What you should know

rahul kumar mandal
2 min readFeb 3, 2019


- There’s some knowledge you should have to get the most out of this course. You should specifically and most importantly have some HTML basic knowledge. This means you know about the structure of an HTML page and you know how tags and attributes work. You should also know a little bit about CSS. You should at least be able to work with existing CSS classes in HTML. You should also have some basic knowledge about bootstrap CSS because that’s the CSS framework that we will use for our sample project.

Also, of course, you need some basic knowledge on Node.js. Most importantly, you should know how to install Node.js, how to use npm, and how to run an application. You should know JavaScript. This means you know how variables work, how functions work, and how callbacks work. During this course, we will also use the language features that are available on Node.js ES version eight and these so called ES6 features are classes, arrow functions, the spread syntax, object destructuring, and promises including async/await.

In our library, you’ll find a variety of classes to help you gain a better understanding of these concepts. Everything else from installing the required software to configuring the sample project will be covered during the course as well.


