What Is ProGuard Insurance?

A-1 Oil Tank Removal NJ
3 min readApr 8, 2022


ProGuard tank protection is insurance protecting active oil tanks on properties through their oil provider. It covers aboveground and underground tanks. A lot of homeowners using oil heat count on ProGuard for their oil tank insurance. If your client or yourself has ProGuard and they are wanting to sell their home, there are a few things you should be made aware of first. They may want to take the tank out and convert to gas, making it more appealing to buyers. You may advise them to go ahead and remove the oil tank, but that would not be the best option.

Do Not Put In The Gas Line

If you or your client gives the go-ahead to put in the gas line before pulling the tank out, they will have voided their contract with ProGuard. All the money that has gone into the insurance will be voided. You will want your client to thoroughly read through their contract before making the switch over to gas.

Call ProGuard

If you have any questions regarding your contract or need a clearer picture of what needs to be done, call ProGuard and talk to a representative. You will need to tell them that you want to do a ‘voluntary pull’ and what needs to happen to be able to have that done within the contract terms because you want to sell the property or convert to gas. ProGuard will go through the process with you. The last thing you want to do is accidentally void your contract and lose your money invested.

Should I Switch To Gas?

You or your client will have to have a company come in that can conduct soil testing with a guarantee. Without the guarantee, you risk paying more expenses. Simple Tank can come to the home and examine whether or not there is contamination. Your client or you, as the homeowner, need to decide then if you really want gas. Simple Tank will be able to tell you if the tank is leaking and what the price will be. It may not be worth it for you or the homeowner to invest in switching to gas. If you still want to be covered under your insurance with ProGuard, you have to stick with oil for twelve months with a leaking tank. They will deliver an aboveground tank and deliver new oil.

However, if you are facing only a minor cleanup due to the leakage, it might be worth it to just have Simple Tank pull the tank. Simple Tank will be able to assess the damage and give you a guarantee on price. Smaller cleanups are going to be less expensive. Then, you would be able to convert to gas and sell the property.

It is important that you or the homeowner understands the ramifications of pulling out a leaking tank under contract with ProGuard. If you want to know the extent of the damage and how much soil contamination there is, Simple Tank will be able to provide that with you before you make your decision.



A-1 Oil Tank Removal NJ

If you're in West Orange, NJ, and in need of professional oil tank removal services, your solution is A-1 Oil Tank Removal NJ.