Building custom R models in Azure Machine Learning is easy!

6 min readMar 31, 2023
Building custom R models in Azure Machine Learning is easy!

Do you have big data that you need to use for machine learning, but aren’t sure where to start? Azure Machine Learning provides an easy and efficient way to build custom R models and accelerate your machine learning development. With R models, you can automate workflows, access powerful algorithms, and analyse your data all in one place.

In this blog post, we will provide the five simple steps in building custom R models with Azure Machine Learning:

1. Get the Data: Before anything else, you must first get the data that you need to build a model. The data could come from different sources — databases, streaming sources, or other applications — but make sure it is relevant and of high-quality so that your model will provide accurate results.

2. Prepare the Data: After acquiring your data, prepare it for modelling by cleaning up any missing or irrelevant information, normalizing numerical values, and transforming categorical ones into dummy variables. This will help ensure a successful model building process in the next step.

3. Select Your Model: Choose an appropriate algorithm or technique for modelling based on your data type (regression or classification) and analysis goals (prediction or forecasting). You can use popular R packages like caret or mlr for this step; these packages contain many different supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms suitable for most types of model tasks.

4. Train & Tune the Model: Now it’s time to train the model using your prepared data set as well as tune its parameters through cross-validation to limit overfitting and improve predictions accuracy. Azure Machine Learning Studio provides a wide range of tools such as automated model selection and hyperparameter tuning.

Step 1 — Acquire Data

Using Microsoft Azure Machine Learning, there are five simple steps for building custom R models. Step one: Acquire Data. In this step, you will need to decide on an appropriate data source and acquire it from the relevant source or platform. Machine learning algorithms require complex datasets that contain many different types of data from numerous sources. It is important to make sure you have a large enough size of data with accurate information to produce useful results for your model.

Once you have acquired the data, you can then move onto the second step which is exploring, cleaning and transforming the data into a format suitable for machine learning algorithms. Exploring allows you to understand more about the original dataset and identify any outliers or anomalies before cleaning begins. Cleaning involves removing inaccurate or irrelevant information to ensure your results are as accurate as possible. Transformation involves altering certain variables so they can be used by your machine learning model more effectively such as normalizing numerical values to specific ranges so they do not overinfluence results when inputted into your model’s algorithm.

After exploring, cleaning and transforming the dataset, it’s time to analyse relationships between variables in your dataset to identify how they interact with each other in order for you to determine which features could potentially improve your model’s accuracy when predicting outcomes from previously unseen data points inputted into it.

Step 2 — Pre-process the Data

Once your data is prepared, you can then start to explore it further with exploratory analysis techniques such as correlation plots and descriptive statistics. While exploring your data, you may also want to consider feature engineering — identifying new features from existing ones — which can help improve the performance of your model by adding more structure to it.

The next step in pre-processing is scaling attributes so that all attributes have the same scale range before you train your model on them. Scaling is important because without it some attributes may dominate others that have a much lower value range, negatively impacting the accuracy of your model’s predictions.

Finally, another key aspect of pre-processing is dealing with missing values either replacing them completely or imputing them with estimated values where possible as they can sometimes skew results if left unaddressed.

Once all these steps have been completed, then you can use Azure Machine Learning Studio to build and train an R machine learning model on your data set!

Step 3 — Choose an Algorithm

Choosing an algorithm for your custom R model is one of the most important steps when using Azure Machine Learning. Now that you have identified the machine learning task and gathered your data source, it is time to select an algorithm to complete your project.

Microsoft’s ML Studio provides various algorithms for both Classification and Regression tasks. When building a classification model, you can use algorithms such as Logistic Regression, Decision Forest Algorithm, Neural Network, Bayesian Algorithm and more. Similarly, you can choose from algorithms like Linear Regression and Decision Forest Regression for regression projects.

The choice of the right algorithm makes a huge difference in the accuracy of the model being built. It’s important to note that each algorithm has its own set of parameters which needs to be selected in order to achieve maximum accuracy. Experimentation with different parameters is key to optimizing results and finding the right combination of parameters.

R models are also supported by Azure Machine Learning which can be extended to build complex models using Custom R Scripts. For this purpose, several R packages are provided along with ML Studio such as RevoScaleR, AzureML packages and MicrosoftML packages. Using these packages, data scientists can develop custom algorithms from scratch or make modifications to existing ones as per their needs.

To conclude, selecting an appropriate algorithm is essential for successful machine learning projects in Azure Machine Learning Studio. You should carefully evaluate your data source and task before deciding on an algorithm since each one will have different parameters for optimization purposes. Additionally, if you want to build advanced models then custom R scripts provided in ML Studio can be used with confidence thanks to the availability of powerful R packages like Revo-ScaleR and Microsoft ML.

Step 4 — Build and Evaluate the Model

Azure ML provides powerful tools to assist you in your model building efforts. Whether you’re using R or Python, you can create machine learning models quickly and accurately. When building a model, the data must be prepared before feeding it into Azure ML for analysis. Data preparation involves normalizing, cleaning up, and transforming the data into numerical values so that it is ready for analysis.

Once the data is prepared and ready for input, it’s time to start constructing your model! You’ll need to define hyperparameters tuning which basically means adjusting the parameters of the model to improve its performance. Then, you’ll be able to triumphantly build your chosen R model and start validating it! Model validation is essential to ensure that the accuracy of predictions made by the model is high enough for deployment. The performance metrics associated with a given model should also be investigated in order to determine its robustness.

The final step in this process involves choosing which deployed models are most suitable for production use based on their performance metrics. Only after evaluating each potential candidate thoroughly can, you make an informed decision on which model should go into production. With Azure ML’s easy-to-use tools, making such decisions becomes an effortless task!

Step 5 — Deployment Strategy & Maintenance

Deployment is the act of making your model publicly available for use. It involves hosting your model, setting up automation techniques, and developing an efficient maintenance plan that ensures optimal performance in production. Depending on the framework your model runs on (Azure or other), the options available for deployment may vary.

For models running on Azure Machine Learning, hosting is incredibly easy to set up. Once you’ve trained and tested your models in development, you can deploy them with just a few clicks in the Azure ML Studio UI. As part of the deployment process, you can also set up automated processes that run your model periodically (at specified intervals) or after specific events occur. This will help make sure that your model is always UpToDate with real-time changes in data or user behaviour over time.

Of course, there’s more to success than just deploying a robust model; keeping it running at peak performance is essential. That’s why proper maintenance is essential for any deployment strategy to be successful. Regularly monitoring metrics such as scoring accuracy and optimization can help identify any potential issues or areas needing improvement before they become major problems down the line. If needed, adjustments can then be made quickly to keep your model running at its best.

