McDonald’s Expands Delivery Network With FoodPanda

TechENT Editors
2 min readJul 30, 2018


Source: McDonald’s Malaysia

When you talk fast food in Malaysia, McDonald’s is always the first name that comes to mind. The Golden Arches brand has been a household name. It has been the most popular fast food chain and one of the largest as well. Even KFC does not have the same reach and size as McDonald’s in Malaysia. With the introduction of McDonald’s delivery some time ago McDonald’s grew its reach and its business even more.

Despite all of that though McDonald’s is still in its expansion phase. They aim to reach 310 delivery points by the time 2025 comes. That is talking about making 90-percent of the McDonald’s stores in Malaysia a McDelivery point with their own fleet and all.

They cannot do it alone though. Even their own fleet has its limitations in terms of reach and timely deliveries. So what if they start to get overwhelming demands? They say hi to FoodPanda, Malaysia’s largest food delivery network.

The new McDonald’s app, free on Android’s Play Store and Apple’s Play Store for iOS is revamped with a fresh interface so making a McDelivery booking is way easier than every before. The best part is that you can order a McDelivery at any time of the day, including those intense gaming moments at 3 a.m. in the morning. Via the app as well customers get special, personalised promotions and offers based on their purchase history and demographics. That way, you never really have to step into a McDonald’s outlet to get your favourite food.

Beyond that you can now order your favourite fast food via FoodPanda app as well. That leverages on FoodPanda’s already proven delivery platform. It also makes plenty of sense for McDonald’s to partner with Malaysia’s largest food delivery chain in delivering greater value to its customers and even FoodPanda’s customers.

The partnership with FoodPanda is just the beginning for McDonald’s Malaysia in expanding its delivery network. They mentioned that they are planning to collaborate with more food aggregators in the future to be able to serve their customers better and reach a wider audience, obviously. Until then though you can now order your favourite fast food either via McDonald’s app or FoodPanda’s app.

Source: McDonald’s Malaysia

Originally published at techENT.

