Escalating Tensions Threaten Livelihoods and Food Security at the Nigeria-Niger Border

Phantom Eye
2 min readAug 24, 2023


A farm in a state of disrepair in Malam Fatori

Tensions between Nigeria and Niger have reached a critical juncture following the announcement by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) of its intention to intervene militarily in Niger, coupled with the imposition of sanctions on the nation subsequent to the recent coup. As this diplomatic standoff persists, an alarming development has emerged. Nigerian citizens residing in border towns, notably Bosso in Niger Republic, have been denied access to their farmlands in Malam Fatori by Nigerien troops. This unsettling move comes at a time when urgent maintenance is required for these farms, and the impending harvesting season only adds to the urgency of the matter.

According to reliable sources, the farmlands that have been inaccessible to Nigerian residents are in a state of pressing disrepair. The impending harvesting season, which is of paramount importance to the livelihoods of these communities, compounds the gravity of this situation. The denial of access to these crucial agricultural resources poses a severe threat to the food security and sustenance of the affected Nigerian populace residing near the border.

The prevailing tension has cast a pall over cross-border relations, with the livelihoods of many at stake. The denied access to farmlands not only imperils the sustenance of the affected Nigerian families but also highlights the intricate interdependence that characterises border regions’ economies. The farming communities in question have relied on these lands for generations, and the impending harvest holds the potential to alleviate economic pressures that have been exacerbated by the regional uncertainty.

As diplomatic and military manoeuvres continue to unfold on the political stage, it is the innocent citizens living in the border towns who bear the brunt of these developments. The implications of the denied access to their farmlands resonate beyond the immediate concerns of food security, reaching into the broader fabric of social and economic stability.

In light of these distressing circumstances, calls for a swift and peaceful resolution are amplified. The well-being of those directly impacted by these events must remain a central focus for both national and regional authorities (Borno State and State of Diffa). Collaborative efforts are imperative to ensure that livelihoods are not further compromised.

