Do you even know yourself ?

Uche Azor
2 min readNov 30, 2023

Do you even know yourself …what you actually want to do, what you need to do, or are you controlled by the pressure of your parents, siblings, friends and even enemies? Are you motivated to do the things you do out of fondness of it, or just sheer obligation to make your parents proud, or even spite to your enemies?

Do you know what you want without the murmurs of voices that aren’t yours? Do you know what you need to do that’ll make your life better for you to live? Do you know what you want for yourself regardless of the circumstances?

I personally don’t even know who I am. And I’m worried I’m running out of time. The seconds keep going by, minutes, hours, days and now years. 5 years ago, I thought it was too early to start figuring it out. I was just a kid, why should I rush at life? 5 years later I realized I should have started 5 years earlier. I thought I’ll have figured it out by now, but I was wrong. I’m scared I’ll realize only after the time is far gone.

So I’ll start today. I hope I’m not too late. You should start today too. But to start, I need to know myself.



Uche Azor

I’ll just write stuff I think about on my toilet seat.