The “offrd” Story

3 min readJun 15, 2018


on helping people save money!

Imagine this. You and your friends have been planning that long weekend wala Goa trip for ages.

And finally, everyone agreed. (yeah, you got lucky)
Yay! :)

Obviously, you are the one who got all of them together and now are tasked with booking flights and hotel.

You being the smart kid, started with finding discounts on google.

And you realised,
the web is flooded with discount discovery sites.
In couple of minutes, you had atleast 10 tabs of different coupon site on your browser.

But try finding an offer and you will realise how painful it can get!

You will find coupons that don’t work.
The offers that are genuine but are expired and still floating around the site.

Finally you will find something which works, there will be big smile on your face, you have already started dreaming about the floral dress that you always wanted to buy to wear on those Goa beaches but kept on delaying.

Now, you have earned it.

Hey, Penny Saved is Penny Earned. Right?!

You are on travel site, finally.
You applied the code and guess what?

It says,
you are not eligible for that offer.

Why? Because you are not spending that minimum amount.

You are like WTF!

Yeah, I can feel for you. Neither the merchant nor that coupon site informed you about those devil terms & conditions in advance.

And let me not get started on number of crappy ads that you had to navigate on that coupon site to find that one code, that did not even work.

So, you lost all the trust on all those coupon sites.

Now, you started doing all the hardwork. Going to 3–4 different travel sites, checking out their deals’ section and finding an offer, while scratching your head around complicated terms to avail that offer.

How do i know this?!
Guess what, I have been there. Atleast 100 times.

If I was there, ‘would have given you that friendly hug for going through all the madness on saving some money. :)

“I wish hugs could solve all the problems in the world. “

love this coupon.

They sure do, many of them.

But for the rest,
specifically the ones around saving money,

we decided to build, offrd !

And we built a team to get all sorted.

That means, going through different sites, finding offers, going through their terms, making sense of the ones which are most important and so on and so forth.

Every damn thing that you used to do.

Guess what,

We do it, on behalf you,
so that you DON’T have to do it!

And all of this, so that we can share the offers that work. Simple.

To begin with we have curated travel deals around payment modes. So, you will see all the offers around credit cards, debit cards and e-Wallets. We are adding more offers and more categories every week.

Consider “offrd” as your friend who is on the mission to help you save money.

That’s what buddies are meant to do. Right?!
Now, gimme five!

Before you leave to book that flight,
you remember that cheesy line around sharing and caring?

If you like what we are doing, share it with your friends.
If you don’t, share it with us.
We will sort that out and will make it better. Promise. :)

Now go to
Book the tickets. Save money. Buy that floral dress.
And enjoy the Goa trip, buddy! :)

your friends at offrd :)

