Why am I doing this?

Four days ago I joined the yourturnchallenge, a nice initiative that comes from Seth Godin and challenges everybody to ship a blog post every day for a week.

The challenge sounded very appealing and it gave me the perfect excuse to start writing and putting my thoughts into words. That would help me to improve my communication skills by telling something I have experienced or giving my opinion about it.
So far I have delivered my first three posts and I have to say that I have learnt or relearnt some things on the way.

First, the importance of feedback. After my first post, I got some nice feedback that helped me to improve the way I am structuring and elaborating the topics in my posts. So thanks to all of you that have spent some time reading it.

Second, the medium stats are addictive. It is my first time blogging and I have to admit that I felt the need of checking them every half an hour to see if I had caught the attention of anyone new. That almost makes me forget the reasons why I decided to take the challenge.

Third, the responsibility of delivering something every day and sharing it on the social media. I couldn’t imagine this would generate such a feeling of responsibility because you have people out there that know you have taken the challenge and they might be waiting for a new post, and that is simply awesome.

I can not recommend it enough. If you, like me, have never taken part of something like this I would like to invite you to experience the thrill of sharing your thoughts and experiences with everybody out there. Don’t be shy, I also thought I couldn’t do it and here I am pushing myself ☺



Guillermo Rodriguez

A better world dreamer, professional food and wine social taster, music and life lover.