All about SQL, with SQL cheat sheet that any one can learn

Avinaba Mukherjee
2 min readJun 29, 2022


you hove to learn SQL for Data Science, ML, AI….


What is SQL?

SQL is an abbreviation of Structured Query Language. A Structured Query Language type of programming language that allows you to manipulate and download data from a database. It has the capability to do advanced calculations and algebra. It is used in maximum companies that hoard data in a database. It has been and continues to be the most widely used programming language for relational databases.

Why should you learn SQL?
It saves you a lot of time. You can download data with previously coded queries to automate procedures. You will improve your programming logic, which will help you learn other programming languages such as R or Python. R or Python programmers must know SQL to download data from different SQL databases before starting to clean, do analysis or create machine learning models.
SQL has been around for over 30 years and will probably be around for many more.

Here I will suggest you to read a blog on SQL and NoSQL. It will clear your concept of SQL and NoSQL. This blog will clear your all concepts.

Here is the link of cheat sheet.

SQL for Practice:

SQL Tutorial (

Best Data Science Course:

Best Data Analytics Course:

