Python Project Management Made Easy: Master venv, conda, pip & requirements.txt in One Post!

Rohan Rokade
6 min read4 days ago

The Struggle is Real: Why Virtual Environments Matter

Imagine juggling two awesome projects: a web scraper to snag cool data and a machine-learning model to unlock hidden patterns.

Both require external libraries (packages) from Python’s vast ecosystem. However, a crucial hurdle emerges:

  • The web scraper might necessitate a specific version of requests for web interactions.
  • The machine learning model might demand a different requests version (or other libraries) for compatibility with its algorithms.

Installing everything into your system-wide Python setup can lead to dependency conflicts and errors, turning your coding session into a debugging nightmare. This is where virtual environments come to the rescue.

Virtual Environments: Your Project’s Personal Sandbox

What are Python Virtual Environments?

In Python, virtual environments are self-contained directories that isolate project dependencies. This means you can have different projects with different required packages without them conflicting with each other or your system-wide Python installation.

Why Virtual Environments are Essential for Data Science Projects

Imagine a world where your scikit-learn version clashes with a specific TensorFlow requirement, leading to cryptic errors and wasted hours. Virtual environments prevent this data science dystopia. They create isolated ecosystems for your projects, ensuring:

  • Isolated Dependencies: Each project has its own set of libraries and versions, preventing conflicts between projects.
  • Reproducible Environment: You can easily share or recreate your project’s environment with others.
  • Package Management: You can install and manage specific versions of packages without affecting your system-wide Python setup.

What is venv ?

Venv, short for “virtual environment,” is a built-in module in Python that allows you to create isolated workspaces for your projects. These virtual environments act like dedicated toolboxes, each containing the specific Python packages (libraries) your project needs to function correctly.

Using Venv to Create, Activate, and deactivate Virtual Environments

Here's a quick guide using venv:

  1. Open your terminal (Command Prompt for Windows users).
  2. Navigate to your project directory.
  3. Create the virtual environment.
# Replace "my_venv" with your desired environment name
python -m venv my_ven

4. Activate the environment:

Windows: my_env\Scripts\activate

Unix-based Systems (Linux, macOS): source my_env/bin/activate

5. Deactivating Virtual Environments: deactivate


Anaconda: A Powerhouse for Scientific Python

Anaconda is a popular distribution of Python that includes pre-installed scientific computing packages like NumPy, pandas, and Matplotlib. It also provides its own environment management system called conda. While conda can be used for creating and managing virtual environments, it offers additional features compared to venv:

  • Package Ecosystem: Anaconda has its own package repository (Anaconda Cloud) alongside the Python Package Index (PyPI). This provides access to scientific packages optimized for specific hardware configurations.
  • Dependency Management: Conda excels at managing complex dependencies between packages, making it a good choice for data science projects with many interrelated tools.

Using conda to Create Virtual Environments

If you don’t have conda installed, you’ll need to download and install the Anaconda or Miniconda distribution from anaconda official website.

  1. Creating environments: Conda allows you to create separate environments, each containing their own files, packages, and package dependencies. The contents of each environment do not interact with each other. The most basic way to create a new environment is with the following command:
# Replace "my_venv" with your desired environment name
conda create -n my_env

2. Activate the environment:

Once your environment is created, activate it using the following command:

# Replace "my_venv" with your desired environment name
conda activate my_env

3. Deactivate the environment (when finished):

When you’re done working in your virtual environment, you can deactivate it using:

conda deactivate

Choosing Between venv and conda

For most basic Python projects, venv is a perfectly suitable and lightweight option. However, if you’re working on a scientific computing project with intricate dependencies or prefer the Anaconda ecosystem, conda is a powerful alternative.

Pip: Your Package Installation Pal

Pip, the Python Package Installer, is your trusty sidekick for managing packages within your virtual environment.

It’s a command-line tool that empowers you to manage external libraries (known as packages) within your Python projects. These packages act as pre-built toolsets, brimming with functionality that extends Python’s capabilities.

Here’s a breakdown of what pip does and how it benefits you:

1. Installation: Installs a Python package from the Python Package Index (PyPI).

Command: pip install <package_name>

Example: pip install requests (This installs the requests package for making HTTP requests)

2. Upgrading: Upgrades an existing package to its latest version.

Command: pip install --upgrade <package_name>

Example: pip install --upgrade numpy (Upgrades the numpy package)

3. Uninstallation:Uninstalls a package from your Python environment.

Command: pip uninstall <package_name>

Example: pip uninstall beautifulsoup4 (Uninstalls the beautifulsoup4 package)

4. Listing Installed Packages: Lists all installed packages and their versions in your current environment.

Command: pip list

Example: Running pip list will display a list of installed packages like requests (2.27.1), numpy (1.23.5), etc.

5. Searching for Packages: Searches the PyPI repository for packages matching the provided name.

Command: pip search <package_name>

Example: pip search data analysis (This will search for packages related to data analysis)

6. Showing Package Details: Displays detailed information about a specific package, including its description, version, dependencies, and location on your system.

Command: pip show <package_name>

Example: pip show pandas (Shows details about the pandas package)

7. Help: Provides general help about pip or specific help for a particular pip command.

Command: pip help or pip help <command>

Example: pip help install displays help for the install command.

What is a requirements.txt file?

Think of a requirements.txt file as your project's bill of materials. It lists all the Python packages your project relies on, along with their exact versions. This ensures anyone can recreate your project's environment with the precise tools it needs to function flawlessly.

Why use pip freeze > requirements.txt?

  • Preserving Your Project’s Ecosystem: Imagine you’ve meticulously built a data analysis pipeline using specific versions of pandas and NumPy. Suddenly, a new version of pandas breaks your code! By having a requirements.txt file generated with pip freeze > requirements.txt, you can easily recreate your environment with the known-good versions, ensuring your project runs smoothly on any machine.
  • Collaboration Made Easy: Sharing code is a cornerstone of open-source development. When you share your project, including a requirements.txt file allows collaborators to quickly set up their environment with the exact packages and versions you used. This eliminates compatibility issues and wasted time troubleshooting dependency conflicts.

How to generate requirements.txt file?

  1. Activate your virtual environment: Ensure you’re working within the virtual environment where your project’s packages are installed.
  2. Generate the requirements.txt file: Open your terminal and type the following command:
pip freeze > requirements.txt

This creates a requirements.txt file in your current directory, listing all installed packages and their versions.

Rebuilding Your Project Environment

  • Obtain the requirements.txt file: Ensure you have the requirements.txt file from your project.
  • Create a new virtual environment (optional): If you’re setting up a fresh environment, create a new virtual environment using venv or conda.
  • Activate your virtual environment.
  • Install packages from the requirements.txt: Use the following command in your terminal:
pip install -r requirements.txt

This command instructs pip to read the requirements.txt file and install all the listed packages with their specified versions into your active virtual environment.


  1. Pip, the Python Package Installer, is your trusty assistant for managing tools (packages) within your virtual environment. Here’s a cheat sheet for both beginners and experts:

Installation: pip install <package_name> (e.g., pip install requests) to add a tool (package) to your project.

Upgrading: pip install --upgrade <package_name> to update an existing tool (package).

Uninstallation: pip uninstall <package_name> to remove a tool you no longer need.

Listing Installed Tools: pip list to see all installed tools (packages) and their versions in your environment.

2. The requirements.txt file, in conjunction with pip freeze > requirements.txt and pip install -r requirements.txt, empowers you to manage your project's dependencies effectively. It fosters collaboration, simplifies environment setup, and ensures your project runs consistently across different machines.

3. Freezing Installed Packages: Creates a requirements file (requirements.txt) that lists all currently installed packages and their versions. This is useful for recreating your project's environment or sharing dependencies with others.

Command: pip freeze > requirements.txt

Example: The command creates a requirements.txt file listing installed packages and versions.

4. Installing from a Requirements File: Installs all packages listed in a requirements file. This is often used to recreate a project’s environment based on a provided requirements.txt.

Command: pip install -r requirements.txt

Example: This command installs all packages listed in the requirements.txt file in your virtual enviroment.



Rohan Rokade

Crafting engaging tech content with finesse. Simplifying Python, Generative AI, and ML complexities into relatable narratives. ✍️ #TechContentCreator