What’s new about crypto, betting and dApps?

Bettex project weekly updates (July 15 — July 21)

Bettex project
2 min readJul 22, 2019

dApp Bettex

100% bet contest!
2-in-1 airdrop+contest 100% bet goes its second stage. On July 19 BTXC distribution was completed and now the participants will face off in competitive part. The prize fund is about $ 120!
Contest will be finished on July 29. Please see details in our communities, here etc.

Waves Platform

On July 19, Waves held a Q & A session with Sasha Ivanov. Thanks to all members of our community who spent 2 minutes and asked a question about the Bettex betting exchange and not only. Not least, your efforts influenced the question of gambling projects in this session.
Thank you, dear community!


Last week, our colleagues from Tradysis launched dAppOcean.io! That is decentralized apps aggregator on Waves blockchain. Already existing dApps will be placed there and it’s possible to add your own one also if you are a part of it :)

You can be sure that TOP dApps will be collected here!
And please note that Bettex is on the list, dear friends!

Masternodes / POS

ROI 72%, 519 masternodes online, more about it.


The current version of wallet 3.2.1 is available here.

We always welcome feedback and take into account your wishes to the content of such reports! Please write to us.

Useful links

actual version of Bettex Core wallet
Youtube channel
Telegram channels (EN, RU)
Telegram chats (EN, RU)



Bettex project

Our key idea is building decentralized betting exchange based on Waves blockchain. www.bettex.bet