A Beginner’s Guide to Containers and Dockers

Abodunde Abayomi Ojo
4 min readMay 20, 2022



The question now is: what exactly is Docker?

Docker is a group of the platform as a service (PaaS) tools that provide software in containers using OS-level virtualization. There are two levels of service: free and premium. Docker Engine is the program that runs the containers. Docker, Inc. began it in 2013 and continues to develop it.
Docker, on the other hand, is a platform for consistently building, operating, and deploying programs.

Also, Note:

A Dockerfile is a set of text comprising Docker-related instructions. When we talk about a Docker file, we’re talking about a text file that provides almost all of the command prompt commands for creating an image. Docker allows users to create automated builds that follow a set of function commands. This page explains the commands inside the Dockerfile.

The Docker Hub is the world’s biggest repository of container images, featuring content from a variety of sources such as container community developers, open-source tools, and independent software vendors (ISVs) who build and distribute their code in containers. Users can choose between using public free repositories when storing and sharing photographs or paying for private repositories.

Docker Architecture And Components

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Let me walk you through the elements of a docker architecture.

Docker Engine
It is the most important component of the Docker system. The Docker Engine program has a client-server architecture. It is set up on the host computer. The Docker Engine is made up of three parts:

  • Server: the docker daemon, is the server. It has the ability to create and manage Docker images. Containers, networks, and so forth.
  • The Rest API: is used to tell the Docker daemon what to perform.
  • CLI (Command Line Interface): It’s a client that lets you run Docker commands.

Docker’s Client:

The docker client Users can interact with Docker via Docker clients. When a client issues a docker command, the docker daemon executes it. The Docker API is used by Docker commands. The Docker client can communicate with several Docker hosts.

Docker Objects :
When working with Docker, you’ll come across images, containers, volumes, and networks, which are all Docker objects.

Docker Registries :

what simply happens here is the location where Docker images are kept. It can be either a public or a private docker registry. Docker Hub is the public registry where Docker images are stored by default. You can also start your own private register and manage it.

Docker images contain read-only templates that provide instructions for launching a Docker container. A Docker image can be downloaded from a Docker hub and used as is, or you can modify it by adding additional commands to the base image. A docker file can also be used to construct your own docker images. Create a docker file containing all of the instructions for creating containers and run it; your unique docker image will be created.

Volumes store persistent data generated via Docker and consumed by Docker containers. Docker manages them entirely via the Docker CLI / Docker API. Neither Linux nor Windows containers can use volumes. Using volumes rather than the container’s writable layer to persist data is often a good option. Because the content of volume lives outside of a container’s lifecycle, utilizing volume does not raise the container’s size.

Docker networking:

is a channel through which all separated containers can communicate with one another. In Docker, there are primarily five network drivers:

The Bridge is the container’s default network driver. When the application is executing on independent containers, i.e., many containers talking to the same Docker host, you use this network.

Host: This driver breaks the network isolation amongst docker containers and even the host. It’s used when network separation between the host and container isn’t required.

Overlay: services can communicate with one another thanks to this network. It’s utilized when containers have been running on separate Docker hosts or even when numerous applications form swarm services.

macvlan: This driver gives containers mac addresses to make them appear like actual devices. Through their mac addresses, traffic flows between containers. This network is shown when you want to have the containers appear as if they were physical devices, such as when transferring a VM configuration.

None: This driver turns off all networking.



A container: is essentially an isolated environment for running and application development. As a result, they are separated from one another and contain their own software, libraries, as well as configuration files; they could communicate with one another over well-defined channels. Containers utilize fewer resources because they all access the services of a common operating system kernel.

Advantages Of Docker Containers

Below are some key benefits of containerization, amongst many others.

  • They allow the running of multiple applications in isolation.
  • They are light in weight (mobility). Therefore, they can run anywhere.
  • They make use of the host’s operating system.
  • They start quickly.
  • They need less hardware. resources


I hope this article has given you a better understanding of Docker, containers, and some of their key components. Remember to give the author a round of applause. Please also add your comments below.



Abodunde Abayomi Ojo

I am a graphics designer as well as a DevOps practitioner who is keen about tech researches and providing solutions to Devops-based problems