Why is passion key to becoming a successful software developer?

Ogah Emmanuel
2 min readDec 18, 2021


Did you know that passion is key to becoming a successful software developer? I’ve noticed the desire to become a software developer while I was working as an IT support engineer in the information technology industry has helped me become experienced in time management today.

I began my career in the IT industry. My time as an IT support engineer was actually what encouraged me towards software development; I got curious about how the software development teams are building wonderful products I was supporting, and I signed up for an online course. It was a tough call for me initially because of my daily schedules. But the passion of becoming a software developer won’t let me rest. Then I implement time blocking which helps me block specific timeframes on my calendar for specific tasks. I go home for the day and continue with my training for five (5) hours daily. I called it operation five hours! This continue until I became aware of Microverse: an online school for remote software developers where you pay nothing until you land a life-changing job. No matter where you live. I took advantage of the opportunity.

Not quite long, I understand proper time management, and planning is important to meet deadlines. My previous experience in time management makes this easy for me and my coding partners. Meeting deadlines becomes easy.

Stick to your passion. Anyone in any field does a better job when he or she is passionate about what he or she does. It is hard to have outstanding career growth in any field without a passion for it. The day job can be boring and routine. The better you get at something, the more you’ll be pigeonholed into doing that thing.

