The Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2019

Programming Tut
5 min readNov 5, 2018


It goes without saying that every programming language has its advantages. Some work better with software design; some are better for website creation and management. However, in a year such as 2019, which programming languages would be ideal to learn and work with? Of course, there are many great choices, so I am here to inform you on the top programming languages you can learn in 2019. Let’s jump in!

​5. C# (C-SHARP)

C# is a growing language in the world of programming. It has grown considerably popular in app and video game development for its visually pleasing results. Depending on your programming preference there are several reasons one should learn C# in 2019.
By studying C# you gain not only a useful skill that can be sued to create powerful and attractive software. On the other hand, C# has more similarities to the old C programming languages that the more basic languages that the majority of programmers are using today. If you want to become a C# programmer you can’t go wrong.
The estimated earnings for the average C# programming employee is $80,000/annul. Of course this amount is currently on the decline, but it is still one of the highest payed programming careers one can work with. If you want to truly excel in programming it is important that you become dedicated to the programming language of your choice. So if C# is your choice I can highly recommend you become creative and show some ingenuity.


Swift is truly a fast growing phenomenon of a programming language. Despite Swift only being developed recently it has grown at an outstanding rate. Swift can be learned through many programming courses that can be found online. Of course, there are many examples of Swift programmers developing Apple based software and apps that have sold rather well on the app market. Of course there are larger developers out there that excel at software development that sell large software downloads and gained money through problem solving and further development.
Of course, not only is there plenty of work for Swift programmers, but the career is rather lucrative as well. You can earn a programming salary of $80,000/annul as a Swift programmer. There may be plenty of work, but there won’t be as much as C# programmers and the other programming languages on this list. Swift is still growing, but it is still behind on the more established programming languages. There is less content to study, but there certainly are enough courses for those interested enough to study it. I would recommend that any potential Swift programmers should start their studies as soon as possible and try to keep updated as well, Swift does have a slight, but noticeable change from time to time and being updated is far more important with this language than it is with other programming languages.

​3. JAVA

Java programming has truly grown over the decades. Java is one of the younger programming languages compared to others, but after all this time it has only grown stronger in the programming community. Java is mainly used for software development and database management. Java has an excellent data processing foundation which today is essential for client database management and server interaction. Java will continue to grow in this fashion and as such it is one of the most lucrative programming languages one can learn.
The average Java programmer’s salary can range from $70,000 to $115,000/annul. If you wish to make the most programs with Java it is better to work with larger companies that small indie teams as the larger corporations have constant management of their software. Java not only has this benefit, but Java is also one of the simplest programming languages one can learn. There is certainly a decided benefit of learning a more basic programming language like Java, especially for developments in 2019.


Python is truly one of the greatest programming languages especially in the year of 2019. Python is one of the two main programming languages that are used in website creation and management. If you want to truly excel in the programming career Python is an excellent choice. To top that off there are many courses as well as a selection of free software one can work with on Python. There are several programming languages that have dedicated programs that one can purchase, but as always there are free software choices one can go for. Python is not the exception in this matter as it has some of the greatest free software a Python programmer can ask for.
For those interested in becoming a Python programmer the selection of courses are also large and massively beneficial to ones studies. For example here, at Programming Tut, we have a selection of courses on the largest programming languages for any beginner programmer to start as a novice and finish as an expert. The average salary for a Python programmer can range from $90,000 to $120,000/annul. I can highly recommend learning Python programming for these reasons, not just the fact that it is one of the simplest programming languages one can learn as well.


JavaScript has always been the #1 programming language to date and to top that off there are more JavaScript programmers than any other programming language. That is the decided benefit of learning JavaScript in 2019. By learning this popular language you are opening many doors in the world of programming.
JavaScript is similar to Python in that it is mainly involved in website management and development. That in itself is tough competition for the field, but JavaScript is a powerful language that only takes small adjustments to develop a better program or website. I would recommend learning JavaScript to those more experienced in some other programming language, but overall I would not recommend it as a beginner language unless the student is truly invested in learning programming. The average salary for a JavaScript programmer is around $95,000, but can range higher than that for more important roles in the development team.

And there you have it. The top programming languages one can learn in 2019. I would recommend to beginners that they begin with either Java or Python as their starting language, but for those experienced or dedicated enough, any other would suit your nicely. Of course, being on this list all of these languages are fantastic options, so take your time, but you can’t really go wrong with any of the 5 options I’ve talked about. Hope you found this article useful.



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