Don’t Fall for Apache Spark’s ‘First’ and ‘Last’ Trickery, It Will Cost You!

Examining Apache Spark’s ‘First’ & ‘Last’ Methods: Understanding Their Pitfalls and Proposing a More Reliable Approach

Ohad Edelstein
4 min readMay 21, 2023


1. Introduction

Once again, I was faced with the all-too-familiar error. It was like an old nemesis that kept resurfacing, catching unsuspecting coders off guard. Having encountered it on multiple occasions, I decided it was high time to bring this issue to the forefront and raise awareness about it. The culprits? ‘First’ and ‘last’ methods in Apache Spark.

2. Understanding ‘First’ and ‘Last’ in Spark

In Apache Spark, ‘first’ and ‘last’ are used to retrieve the first and the last element from a group in a DataFrame. This seems straightforward, right? However, the reality is far from it. The confusion lies in how Spark handles data distributed across various partitions.

3. The Problem with ‘First’ and ‘Last’

Here’s the catch: ‘first’ and ‘last’ are not truly representative of the first and last elements of a group. They are, instead, indicative of the first and last data points from an arbitrary partition that Spark chooses to process. This unpredictability is what makes these methods problematic. They may not necessarily return the same results every time, especially when the data is shuffled or the partitions are processed in a different order. The names are, in a way, misleading — because ‘first’ isn’t always the true first, and ‘last’ isn’t always the true last.

4. Spotlight on a Scenario

In one case, ‘last’ was used to track the last action a user performed on an application, with data grouped by user id. Here’s a sample of how this was implemented:

val df =
val grouped = df.groupBy("userId")
val lastAction = grouped.agg(last("action"))

However, the action returned was not the true last action, leading to a misunderstanding of user behavior. The arbitrary nature of ‘last’ could cause significant confusion in understanding user’s actions in the application.

5. A Suggested Approach: The ‘Any’ Method

So, what’s a better approach? Consider using ‘any’. ‘Any’ is a method that, like ‘first’ and ‘last’, returns an element from a group. However, it is honest about its randomness. It clearly states that it will return any arbitrary value from the group, avoiding any false impressions.

‘Any’ is a more reliable choice. It does not give the illusion of being deterministic like ‘first’ or ‘last’, making it less likely to lead to mistakes.

6. Tips for Avoiding the ‘First’ and ‘Last’ Pitfall

To avoid falling into the ‘first’ and ‘last’ trap, it’s crucial to be aware of this issue. You need to stop using ‘first’ and ‘last’ forever! Even if you understand their nature and think you’re fine with their non-deterministic behavior, still resist using them. Because one day, you might forget about that piece of code or you may move on from the company, leaving the code to be maintained or modified by someone else.

Bringing ‘first’ or ‘last’ into the picture can invite a host of uncertainties, especially when new code is being added to the same area. This can potentially spin off into numerous outcomes, some benign but many harmful. The involvement of ‘first’ and ‘last’ in code can lead to the creation of new bugs, amplification of existing ones, or even waste substantial development time, as was our experience.

For instance, one of my developers thought he’d found a bug with ‘first’. Given our wariness around ‘first’, he ended up spending three days refactoring the code to make it “correct”, only to discover that the original code was actually designed to accommodate the non-deterministic nature of ‘first’. The complexity of the code and the paranoia incited by the presence of ‘first’ resulted in a significant loss of time on a refactor that ultimately wasn’t required.

In the end, we abandoned that refactor, realizing that chasing the actual ‘first’ element could have serious performance implications. We chose instead to replace ‘first’ with ‘any’, ensuring we wouldn’t stumble over this pitfall in the future.

So, always be vigilant. Check your code and replace ‘first’ and ‘last’ with ‘any’ when you’re dealing with distributed data in Spark. Remember to always verify the results of your data processing to ensure accuracy.

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, while ‘first’ and ‘last’ might seem like convenient methods to use in Apache Spark, they can lead to unpredictable and misleading results due to their inherent behavior with distributed data. It’s time we shed light on this issue and encourage the use of ‘any’, a more honest and reliable method. Let’s share this knowledge and improve our coding practices for better, more accurate data handling in Apache Spark.



Ohad Edelstein

Senior Full Stack Engineer @ Taboola, I still read books!! well… I still have books! And I try to read one every few months