Exploring Weight Decay in Layer Normalization: Challenges and a Reparameterization Solution

Ohad Rubin
6 min readMay 3, 2023

I came up with a nice workaround to get weight decay working on LayerNorm. GPT-4 will take it from here:


In the ever-evolving field of deep learning, neural networks are being developed with increased complexity, resulting in models that require effective regularization techniques to prevent overfitting. One such technique is weight decay, which plays a crucial role in striking the right balance between model complexity and generalization. On the other hand, Layer Normalization (LayerNorm) has emerged as an indispensable component in deep learning, streamlining the training process by normalizing the inputs within a layer. In this blog post, we will delve into the relationship between weight decay and LayerNorm, exploring the challenges of applying weight decay to LayerNorm parameters and proposing a reparameterization solution to overcome these obstacles.

To provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic, we will first discuss the concept of weight decay and its role in neural networks, followed by an introduction to LayerNorm and its parameters. We will then examine the difficulties of applying weight decay to LayerNorm parameters and present empirical evidence on the lack of consistent improvements when doing so. Subsequently, we will introduce a reparameterization solution that facilitates the application of weight decay in LayerNorm without introducing bias, while also illustrating how the reparameterization mitigates potential bias towards smaller scale values. Finally, we will delve into practical considerations, use cases, and potential applications of the reparameterized LayerNorm, culminating in a conclusion that encourages further research and exploration in this area.

Understanding Weight Decay in Neural Networks

Weight decay is a popular regularization technique used in neural networks to prevent overfitting and improve generalization. Regularization techniques aim to limit a model’s complexity by penalizing large weights or adding constraints, thus helping the model generalize better on unseen data. In the case of weight decay, a regularization term is added to the objective function, which imposes a penalty on the magnitude of the model’s weights. Specifically, weight decay involves adding the L2-norm of the weight vector multiplied by a hyperparameter (often denoted as λ) to the loss function. This hyperparameter, λ, controls the strength of the regularization, with larger values leading to a stronger penalty on the weights.

As a regularization technique, weight decay encourages the network to learn simpler and more robust representations of the input data. By penalizing large weights, weight decay pushes the model towards a simpler hypothesis space, effectively reducing the model’s complexity. This, in turn, helps to prevent overfitting, as complex models are more likely to memorize the noise in the training data rather than learning the underlying patterns. Consequently, weight decay contributes to the model’s generalization capabilities, ensuring that it performs well on both the training data and unseen data.

Weight decay also influences the model’s capacity, which refers to its ability to learn complex functions. While weight decay helps to mitigate overfitting, it is essential to strike a balance between model capacity and regularization strength. Over-regularization can limit the model’s capacity, hindering its ability to learn complex patterns and resulting in underfitting. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully choose the regularization strength, λ, to achieve the right balance between model complexity and generalization.

LayerNorm and its Parameters

Layer Normalization (LayerNorm) is a normalization technique used in deep learning to facilitate faster and more stable training of neural networks. Unlike other normalization methods, such as Batch Normalization, LayerNorm normalizes the inputs across the features within a single layer, independent of the batch size. This normalization is performed by computing the mean and standard deviation of the input values across the feature dimension and then scaling and shifting the input values accordingly. LayerNorm has been particularly successful in improving the performance of recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and transformer-based architectures.

Two learnable parameters, gamma (γ) and beta (β), are introduced in the LayerNorm process to provide the network with the flexibility to learn the optimal scaling and shifting of the normalized inputs. The normalized inputs are first scaled by gamma and then shifted by beta, both of which are learned during the training process alongside the other weights in the network. These learnable parameters play a distinct role compared to the weights in dense layers, as they directly control the scale and shift of the inputs after normalization, whereas dense layer weights are responsible for transforming the inputs between layers.

Initialization of the LayerNorm parameters is crucial for the network’s performance. Typically, gamma is initialized to ones, and beta is initialized to zeros. This initialization scheme ensures that, at the beginning of training, the LayerNorm layer acts as an identity function, leaving the inputs unchanged. Initializing gamma to ones allows the network to learn the appropriate scaling for the inputs, while initializing beta to zeros ensures that the mean of the normalized inputs is initially preserved. As training progresses, the network learns the optimal values for gamma and beta, enabling it to adapt the scale and shift of the normalized inputs based on the patterns it identifies in the data.

Challenges of Applying Weight Decay to LayerNorm Parameters

Applying weight decay to LayerNorm parameters, gamma and beta, can lead to several challenges that may impact the network’s performance. One major concern is the potential bias introduced by applying weight decay to these parameters. Since weight decay is designed to penalize large weights, it may bias the values of gamma and beta towards smaller magnitudes. This can be problematic, as it may prevent the model from learning the true scale and shift of the data distribution, thereby restricting its ability to adapt to the patterns present in the data.

The bias towards smaller values can limit the model’s ability to learn complex patterns and capture the full range of variations within the data. For example, if the optimal scale value is larger than the initial value of gamma, the network may struggle to reach this value, as weight decay would push gamma towards smaller values. This can lead to a suboptimal network configuration, which may not fully exploit the benefits of LayerNorm in normalizing the input data.

Empirical evidence also suggests that applying weight decay to LayerNorm parameters does not consistently yield improvements in performance. Some studies have found that applying weight decay to gamma and beta can, in certain cases, lead to worse performance compared to networks trained without weight decay on LayerNorm parameters. This lack of consistent improvements highlights the need for a more refined approach to incorporating weight decay in the context of LayerNorm, ensuring that the benefits of both regularization and normalization are fully realized without compromising the network’s ability to learn the true scale and shift of the data distribution.

Reparameterization Solution for Applying Weight Decay in LayerNorm

To address the challenges of applying weight decay to LayerNorm parameters, a reparameterization solution can be employed to facilitate the use of weight decay without introducing bias. The reparameterization involves redefining the scale parameter as `scale = 1 + gamma`. This modification ensures that gamma remains centered around zero, mitigating the bias towards smaller scale values that may occur when applying weight decay directly to the original gamma parameter.

The reparameterization affects the initial values of the scale and gamma parameters. With the original LayerNorm, gamma is initialized to ones, resulting in an initial scale of 1. Under the reparameterized LayerNorm, gamma is initialized to zeros, and since `scale = 1 + gamma`, the initial scale remains 1, effectively preserving the identity function behavior of LayerNorm at the beginning of training. Consequently, the reparameterization maintains the desirable properties of the original LayerNorm initialization while providing a more suitable foundation for applying weight decay.

The benefits of this reparameterization are manifold. Firstly, it allows for the application of weight decay without introducing bias towards smaller scale values, as gamma is now centered around zero. This enables the network to learn the true scale and shift of the data distribution more effectively, without the limitations imposed by weight decay bias. Secondly, the reparameterization makes it possible to harness the advantages of both weight decay and LayerNorm, potentially leading to improved performance and generalization. By mitigating the bias introduced by weight decay on LayerNorm parameters, the reparameterization solution offers a more robust approach to combining these powerful techniques in deep learning models.

