Randy Rucker
5 min readFeb 4, 2018

Recently as I was sitting outside a Wheelersburg Ohio business I looked up and saw a gorgeous rainbow circling right over a church that Beverly and I had some while back visited. It was then that I was reminded that I should share our visit with the Cornerstone Church of the Nazarene which rests on a beautiful hill overlooking Wheelersburg Ohio. On any given Sunday that hillside is full of cars by those attending services there.

As a boy I was waiting for a surgery on my broken arm in the old Scioto Memorial Hospital. It happened as a Boy Scout accident where I was injured playing capture the flag. Anyway a tornado came barging into Wheelersburg creating havoc and destruction. The lives of at least one dear person was taken below where Beverly, I, Christopher and Stephanie Neff stood this day. My bed was needed so I gave it up and was supposed to go back later but never did. So I have had a crooked arm all my life. I said to several around me, can you see it. My ole left brain could see a frightening picture of that tornado crossing the Ohio River as we turned to walk into a church attended by my nephew Drew Rucker and his lovely family.

Jason Tackett who serves as the Assistant Pastor there opened the service saying he has a football allergy. I often pray with a humble heart and clear mind doing all I can to make my life straighter… I believe it was a reference to his use of following the bible when he said, “I use a coaches book and just do it”.

In his opening he said that he was praying the Lord would come to Wheelersburg Ohio on this day and that we might break those chains that tie us.

He asked that the Lord would guide us through all things dark and scary. Continuing, he prayed that we might be changed inside and out that we might witness to those around us and that we may live a life acceptable to the Lord. Bless those in these seats today. A friend from another church and a facebook friend was also here on our visit day. Beverly and Stephanie got a photo opportunity with her after the service. The church praise band was huge with Cindy Hammon on the piano. Vocals included Charon Hiles, and Teresa Chesmer. Guitar was Hector Reffit with electric guitarists being Ryan Rolfe and Ben Marvin. Bass, was Jeffrey Rider and on drums was Ryan Etterling and Keri Emnett playing keyboard. Thanks to Emily I got this information, but ordinarily do not.

The church guest Pastor, Riley Powell performed with and introduced the Jones family who we have now heard sing in I believe 4 different church services. They can be found at www.officialjones.com.

They opened with my life long friend, Steve Allen’s signature song, “It is well with my soul". This song has always had special meaning to Beverly and I as well.

I should add that Cornerstones regular Pastor is Matt Hancock. I previously mentioned Jason Tackett is the Assistant Pastor. Ryan Etterling and Hector Reddit also assist in Pastoral duties. Christa Riter is the childrens Pastor while Eli Reffit is the Praise and Worship Leader.

On the day we attended it was to be Riley Powell delivering the message. He opened with a passage from Hosea which reads, “Sow for yourselves righteousness; Reap in mercy; Break up your fallow ground, For it is time to seek the Lord, Till he comes and rains righteousness on you". Then he selected Micah, verse 12 and 13. Verse twelve, goes as follows: “I will surely assemble all of you, O Jacob. I will surely gather the remnant of Israel; I will put them together like sheep of the fold, Like a flock in the midst of their pasture; They shall make a loud noise because of so many people.

He then spoke of Samuel 23, verses 15 and 16. But he went on to say to the congregation that all should walk with God and referred to the mighty men of Daniel, walking with God!

He asked if we are people of faith or just church folks? He said that, “ too big for you is just right for God.” He went on to say, “Great God, Holy God, no God like him”. He asked if we are spiritual? “Talking about faith", he said….. “we are saved by faith, not by works".

He pointed out also that hope is not enough to get us to heaven and that it is impossible to please God without faith. We as a church and people must bring back faith of a mighty God back into the forefront of our lives.

That way, we can do mighty things for the Lord. The bible story of David points out great acts of faith from the past. However, still today our churches can do great things. Cornerstone, you are in a position to do something for this community. You can be a church of faith filled believers for this community. Spiritually we should each hunker down, open a can of beanie weanies and believe that God still gives us miracles today. You can put a Roth IRA up to draw from that knowing God is one thing, but living like we know God is another.

He spoke of Isaih 40:31: But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. This is a favorite of Pastors I find!

Lastly he spoke of several miracles of Jesus. He told the story of Jesus standing alongside the disciples on firm land watching in the midst of a storm. Jesus walked across the water and called for the storm to cease and it did. He said the eyes of Jesus Christ are on you.

In closing he said, we serve a God who still answers desperate prayers. He asked the congregation, do you want something of Christ? Hands went up.

If you are seeking a church in the Wheelersburg area you would be greatly welcome to attend the Cornerstone Church of the Nazarene. Stop by and pay them a visit. For a pictorial review of this day in church check out medium.com and search Randy Rucker.

As believers let us share the good news of Jesus Christ as Savior of the World. Each one reach one….See ya in church!