Debugging & Testing Lightning Web Components

2 min readDec 26, 2022


Debugging and testing Lightning Web Components (LWC) is an important part of the development process. Knowing how to debug and test your code will save you time, energy and headaches.

Debugging is the process of diagnosing and fixing errors in programs. LWC provides several ways to debug your code with Chrome Dev Tools, JavaScript console, unit tests, logging system and code coverage. Let’s look at each of these in more detail.

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With Chrome Dev Tools and JavaScript console you can identify where the error is occurring in your code so that you can troubleshoot it efficiently. Chrome Dev Tools also allows you to step through code, inspect individual variables and profiles performance while running the component.

Unit tests use assertions to verify expected results or behaviours between two or more elements in a component. Unit tests are a great way to ensure that all parts of your component are working together as expected. Logging system static messages provide reliable information about errors which can be used for debugging. Finally, code coverage enables developers to measure how much of their code is being tested by unit tests, allowing them to identify areas where more testing needs to be done.

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By utilizing these debugging and testing features within LWC, you will have more confidence when deploying components knowing they have been thoroughly tested. Don’t underestimate the importance of debugging and testing LWC it is an essential part of the development process!

