Environmental features of the OILWELLCOIN project

Oilwell Coin
2 min readSep 4, 2019


The OillWell project takes into account the environmental features of the area and environmental protection in oil production. The company will make technical decisions based on environmental laws and environmental principles.

To reduce the environmental impact of oil production, OilWell will conduct a series of activities that will solve the key environmental problems of mineral production.

At all stages of field development, environmental studies will be carried out and a project for assessing the environmental impact will be implemented. An environmental protection plan will be created, potential waste from oil production and consumption will be evaluated, the enterprise will have an environmental passport.

OilWell will use the latest technological equipment, which significantly reduces the environmental impact of oil production. In addition, the project takes into account the interests of the local population, which conducts agricultural activities in the region.

Environmental Compliance will be regularly reviewed by the OilWell team. Independent bodies will also participate in the control: the territorial nature protection committee, commissions organized at the initiative of the public of the district, region, interested state bodies, departments, etc. The results of all checks will be carefully documented.

OilWell and other regulatory bodies will monitor the accuracy and regularity of monitoring the environmental impact of the project, the implementation of environmental protection measures, compliance with technical specifications and the company’s environmental reporting.

