IV: Envisioning a New Womanhood

Osarumwnse Igbinovia
2 min readApr 15, 2024


Women of color were barred entirely from the formation of womanhood. The symbolism of their features, complexions, and personalities does not align with society’s definition of womanhood. A definition that assumes the oppression and inferiority of non-whiteness. This definition is passed down from mother to daughter to granddaughter. It’s so invasive that it’s now invisible and seen as the hegemonic truth. A latent hegemonic truth that fuels self-hatred, disgust, and despair for women of color. Leaving them only with the feeling of inferiority about womanhood and femininity.

They must always fight an uphill battle to prove they are women enough for society. Many will take the route of plastic surgery and hypersexuality because it’s easier. It’s the quickest way to obtain approval for womanhood. No inner work must be done on why they feel they need to alter their bodies. No one has to question the status quo and the formation of womanhood. For many women of color, it is easier to join the masses and their definition of womanhood.

This is in no way shaming women for going down the paths of plastic surgery or hypersexuality. It can bring a feeling of euphoria and inner love for women of color. A feeling that has been lost and forgotten since childhood. However, if we want to ensure more girls of color never lose this feeling, we must do the inner work. We must start to question why we feel the need to modify our bodies and personalities. We need to question why many of us feel ugly in our natural existence. We have to question who taught us that our natural existence excluded us from beauty and womanhood.

After we have done the inner work to question our biases, we must start teaching our young girls that they are beautiful and womanly just the way they are. That their natural features do not symbolize sully and evil ideals. They must always be told they are feminine and womanly with their natural features. Until it’s a hegemonic truth within them.

Communities of color and white folks must also help distort the hegemonic belief of womanhood. They must also question why they model femininity after a white woman. They must see through the cracks in the definition of womanhood. They have to be willing to teach themselves and others how this definition actively harms women of color. This will help lead to a space where a new formation of womanhood can occur. Womanhood that accepts, loves, and cherishes all women despite their differences. One where unity triumphs over division. A space where no one feature is valued more than another. A new womanhood that distorts, disputes, and destroys the old racist and sexist formation.

