachCryptos | Twitter

November 13: Talking Cryptocurrency | Jason Rigden | Twitter


Recently an exchange that Masari was listed on abruptly closed their doors. Fortunately the losses to Masarians weren’t severe, but it provides an opportunity to talk about best practices in regards to trading MSR.

The general consensus is to keep your coins off an exchange unless you’re actively trading. For example if you send BTC to Cryptopia to buy MSR, after your purchase move the Masari to your wallet off an exchange. There have been too many exit scams and hacks on exchanges in crypto’s history to do otherwise. Regardless of the exchange’s name, history, or volume.

Additionally, as noted in the Maple Change incident, even when an exchange is incorporated and operating within the bounds of law, there will be little support from law enforcement regarding reimbursements in the event of a “hack.” All of the above can effectively be reduced to:

If you don’t have the private keys, they’re not your coins.

If you have registered on an exchange that has been hacked or exit scammed, you should also consider whether or not your email address is compromised as well. It’s a good idea to phase out the email used on a “hacked” exchange.


Discord: 2,192 members (+143 from update 6)

Twitter: 1,437 followers (+174)

Reddit: 1,138 subs (+60)

Telegram: 781 members




Masari (MSR) is a scalability-focused, untraceable, and fungible cryptocurrency which uses the RingCT protocol