13 Quotes from Guccifer 2.0’s DNC-HRC leaks

10 min readJul 7, 2016


These are some comments I have made on reddit regarding the Guccifer 2 leaks after having skimmed through all documents released so far. Some comments are direct quotes, others are summaries.

1. A little paragraph from 2.doc with evidence that shows intent/planning on the HRC campaign’s part to conspire with corporate media.


Working with the DNC and allied groups, we will use several different methods to land these attacks, including:

• Reporter Outreach: Working through the DNC and others, we should use background briefings, prep with reporters for interviews with GOP candidates, off-the-record conversations and oppo pitches to help pitch stories with no fingerprints and utilize reporters to drive a message.

• Releases and Social Media: Where appropriate these attacks can be leveraged for more public release, particularly the attacks around specific issues where a public release can point out that Republicans are outside of the mainstream.

• Bracketing Events: Both the DNC and outside groups are looking to do events and press surrounding Republican events to insert our messaging into their press and to force them to answer questions around key issues.

We look forward to discussing this strategy further. Our goal is to use this conversation to answer the questions who do we want to run against and how best to leverage other candidates to maneuver them into the right place.

2. From Convention Memo -12–15.doc, dated 01/09/2015 (emphasis was added by me):

Make your case as late as possible

• Any bounce the Republican nominee gets from a June or July convention will decay by August. Paid media can carry the water for you in the meantime and you can use the VP announcement to capture attention in July.

• Waiting until the end of August gives you the benefit of kicking off the post-Labor Day campaign swing with extra momentum and enthusiasm. Closer proximity to early voting and vote-by-mail will boost turnout efforts.

• There’s no question that primary money will get tight if you wait until August, but the campaign can employ a number of strategies to conserve primary money. Worse case, a bridge loan taken out in the primary could be paid with general election money after the convention.

3. (memo-for-fundraising-staff.pdf) There’s a memo from Perkins Coie with detailed strategy on how to encourage donations to pro-Clinton Super-PACs before she announced her candidacy that is borderline illegal but skirts the line of legality very well:

Do not specifically earmark the funds for the Secretary’s election.

While each of the Preferred Super PACs has indicated that they plan to support Secretary Clinton’s presidential candidacy (if she decides to run), you should not earmark the funds specifically for use in her election. If a donor asks, “Will my contribution be used to run ads supporting Secretary Clinton,” you may answer, “We do not control how the Super PAC spends its funds. But we think the Super PAC is doing great work and that is why we are encouraging or supporters to donate $5,000.”

4. Something odd I noticed in Hillary Clinton Travel — Private Jets.docx. She pays almost nothing for airfare on the private jets. There’s a line from this document:

09/03/2001 Bank of America $45.75 Senator’s Transportation — Airfare for Sen Clinton New York to Washington DC

with a note that says “weirdly low”, and I agree. That’s how much you’d pay in gas and Cheetos if you were making the trip. Other lines in this document show her paying coach class fees for private jets even when they come from a non-government entity.

5. HRC Email Press Conference Q and A.pdf, and HRC Email Press Conference Transcript.pdf : These documents dated March 2015 have a Q&A for the press and Clinton’s defense of her email setup. There are some outright lies in there such as saying that no classified information went through her e-mail server even when we know this not to be true.

Read below this line only if you are interested in computers or it will bore you to sleep. This made me think of something relevant to the FBI investigation: how can we be sure that the 30k emails that she deleted from her system were the only emails she deleted? What if she first deleted the most sensitive and damning emails and then did a “wipe” of free space on her server, and then went on to delete the 30k emails? Those 30k emails she deleted were later undeleted by the FBI, but they have not shown that a “wipe” didn’t occur before the deletion of those emails. The answer to this question can be easily found if the FBI checks the date of the oldest file they were able to recover from her server. If the oldest file is older than the day she deleted her 30k emails, then, we’re all good. If not, there might be evidence that she deleted and securely wiped traces of what potentially could’ve been very damaging to her.end of sleepy section

6. Joe Biden Master Doc.docx, Joe Biden Prison.docx : It looks like opposition research on Joe Biden but it’s actually not very different from the format that the HRC campaign has followed for doing their own summaries of attacks leveled against them. Some parts of these documents are actually positive about Joe Biden, while others look like they are just a list of attacks that have the defense section missing.

I would not draw the conclusion from these that the Clinton campaign was doing opposition research on Biden, but only that they were trying to evaluate where Biden stands in terms of being attacked in the press, maybe in an attempt to persuade him to not run in 2016.

There is some defense of Joe Biden along with the opposition research as well. Most of Hillary’s defense documents start in the same format as Joe Biden’s opposition research but include defense paragraphs later.

From Joe Biden Prison.docx:



Joe Biden Encouraged The Creation Of A Task Force On Civil Justice Reform And Called Their Report “Important And Encouraging.” “Judges and lawyers must do more to keep noncriminal cases in federal courts from taking too long and costing too much, Congress was told Wednesday. ‘The excessive cost and delay associated with litigating civil cases in America should no longer be tolerated and can be forcefully addressed through procedural reform, more active case management by judges and better efforts by attorneys and their clients,’ said a 39-page report prepared by a special task force. The report is the result of a nine-month study by 36 lawyers and law professors whose effort was suggested by Sen. Joseph Biden (D., Del.), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Biden called the report’s recommendations ‘an important and encouraging start,’ and said his committee ‘will give a high priority to civil justice reform.’” [Chicago Tribune, 10/26/89]

7. Republicans and CGI.docx : This is a list of Republican friends of the Clinton Global Initiative and references to when they spoke at/attended CGI events. The names here are: Mitt Romney, Carly Fiorina, John McCain, Cindy McCain, Laura Bush, Chris Christie, Bill Haslam, Haley Barbour, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bill Frist, George H.W. Bush.

8. HRC at Columbia.docx, HRC at Kirkwood.docx, HRC at NH events.docx, HRC at WITW Summit.docx, HRC in NV immigration RT.docx, HRC Winnipeg Remarks 1–21–15.docx : these 4 documents seem to be outlines (made after the fact) of what Clinton said at her much discussed paid speeches, although these speeches seem to be at public/non-profit organizations so the likelihood of finding something bad is low to begin with. These are not exact transcripts. Some talking points remarkably sound like those from Sanders, e.g. this quote:

• The deck is stacked — there’s something wrong when a CEO makes 300x the amount of the average worker

Edit: added HRC in NV immigration RT.docx, HRC Winnipeg Remarks 1–21–15.docx

9. HRC and Progressive litmus Test.docx which is a copy of http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/05/13/clinton-progressive_n_7269788.html?1431517172 : nothing big here except that this is the first full article I’ve found so far in the Clinton dossier which is full of excerpts. She may say in public that she’s not moving left on anything, but this indicates that there’s a lot of internal discussion about moving left on various issues like the $15 minimum wage.

10. Another minor point from 4 18 Friends and Allies TPs.pdf. She didn’t join a big law firm because she failed the DC bar exam, but they’re trying to put a positive spin on it.

• After law school, Hillary chose not to go to a big New York or Washington law firm. Instead, she went door to door in New Bedford, Massachusetts for the Children’s Defense Fund.

11. A very minor reveal from 04.29.15 CGEP.docx. They’re talking about the CGEP whose donors are not mentioned publicly.

• Let’s be clear about the facts here: The Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (CGEP) is a Foundation initiative focused on alleviating global poverty. That initiative receives funding from a separate Canadian charity called CGEP (Canada), which Frank Guistra created to give Canadians the opportunity to support the initiative’s work and get a charitable tax credit.

• CGEP (Canada) is in no way a general operating fund for the Foundation — it’s a distinct entity that provides funding on a project-by-project basis to the poverty-fighting Foundation initiative. Like other independent organizations that give to the Clinton Foundation, in keeping with the organization’s voluntary transparency efforts, this Canadian charity is listed as a donor on the websites.

12. From staff1.doc (emphasis was added by me. Document is dated 02/06/2015 and Tulsi resigned at the end of Feb 2015. Nothing huge here but evidence that in politics your career progression depends on who you worked for.):

Name: Jessica Grounds

Current Position: Director of the Women’s Office Background: Jessica N. Grounds has worked for over a decade to encourage and advise women candidates and counsel campaigns on how to best reach women voters. Most recently, Jessica served as Executive Director and Co-Founder of Running Start, a group that inspires and trains young women to run for public office. Jessica has worked in the nonprofit, private, and campaign sectors. In these capacities, she has worked with hundreds of women candidates and elected women, both domestically and internationally, advising on the unique gender challenges faced by women candidates. On Hillary’s 2008 campaign, Jessica was the Training Lead for the Iowa Caucus. Through her various roles, Jessica has worked on behalf of many of the women in Congress including: Rep. TulsiGabbard, Rep. KyrstenSinema, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, and former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.

Recommendation: She has an impressive resume and is well connected with the womens community. She should work in that operation but I would not put her in charge of it.

13. A paragraph from 3.doc on that website:

Social issues: I can’t believe in 2015, that Republicans running for President still want to deny people who love each other the right to marry. Still don’t believe that climate change is real. Still won’t give people a path to citizenship. Are still trying to stop people from voting. And still trying to shut down Planned Parenthood clinics and make women drive hours to get basic health care. What century are they living in?

14. (Summary of first release) Looked through them all but found only a few mildly interesting excerpts. Bernie is mentioned in only one of these documents, and the DNC-HRC collusion is too obvious throughout to be worth quoting.

Some documents even make the case for Bernie’s ideas on healthcare and increasing voter turnout — you’d think they came from a real DNC from a parallel universe that cares about the people.

HRC campaigning strategy is detailed very well and it looks like the plan is to only start making her case and saying anything about what she wants to do in August when it’s too late.

Not much else here I could find except for personal information on donors.

15. A summary of Guccifer 2.0’s June 21st dossier release

I have looked through all 262 documents in this release and have similarly gone through the previous two releases as well. Anything worth noting that I’ve found in all 3 of them has been posted as a comment that you can find in my list of comments. The previous two releases were significantly juicier than this one.

This particular release is 98% stuff that you can easily find in the public domain by going to news sites and has very few original inputs from the HRC campaign. However, I would not discard this release as insignificant. Almost any dirt you could dig up about HRC from the news until March 2016 has already been dug up by her campaign and is present in this release, and if you look through it, you’ll find some new revelations such as her connection with the Korean defense contractor Poongsan which have been made public before but may have been forgotten.

I would also caution against considering this release to be an absolutely complete collection of Clinton’s foibles because some attacks for which the Clinton campaign does not have a defense seem to be omitted here. For example, I could not find anything here about how the Swedish and Dutch postal lotteries donated to CGI and got favors in return.

This release is equally important for her supporters because it also consists of her defenses on almost all the attacks leveled on her. In general, it seems that any word she has ever uttered to the press, every senate vote, and most of the significant attacks that have been leveled against her are in here. This is a very good reference for anyone trying to write anything about Clinton.

Edit: a small side note: The memo that Guccifer 2.0 showed on June 20th with the text blurred out didn’t look very useful to me, which is why I didn’t mention it. It’s just a series of Clinton defenses against Schweizer’s remarks and the dirt they dug up on him. HRC could easily have made that memo public (and probably did) without any damage.

16. New Guccifer 2.0 Docs Released (7/7/16)


Anyone find anything interesting there? I didn’t find much. There’s a document about how the DNC will counter advertise in Cleveland around the RNC. Pretty standard stuff.

One slightly disturbing I document I found in there was this memo called “Democratic Television Prospectus”which is all about the DNC strategy for controlling media.

Consent seems to be the only thing manufactured on US soil these days. Very sad.

Please share if you found something useful in these docs

