Ways of Optimize your Product Photos for Ecommerce Success

Abdullah Alamin
4 min readAug 8, 2019


Image editing plays a crucial role in promoting businesses in online store. Product image is one among the best seen objects when landed in an ecommerce website. Hence it is essential to put product image in a better optimization mode. At present, there are many software programs to do online editing of photos. Choosing the best software programs from list may not be an easy task for newbies in online image editing field. You can outsource your photography editing from a professional photo editing company to make product photos more eye catching.

Photo editing can not only promote new customers but can also retain the existing customers across the world. Product photo in webpage can spice up the quality of site essence without any adverse action. Today, majority of SEO experts are publishing their content in webpage with edited product of image. Simple uploading of photos won’t give worthy results to users. The condition can be made positive by doing image editing as per the requirement. This way of promoting an ecommerce site can uplift the number of customers across the world.

How to select image to upload in an e-commerce website?

This query plays a key role in getting the best result in businesses. Images are selected to put in website in such a way that it is unique in composition. Uniqueness can be made perfect by putting the original photo of product. Copied images can degrade the content value to low position This condition can be reduced by publishing photos taken via own camera. Always make sure to highlight the features of product while publishing photos as per the requirement. Also make sure to alter the size of photo in concerned manner that it suits the web-page requirement in business strategies.

At present, there are many online experts available so as to assist new comers in e-commerce field. Editing photos can be made easier by making software programs. Low clarity image can be made exotic and high quality by making use of image editing tools. Photo background change is another common procedure done via software editing tool. Today, editors can change image background to needy image by making use of software tools. Product image with headlines are usually published in social media.

Superb image quality to promote in social media

Social media promotion of product with image and headlines can boost traffic to sites and sales from site. Today, social media like YouTube and Facebook play a major role in promoting products in businesses. In order to attract customers to site, it is generally suggested to put unique and high quality image of product as per the need. Putting ads with image and headline in social media especially among targeted individuals can promote more number of sales from site. Color palette of image is a main factor considered while doing image editing. Always make sure that color of images not turned pale and making drop shadow while publishing in e-commerce sites. Also make sure to put product images in site in bright and eye pleasing mode.

Similar to the color palette, another factor considered while publishing edited photo of product is the location of photo in site. Always make sure that edited photos are published in the relevant place of site that can be seen while opening it. Image quality in site can clearly describe the brand identity and uniqueness while promoting its sales in businesses. Hence feel free to insert superb quality images that exhibits the outstanding features of product images.

What is image editing for an e-commerce website?

Photo Credit: Clipping Path India

This query is common from new comers in online marketing field. Image editing for an e-commerce website can be suggested as an easier way to boost sales by publishing attractive photos of products. Product photos in site are highlighted so as to focus the trust and quality of brand in exotic way. At present, small scales to large scale companies are making use of image editing tool techniques to improve product sales across the globe.

How to edit and publish photos via image editing in e-commerce sites?

Two types of image publishing are done so far in sites to get the required result. One type of image editing and publishing can be done in white background. This type of photography editing can clearly depict the features of product in best forms. Products like cameras and TVs are published in such manner to highlight its features. Today, many among the image editing for product sales in gadget stores are done using white background. Another photo editing is lifestyle type editing that consists of background pictures that enhances its features to attract more customers.

