Ogunlowo Sheriff Abiola
7 min readSep 12, 2019



We are thought about 4.0 innovation which has the idea of square chain innovation. Blockchain innovation is regularly portrayed as a decentralized, permanent, straightforward, decentralized database organize. They are abused to store and store esteems. It very well may be seen that Blockchain innovation is first connected in the field of digital forms of money or cryptographic forms of money. Its decentralization highlight is utilized for the capacity of computerized resources and the market has completely assessed its highlights. One favorable position of blockchain innovation is the counteractive action of outside components from entering the framework and altering put away information. Then again, straightforwardness encourages it to improve the unwavering quality of the whole framework, while its cryptographic help enables exchanges to be done securely and productively, cost-successfully.

The accomplishment of blockchain innovation can be reflected through the Bitcoin cryptographic money. It is Bitcoin that has made a great many people acquainted with blockchain concur with the idea this can upset most ventures on the planet. The universe of a previous couple of years has seen the blast of cryptographic forms of money and the achievement and quick development of Bitcoin as the world’s most significant advanced asset. Undoubtedly, Blockchain innovation has persuaded the world that it is the most secure online capacity.

What is gold? World gold history?

Gold is a metal having unparalleled properties, yet it has no job until individuals discover, burrow, refine and drive it to serve their needs. Gold is a valuable metal and is additionally a fiscal system of the world. Gold has gone with humanity in long authentic procedures to assume a significant job today in the political, financial existence of each family, every country, area and internationally.

There are significant achievements throughout the entire existence of gold:

3600 BC: The primary square of gold is softened. Gold diggers in Greece were the first to prepare gold metal to get gold from within. They utilized flame roars made of fireproof dirt to keep up the heater temperature.

2600 BC: The principal gold adornments were conceived. Goldsmiths in old Mesopotamia (current Iraq) made one of the main human gold jewelry. It was a neckband made of blue carnelian stone with gold leaf-molded pieces.

600 BC: Gold is utilized in dentistry. The first run through gold was utilized in dentistry was the point at which the Etruscans when they guaranteed it was sheltered to supplant teeth with gold strings. The high organic similarity, simple overlaid capacity, and great consumption opposition cause gold to turn out to be very helpful in dentistry.

In 564 BC: The principal gold coin showed up. Lord Croesus built up the gold refining innovation to mint the world’s first standard gold coin. With a similar load for all monetary standards, Croesids has turned into an acknowledged and broadly utilized money around the world.

1300: The gold standard is set up. The world’s first standard framework for research and quality confirmation of valuable metals has been set up at Goldsmith’s Hall in London. It is additionally the home of the present London Precious Metals Laboratory.

1370: The primary hunger for gold ever. During 1370–1420, a considerable lot of the real gold mines around Europe turned out to be about depleted. The gold mining and creation in the area dove to the point of what was known as the “noteworthy thirst of gold”.

1717: You set the gold standard system. He fired setting up the system when the administration evaluated an ounce of gold as 77 shillings and 10.5 pennies in 1717.

1870–1900: Through the gold standard system. Every single significant nation on the planet except for China has changed to the new gold standard and set costs for gold in fiscal units. The double mode is abrogated.

1944: Bretton Woods Conference. The Bretton Woods Conference established the framework for the post-war money related framework. Gold cost is set at 35 USD/ounce. Different monetary forms are recorded with a fixed conversion standard against the US dollar, accordingly shaping a gold trade standard.

1967: South Africa’s first Krugerrand money. The Krugerrand was presented in 1967, as an apparatus to possess gold for people. However, this coin was propelled with the end goal of flow as money.

1999: Agreement on the gold of national banks. 15 European national banks have expressed that gold will be a significant part of national stores and together limit the aggregate sum of gold offered to a limit of 400 tons every year throughout the following 5 years.

2003: K-gold showed up in China. The World Gold Council has made a different portion with the presentation of K gold. This kind of 18-carat gold in China. This sort of gems is for the most part accessible in yellow and white, it is motivated by Italian structures.

2004: SPDR® Gold Investment Fund was conceived. From here, the market went to another, more secure and simpler method for contributing gold. 6 years after its origin, the measure of advantages held by SPDR® has arrived at more than 55 billion USD.

2009: Central banks purchase once more. In the second quarter of the year, without precedent for two decades, national banks again ended up net purchasers of gold. The move mirrors a concurrent log jam in the clearance of gold by European national banks just as an expansion in purchasing by rising economies.

2010: Gold costs crested. Fears of expansion and consistent monetary emergency profit and coins debilitate. The cost of gold in London has arrived at 35 back to back occasions since the start of this current year.

From physical gold to computerized gold

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Computerized gold is an innovative and imaginative venture of this undertaking group. The undertaking will close the hole between physical gold and advanced gold. In the past segment, I have acquainted you with physical gold, gold is one of the most established business items on the planet, it is utilized in numerous fields, albeit gold is an uncommon metal yet not verifiably the notoriety just as the extraordinary impact of gold on the world economy. Gold goes about as an exceptionally successful method for installment and holds extraordinary worth. Be that as it may, today the impact of gold has diminished in the field of installment however individuals are as yet searching for it on account of its two points of interest:

Low instability in value: this makes solidness, limits dangers for financial specialists.

Potential store brilliant estimation of gold.

In any case, the gold exchanging, trading and putting away gold additionally experienced numerous troubles.

Purchasing/selling gold isn’t for everybody, not for everybody. This makes a limitation for gold purchasing/selling liquidity

The system for purchasing/selling gold, utilizing gold is excessively muddled, lessening the general gold utilization of individuals.

The risk comes when purchasing/selling gold: taking gold, murdering individuals, and so on.

The trouble is that, yet gold has consistently been looked for by individuals, the fascination of gold has diminished however regardless it assumes a significant job in monetary markets and resources around the globe.

Because of these challenges, the Digital Gold undertaking was conceived. It tends to be said this is a fitting time to actualize the undertaking when the world economy is encountering extraordinary changes. Extraordinary unpredictability prompts incredible dangers for financial specialists, so they will pick the protected terminals, covers and Digital Gold is a perfect spot to shield for speculators. You can get more data through the site: https://gold.storage You can get helpful data: the motivation behind the Digital Gold task, Blockchain Technology is connected to How is this venture?

Blockchain innovation is connected to purchase/sell, execute rapidly and store gold worth

The computerized Gold task was brought into the world with a center group of specialists in a wide range of fields: specialists in the field of innovation, budgetary specialists, market analysts, specialists of cash, worldwide exchanges … This venture is an ideal mix of 4.0 innovation and physical gold. It tends to be said this is a defining moment, this is a genuine change of gold.

The computerized Gold task with token dependent on Etherum ERC-20 stage, with this token, clients can purchase/sell, trade, store or move gold effectively with no trouble Whichever, particularly the exchange time is short, the expense is shabby and the security is high. To put it all the more essentially, physical gold has been digitized and encoded into a GOLD token. These highlights are executed effectively and safely while safeguarding the namelessness of the client. Fantastic! Advanced gold is a viable answer for the economy today.

One unique thing you have to know: With each GOLD token ensured and ensured with physical gold, they are put away in the organization’s stockroom and acquired protection for that gold. In this manner, clients can have a sense of safety when managing GOLD tokens. GOLD token costs will be refreshed constantly for the day and change as indicated by physical gold costs. The gold token will enable clients to buy gold protection 1 GOLD token = 1 gram of 99.99% gold.

Liquidity is constantly ensured. Liquidity is the way to each extend’s prosperity. Computerized Gold applies Blockchain innovation to gold exchanging to guarantee the exchanges consistently occur as fast and easily as would be prudent. The shrewd contract capacity guarantees that the quantity of GOLD tokens flowing in the market is constantly equivalent to the measure of physical gold in the organization’s stock. So liquidity is constantly ensured and clients can be assured

You can refer to more information on this project:
Website: https://gold.storage/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/golderc20
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gold_erc20
Medium: https://medium.com/@digitalgoldcoin
Telegram: https://t.me/digitalgoldcoin

Bitcointalk profile:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2582421;sa=summary