Offshift Roadmap Released!

With Key Development & Ecosystem Milestones for the Next Four Quarters

3 min readAug 10, 2020


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We’re pleased today to release the Offshift Roadmap, which outlines some key milestones in the development process and in the construction of the Offshift ecosystem over the next four quarters.

It’s ambitious, with the entire ecosystem core being built over the next year, but we’ve taken great care and planned extensively to ensure that it’s achievable. Below you’ll find a brief summary of items by quarter.

Quarter 3, 2020

XFT Contract Deployed (Completed)

The XFT Token contract was deployed in July with the necessary burn/mint functionality that’s at the core of the shifting process.

Token Distribution & DEX Listing (Completed)

The XFT Token was distributed to private sale participants and listed on decentralised liquidity protocol Uniswap in early August.

Oracles Integration

Offshift will leverage decentralised oracles for its first price pair feeds.

Quarter 4, 2020

Deploy zkAsset Contract & Launch Shifting on Rinkeby

The first Offshift zkAsset contract will be deployed in a testnet environment and the first shifts, XFT to zkAsset and zkAsset to XFT, will take place.

Quarter 1, 2021

Release of Economic Model v 2.0

An update to the economic model outlined in the Offshift white paper will be published, with additional incentive mechanisms and an optimisation of those already existing.

Deploy zkBTC & zkXAU Contracts on Mainnet & Launch Shifting

The first Offshift zkAsset contract will be deployed on the Ethereum mainnet, and the first shifts, XFT to zkAsset and zkAsset to XFT, will take place.

Quarter 2, 2021

Launch zkUSD

zkUSD will be launched on the Ethereum mainnet, enabling integration at point-of-sale, among other use cases.

Quarter 3, 2021

Offshift Mobile App

The Offshift mobile app will launch with a consumer-friendly graphical interface for shifting and use at point-of-sale.

Launch Staking

Staking will launch for zkAssets as laid out in the Offshift white paper, and further described in the later Offshift Economic Model 2.0.

We embark on this next year’s journey with great anticipation of all to come, and with our fledgling community behind us. If you’ve yet to join our community Telegram, more than 900 members strong just a week after the XFT token was launched, please come by. Be sure to follow our official Twitter account for project updates as well.

About Offshift

Offshift is leading private decentralized finance (PriFi) with the world’s first Private Derivatives Platform. It leverages zero-knowledge (zk) proofs and sources reliable, real-time price feeds from Chainlink’s decentralized oracle network to enable users to mint zkAssets, an unprecedented line of fully private synthetics. Offshift’s mostly anonymous team has developed a trusted reputation for their thorough privacy research, development and execution.

To learn more and get involved, visit the links below:

Website | Telegram | Discord | Twitter | Instagram | Uniswap | Sushiswap

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