Who is Metatron in the Bible? Metatron an angel or a legend?

Análise e Dicas
2 min readJan 11, 2023


Metatron an angel or a legend?

Who is Metatron in the bible or in eastern cultures around the world. According to a Wikipedia search, Metatron is the highest ranking angel in the heavens. It is said that this angel belongs to the category of seraphim angels, but — since there is no evidence in the 66 books of the bible, affirming the existence of this angel is not recommended.
This thesis was based on Jewish tradition and mystical Christianity. Where in theses of Christian tradition he is seen as “the supreme angel”.

Metatron is seen by many as having great wisdom and immense power. According to extra biblical writings, that is, in mythology, the angel Megatron is only smaller than God, there is a legend that says that the angel who led the people of Israel through the desert, in the escape from Egypt was Metatron. According to told legends, Metatron is an angel who comes from the lineage of the seraphim — that is, referred to as a prince of countenance.

Although it is an interesting subject in the knowledge of angels, Metatron is not mentioned in the sacred texts. He is known to be mentioned in the Babylonian Talmud, in mystical texts, and in some occult books.

There are writings that say that Metatron is the mediator of God and men, however, this thesis is easily contradicted by the fact that there is only one who is mediator between God and men — that is, Jesus Christ, the son of man (1 Timothy 2:5).

According to research, this angel is a prince of the presence and is described as a heavenly scribe who has the function of recording sins and merits of the children of men and a mediator — which is excised this concept of mediator in the written epistle of 1 Timothy .

Originally published at https://palavradodiaavivamento.com.br on January 11, 2023.



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