Your silence empowers our Genocide.

6 min readOct 27, 2023


Since October 7, the Israeli apartheid and U.S. army have been massacring civilians in Gaza in a gruesome genocide. This is not a war, this is the massacre of thousands of children, women, and innocent civilians. So far, More than 3,000 Palestinian children have been massacred. More than 7,000 innocent lives taken.

Furthermore; more than half of the homes in Gaza have been completely destroyed, leaving more than 1.4 million people in Gaza homeless. Gaza has no fuel, water, or clean food, it is a concentration camp with no escape, and hundreds of Palestinians are slaughtered every day.

Gaza Strip, Palestine —

One of the worst and most dehumanizing aspects of this genocide is that humanity is forcing us to display our dead children to the world in order to prove that our suffering is real and that we are being slaughtered, having to argue with ignorant entitled Westerners as to why Palestinian lives matter, to have to prove our humanity is a clear sign that racism lives strong in the West and blinds people’s hearts.

Do you think Palestinian lives are worth less than Ukrainian lives because they are not white? That is exactly the racism that Nazis and the KKK stood for, and it lives on today. Palestinians are massacred and ethnically cleansed, and there is no shortage of live footage.

It’s not easy for us to share photos of our dead babies and loved ones and the destruction of our homes. It’s not easy for us to keep talking about our trauma and grief. It’s not easy for us to take up this responsibility to save Palestinians while the world washes its hands from it.

Any human being with a shred of humanity left in them will know that they are responsible. More than 50% of Gaza is children and babies. More than 3,000 children have been slaughtered in less than 20 days. This is a genocide, and we all have to talk about it and do everything in our power to stop it or accept our responsibility and complicity with the genocide.

Child in Gaza Strip, Palestine —

Don’t make our suffering and the death of our children a trend that passes. Don’t only talk about it for a few days and wonder who is right or wrong. You have a moral responsibility towards the oppressed Palestinian people now and until it is free. Anyone silent to our genocide is complicit and guilty of this holocaust.

Most people are oblivious to the truth because they believe the narrative of the Western Media. They believe Israel and the US army are targeting terrorists, but more than 3,000 children were slaughtered, and more than 60% of the 7,000+ dead are women and children. Israel bombed churches, mosques, hospitals, schools, residential buildings, UN workers, evacuees, journalists, and they are not stopping. This is a holocaust, this is genocide. No matter how complicated a political situation is, you cannot intellectualize ethnic cleansing, you cannot intellectualize the slaughter of thousands of children. Intellectualizing it is simply rewriting the narrative to hide the truth and justify this genocide. Don’t fall for the lies, don’t be complicit.

Did you truly not notice that the Western narrative is always skewed towards the Israeli side? Do you not notice that whenever the Palestinian issue is brought up, we have to have our humanity cross-examined? It will take you a few minutes online to view the Western Media outlets hyper-focusing on Hamas to justify the genocide of the Palestinian people by the Israeli apartheid and the US army.

The Ministry of Health in Gaza stated that the health system in the hospitals in the Gaza Strip has completely collapsed. Electricity inside the busiest hospitals has been cut. Hundreds of pregnant women are losing their unborn infants due to the lack of care.

Mass graves in Gaza Strip, Palestine —

They are lying to people and brainwashing them to justify the killing of hundreds of innocent Palestinians every day. Thousands of babies and women were massacred, more than 47 families were completely wiped out, and more than 1.4 Palestinians became homeless, and the Western media will justify all this by saying Israel is targeting Hamas.

Many Westerners feel they owe it to Israel because of the holocaust to stay silent while they massacre us. Does one holocaust justify another? No, it does not. You need to understand that Israel is not a Jewish state, it is a Zionist colonial settlement. Not all Jews support Israel, in fact, many Jews stand against Israel, against Genocide. This has nothing to do with religion or with what happened in World War 2. Don’t guilt trip yourself or let the Western Media outlets gaslight you to be silent and complicit with the genocide.

Don’t be like the Western champions of human rights that were outraged about a World Cup in Qatar, but turn a blind eye to real footage of children and innocent people massacred in thousands.

Don’t be like the Western hypocrites who launched an international search of the open ocean for five people on the Titanic submarine, but turn a blind eye to more than 2 million people in Gaza being bombed and living in a concentration camp.

Gaza Strip, Palestine —

If you are feeling a heavy feeling in you while you read this, or while you see posts from Gaza and Palestine about the ongoing genocide, hold on to that heavy feeling, don’t you dare shut it up. That heavy feeling you’re carrying in your heart is your humanity.

That heavy feeling you’re carrying is your sense of responsibility to speak up for the oppressed Palestinian people and to do everything in your power to share the truth and stop the genocide. That heavy feeling is your responsibility to boycott Israeli companies or companies that support the Israeli apartheid regime. Don’t silence it and become complicit with the Israeli Zionist Apartheid, don’t become complicit with the genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and all over Palestine. Speak up against oppression, and boycott the brands that support the genocide.

Brands to boycott that support Israeli Zionist Apartheid —

To conclude;

Israel has bombed churches.

Israel has bombed hospitals.

Israel has bombed schools.

Israel has bombed mosques.

Israel has bombed evacuees.

Israel has bombed journalists.

Israel has bombed UN workers.

Israel has massacred more than 7,000 Palestinians in 20 days.


Israel has massacred more than 3,000 babies and children in less than 20 days.

Israel has massacred more than 2,000 women in less than 20 days.

Stand with Palestine against the oppression of the Israeli Apartheid regime and the US army. Stand with Palestine against oppression.

Don’t let your humanity die. Don’t be complicit with genocide.

Speak up for Palestine. Boycott Israel.

Free Palestine.

