Project team

Oilwell Coin
2 min readOct 23, 2019


The OilWell team has decades of experience in the field of oil production. The project is being developed by professional geologists, engineers, lawyers, and financiers of a new generation. We believe that innovative technologies will change the oil market and make it possible to make big profits.

Project CEO — Alan Kokaev. He has over 25 years of experience managing large oil and gas companies. Alan is the creator and manager of several of his own investment projects in Russia. In 2015, he became CEO of Demiurg LLC, a member of the OilWellCoin group of companies.

The chief project engineer (CPE) is Musa Jamalkhanov. For more than 45 years, he managed drilling operations at oil enterprises in Russia and abroad. Musa is a co-author of the methodology of accelerated drilling of wells with a depth of more than 4800 m, which allows you to quickly develop a field with an annual oil production of more than 75,000 barrels per day.

Batrbek Kusov, Ph.D. with 50 years of experience in the oil industry, became the project’s chief geologist. He is a member of a number of scientific institutions in Russia, the author, and co-author of more than 60 scientific papers. Batrbek managed geological developments at national companies, as well as at enterprises in the CIS countries.

Finance OilWell is managed by Magomed Khadisov, project CFO. Magomed is an adviser to the Minister of Industry and Energy of the Chechen Republic. He has many years of experience in the financial, investment and operational fields in large public and private corporations.

Business Development Director (CBDO) is Artemy Soldatenkov with 15 years of experience in large corporations. He also created several startups of his own, and for the past five years, he has been involved in blockchain projects and IoT.

Sarkis Darbinyan — project lawyer. He is an expert in cyberlaw, a managing partner of the Center for Digital Rights, and a member of the supervisory board of the Internet Support Foundation. Sarkis is a professional in the field of blockchain project support.

Our team is expanding: we are looking for experienced advisers who are ready to develop an innovative project in the field of oil production. In addition, OilWell is looking for ambassadors to represent the company in its region.

