Spirituality as Intimacy with June Miller

June Miller
4 min readApr 10, 2020


This is your Daily Dose of Oh June, Now What?

About June Miller

June is a medical intuitive with over 30 years of expertise in personal growth and intuition. June has been featured on TV shows such as “The Today Show” and “Good Morning America,” in newspapers such as the New York Times, and on stages as a keynote speaker alongside well-known authors such as Dr. Wayne Dyer, Neale Donald Walsch, Dr. Barbara De Angelis, and Shakti Gawain.

Spirit on the Water

What began as a two bedroom home on the cliffs of St. Thomas turned into a palatial retreat center, Spirit on the Water. June wanted to create a safe place for people to do their personal work and for families and communities to BE together. Spirit on the Water is dedicated to the practice and rituals that remind us to be playful, to connect to one another, to dive deep into our spiritual practice, and to love, yes most of all, to love.

Daily Dose: Spirituality as Intimacy

For all of us who need a little lift, some wisdom and comfort during these troubling days, and a reminder that, though we are still, we can still move mountains — here’s your daily dose of Oh June Now What?

Be inspired. Call yourself into being.

Maria: Like June said in a previous Daily Dose, the way to the spiritual realm is within. In the end, there isn’t really a difference between outside and inside, so the way you access that fullness is yours to find. I know people who do not believe in God that are spiritual, and people who do believe in God that are not spiritual. It’s not about a name or an image. Your whole life is your own creation, so is the “Artist Formerly Known as God.”

One day, I was reading through some of June’s old writing that she sent me, and I stumbled upon a little sweet “junism.” As a child, she didn’t have many people to talk to, so June–being the positive force that she is–started speaking to God. June, even as a child, didn’t like that name too much either because of its connotations so she referred to “God” as the “pizza in the sky.”

The innocence and humor in that phrase is valuable to remember so that we don’t lose a sense of play and the personal in our interactions with “mysterious.” So June, now what? What about the pizza in the sky?

Ziem, Felix. Envol de Flamants Roses (1890–1895).

June: It’s not really a story. It’s a way to work with an elemental. People create so many stories around words. I have one client that, if you just mention the word boundaries, shrieks. He can’t hear anything past that, for example. In that same vein, I’ve worked with people over the years who do or don’t believe in God.

I noticed while I was leading groups that when I mentioned God, it would land a particular way in the room. I just started saying — “Pizza in the sky, again.”

June: Once, I was working with some kids in a school in the Virgin Islands. I wrote a program called The Power of Possibility. You can’t talk about God in schools, but we were doing personal development, so we were helping kids access the part of themselves so that they could feel connection. It comes in handy to not be attached to the word. Like anything, it’s a personal truth. It’s an intimate relationship with the universe, your God, Buddha, your right foot. It’s finding what works for you. You can’t get it wrong, as long as you give time, space, and recognition to the connection that’s bigger than you.

Maria: When you talk about that connection bigger than you…

June: I don’t really talk about it. I try to be the expression of what’s good for me, and help people look at themselves, so they can access their own relationship to that higher power. Partly, it’s just a recognition. There’s something going on that’s bigger than us, which we can feel when we lie down, and when we use our imagination, for example. It’s a tool; a resource.

Whatever you call it-universe, God, higher power-it’s about accessing an energy that’s there for your wellbeing.

If you’re lying down one day, as an exercise, think about a light in your heart. The light will grow. You’ll see the expansion of it, if you allow yourself to tune into it. You’ll fill the room, city, country, and world. You have energy way beyond the personality of who you think you are.

It’s not about woo-woo. Let’s not get caught up in the commercial aspect that goes with spirituality. It’s not about having the right line that you read in a book. It’s not about practicing yoga everyday.

A spiritual connection is very personal and intimate-give yourself time for that.

Interview: Maria Mocerino



June Miller

Gifted & Highly Intuitive Enthusiast Wired for Transformation of People and Spaces at https://www.spiritonthewater.com