Neither Flat, nor Round, but a Flower

Travel Guide through Reality. Part 2: Our Multilayered Self and the Fabric of Time

Ojo de Bárbar
27 min readOct 3, 2018

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Our Multilayered Self and the Fabric of Time

In order to thoroughly comprehend the multidimensionality of being, we first have to stop identifying ourselves merely with this bio-computer we recognize as our physical body. It’s just a vessel. An avatar for active existence in a three-dimensional world. The name given by our parents first and foremost belongs to our physical vessel, not to our truest (Higher) self.

As sublime, omnipresent and eternal six-dimensional spirits (monads; I AMs; Higher Selves) we all take part in a grand cosmic quantum computer game by picking up one of the infinite amount of universal macrobramphatures to sign into a planetary, solar or lunar bramphature, where we would experience an inter-individual existence within its matrices of various-density realms. And for many of us, this is not our first bramphature.

By thinking of ourselves as this physical body alone, we kind of resemble an actor who continues playing his role off the stage, thereby losing his own identity; this eventually may lead to a conflict with the rest of the world, as playing a role restraining by its nature — becomes the sole reason for his existence. Living merely in the name of the physical body is an egocentric endeavor with a palpable risk of self-destruction.

Within our biological avatar there’s also an emotional body (etheric body, commonly known as soul; aura; psyche), unseen to the naked, sub-etheric eye: the very body with all those pranic energy transmitting meridians that acupuncturists and Reiki masters tend to work upon.
It has its own specific density — emotional frequency — levels, which are strongly related to the notion of karma: the lower (darker) our soul resonates, the deeper we dive into this sub-etheric oblivion, where sportsmen are cherished (and even worshiped) so much more than, say, groundbreaking scientists.

Everyone but the dead themselves are afraid of death, as whatever comes after it, remains unknown for the masses. What if you had only five days left to live, would you just stop doing what you didn’t like and embrace each forthcoming second, fulfilling it with whatever your heart desired? Would you finally take care of your emotions then?
Memento mori remember about death.

Each of our internal organs, including the brain, is covered by its own local etheric network belonging to the emotional body. Our psyche — the etheric network the brain is enveloped in — is in charge of our emotional reactions toward the external stimuli.
And the etheric network around our heart is what we refer to as conscience — people capable of cruelty are therefore dubbed heartless.

The etheric (emotional) body

Furthermore, inside this bio-emotional body-complex we have our three-dimensional inner astral body with its seven chakras, which are in fact subtle-energy vortices of much finer, astral light refraction (5density), responsible for the quality of the emotions our etheric body generates. And the first five usually get blocked when we 1) live in fear; 2) feel guilty; 3) surrender to shame; 4) grieve, hate or get angry; and 5) lie to ourselves.
The permanent displays of 1) courage; 2) self-esteem; 3) determination and willpower; 4) love; and 5) honesty heal the said blockages. We attract life events that resonate with our emotional condition.
Also, being in the state of love and compassion refines our gamma brain waves, which helps us process incredible amounts of information pretty quickly, as well as remember it and retrieve that memory later.

To hate, to despise, to worry — these are actions of mental quality. Anyways, by being actions — just like running, jumping or drumming — they still consume our energy as we act. And if we continuously perform such low quality mental actions, our chakras will malfunction, wrecking our emotional body — eventually, this may have its negative impact on our physical vessel in the form of a disease.
The spiritual healers
don’t need any pharmacological drug to heal their patients, as they clear the emotional body at the sub-atomic level with the light of their awareness, curing the cause of the disease, not its impact. Whereas the chemical method (often full of side-effects) works only for a physical body that is already sick. And each and every one of us can become his/her own spiritual healer, if we learn to control our negative emotions.

The 3D (inner) astral body with its six chakras, plus the crown one on top. While the root chakra (the red one) is actually located at our feet.

Meanwhile, our illusory sense of being separate from one another pollutes the sixth chakra — literally, our bright, intuitive mind, the eye of our omni-present I AM on the 3D floor of Gaia. Many of our species, given the sub-etheric density of this matrix, have forgotten about their multilayered selves and that we all come from the same Source Absolute Consciousness; God; All That Is; Tao; Zero Point (many also just call the Universe).

“You are not a human being in search of a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being immersed in a human experience.”

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Each monad whatever spiritual growth he/she has is just a droplet from the unbounded ocean of Absolute Consciousness. The bigger is the droplet, the more experienced is the spirit.

When we see people littering in the park, instead of scorning them mentally (common, yet negative reaction), we’d better fix their misdeed ourselves by just getting up and cleaning after them, just like we would deal with our own litter, with no ego whatsoever; some sleep way too deeply, and once we realize this, we no longer despise our fellow humans but correct their mistakes humbly, without seeking any appraisal for ourselves. And by learning to observe our observations, we finally understand that everyone is connected to everyone else.

As for the seventh (cosmic; crown) chakra hovering above our astral head, it acts up because of our Earthly attachments, for instance, when we refuse to let go of the things and creatures we love and live for; resistance to any undergoing change is against the natural flow of life — one needs to be fluid enough to handle its unexpected circumstances.

Awareness and absolute freedom clear the waste out of the sixth and seventh chakras respectively.

“Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless like water. Now you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup; you put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle; you put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot.”

Bruce Lee

Chakras correspond to the colors of the rainbow.

Also, this our 5density body is the one we astral project with (follow the provided links for more details) as if a phantom, made of luminiferous vapor, sneaking all around the simulated material universe; jumping from one personal-timestream to another, experiencing the parallel quantum realities, where we never quit school, or did actually move to Australia. Simply by thinking of a friend of ours residing in a foreign country is enough to appear around him and see how he’s doing — live (in real time), as though spying on him.
Astral projection is an unforgettable experience that truly heals all the human fears of afterlife nothingness (especially when you look at your physical body from the other side).

We can also meet other people practicing it, for instance, a friend who at that moment is astral projecting too, and together we’ll fly across the cities of our planet, and through all realities, all six dimensions and ten light-density corridors of Gaia.

In fact, from the perspective of our astral self, the whole reality radiates with the softness of a moonlit night even as we astral project while the Sun is up (which, by the way, is highly recommended for the beginners due to our archetypal fears of darkness). It is as though a cold silvery-blue photo editing filter has been applied to the whole world around us.

As for our emotional body, its density is initially of the organic, fourth level, matching the original etheric light refraction frequencies. However, it’s subject to dramatic shifts, depending on our overall karmic issues and ability of handling various psychological fluctuations.

The emotional (etheric) body can be imagined as a karmic anchor enveloping our 3D astral body. And if heavy enough it may cause an individual to get stuck inside the wheel of continuous sub-etheric reincarnations for indefinite time, or even worse, in case of violations of ethical laws — trap him inside the infra-physical (under-dense) worlds of retributions, until he successfully unties his personal karmic knot.

The institute of karma exists due to the attack of malevolent forces on Gaia, distorting the laws of co-creation and global friendship by spreading the concept of egocentric owning more on this in the further parts.

By the way, when one astral projects — his etheric body stays within the physical, while the astral body temporarily leaves the latter with a luminescent light-cord connected to it as if a naval-string (seen only when the Sun is down).
The etheric body leaves its physical vessel only when one dies or is having a near-death experience.
Whether an individual will return onto Earth after his physical death, or stay in higher density worlds depends on his karmic knot — if someone leaves this matrix unsatisfied, for instance, having wasted his life on something that never deserved to get so much attention from him, he most certainly will reincarnate here to heal his karmic issues.

Our scientists still haven’t invented a device to detect those subtle-material energy vortices of astral light density (nor the etheric fabric of our emotional body), nevertheless, the denial of their existence is pure ignorance — a fading echo of radical materialism, that still considers consciousness hiding somewhere inside the brain…
The global educational system is in desperate need of adequate reforms, so children could learn early on about chakras and other multidimensional topics. This would let us have much healthier and awoke society.

Take a look at yourself in the mirror. This is most certainly not the first biological body your 3D astral body occupies — you’ve had many faces, living in various epochs of this matrix (though some of us haven’t been here for many centuries, instead dwelling in higher/lower density worlds).

And while meditating we snooze our bio-etheric processor, i.e. our brain and psyche, switching to the no-thought mode to experience the world strictly from the cameras (all the three eyes) of our astral body, which is the ultimate fragment of our truest, primordial self (consciousness; spirit), carrying one of the two polar energies — plus or minus, that is, masculine or feminine.

How ironic it sounds, when a given physical body doubts the existence of its soul (and spirit), looking for its consciousness among the neurons of the gray matter — the receiver of our spirit’s ray of attention.

The brain — our rational (analytical) mind, is a cunning trickster that keeps us under its control. Meditations help us regain our independence and stop being slaves to our physical biocomputers. Not so needy anymore…
Everything is light, and light is information, thus the quality of its discernment is correlated with our intuitive mind’s (the astral body’s) independence level from the analytical one (the physical vessel), as our soul (the emotional body) fusses in-between. Being out of mind is not a diagnosis, but the true state of the self; one may continue living a fulfilling life, free of the confines of the rational mind and without becoming a menace to society.

Meditation — the stopping of our inner dialogue — is immensely important: it increases our self-awareness, and teaches us to refer to everything — whether pains or pleasures — as information, which we are encouraged to observe and let go, instead of overreacting to it. Plus, meditation helps balance our hormones, keeping us operating at our optimal level.

After all, life tends to flow much smoother if one lives in harmony and balance, expressing gratitude toward whatever he already possesses.

Moderation is immensely important: when you need, say, a chair, you will certainly try to get a comfortable one. Yet you don’t need to waste your time on earning more money so as to purchase a chair that also has massaging functions, since your previous purchase already possesses all the necessary attributes of something to sit on without struggling — if you keep on looking for а better chair (or anything else that offers beyond its primary attributes), you may easily become a victim/slave of the consumerist society with its plastic, strictly materialistic values, which sneakily make you avoid remembering the primary purpose of your incarnation in this matrix.

Most of the people we love were next to us in many of our past lives, yet we can’t recall our previous incarnations due to our inactive “third-eye”. By learning to meditate, and especially by practicing it continuously we can gain access to our “deep memory” and remember who we were before this incarnation — all our past lives are awaiting to be “replayed” by our activated “third-eye”.

If you look deep enough, you’ll see in everyone — even in the person that is a horrible criminal — his inner child; and once you are able to see children in your parents, grandparents, presidents, bishops, etc., then you’ll recognize their souls. You’ll see that any criminal is a misbehaving kid who is too heavily absorbed in the game, so his retribution will hardly warm your heart, since you realize that though he deserves his punishment, there’s nothing to be happy about — the sweetness of revenge is an egocentric concept, and consciously wishing someone to suffer is not godly at all. Meanwhile, you realize that neither your relatives, nor the politicians and the clergy have really grown up — instead they successfully hide their real selves behind those adult masks.

We all forget that behind our adult masks there are in fact five-year-old children playing their careless games. Don’t take yourself too seriously. By remaining mature, try to leave the inner kid awake.

And if you’re able to recognize your very self in everyone else, then I bow my head before you in humility.

As 3D human beings, living in a 3density sub-etheric matrix, we perceive reality with two eyes only, i.e. reacting to circumstances with a radical duality and hasty judgment: black and white — just like this text. And it’s so typical of carbon-based lifeforms, whose third-eye (the sixth chakra, located within our pineal gland) is predominantly inactive, and the multidimensional nature of reality is felt only during some spiritual practices and/or psychedelic rituals.

When someone insults you, there is always an option to not hit back.
For example, you may accidentally cut someone’s way when driving a car, thus receiving an avalanche of negative reactions. However, your offender, not knowing you personally, doesn’t even have a full picture of your character — if he did, you’d probably be good friends. He merely acts as a victim of radical dualism, habitually expressing negative reactions, and has nothing against your persona — he’s just a player submerged into this matrix-game a little too much. Thus, refraining from hitting back is the wisest thing to do.

There is a couple of three-dimensional matrices of cosmic-extension in Gaia’s original, etheric hyperspace where life is based on molecules of silicon/crystalline. Each of these etheric planetary platforms belong to a different (alternative) version of our simulated 3D material universe. Within such 4density worlds ether is totally obedient and, as a result, the chakras of their inhabitants are not blocked; DNA is fully active; magic is real; time does not seem linear; and telepathy is a pretty mundane skill.

Whereas in our 3density world, due to the sub-etheric speed of light, one usually struggles to open his third-eye to behold his personal quantum field of probabilities, known also as a reality bubble.
So, the crystalline-based dwellers of the 4density matrices, unlike us, perceive time not as a straight line from the past to the now moment and beyond, but as a whole spherical spiral, and in addition to this, thanks to their wide open third-eye, they play with matter, i.e. with ether itself, using their sheer intention and attention (focus). They know the potential outcomes of the observable future and are capable of time travelling — mentally returning into the past to re-live all the beautiful moments of days gone by. Thereby they would never forget the eyes of those they loved. The eyes they claimed to be the most beautiful thing they had ever seen, promising to never quit looking into their mesmerizing universe.

It is as though they step down onto the lower floor of time where their past is recorded, and climb up to the higher one to take a peep at the upcoming events if necessary.

By contrast, in our matrix, linear time slowly deletes the details of the past from our reality bubble, so all that remains there from the memories of those eyes is the dense and boundless blackness of their pupils.

And the love dramas of sub-etheric worlds where couples have to split due to various troubles dictated by survival issues, when one of them is forced to fly away forever to the other side of the globe to eventually bury their love under the leaden blankets of time, is surely unknown for the dwellers of crystalline planetary platforms…

Moreover, those 4density entities, by experiencing the completeness of time thanks to its original, spheric-spiral nature, exist in at least two places simultaneously: they are able to shift their attention from one personal-timestream to another as though switching TV channels.
And as Daniel L. Andreev, having a huge experience of interdimensional travels across all the planes of Gaia, wrote, “the synchronicity of their being wakens them to the fullness of life to a degree unknown to us.”

While our limited time perception “is a suffering, that resembles an awareness of one’s limitations, a searing feeling of powerless spite, a constant reminder of the enticing opportunities one is not in the position to take advantage of. Some of us would call it being ‘so close yet so far’ or recognize it as the torment of Tantalus.

So, foreseeing of the near future and re-living of the past events are absolutely accessible in the worlds of the original design, where the quality of reality could be compared to a 1080pixel fullHD video, while this sub-etheric planetary platform of ours is rather a 240pixel flash-video. And the worlds of the astral hyperspace would then resemble a 4K quality, since the fabric of astral light is even subtler than that of ether.

In other words, if our inverted matrix were an oldschool audio-cassette with all its limitations of the instant song-choice, then the original, etheric matrix would resemble a digital compact-disc.
Or suppose that right now you are not reading this travel guide, but dancing at your friend’s party you’ve been so hesitant to attend; the quantum parallel is there for you to live up each of these two separate personal-timestreams/realities, simply by switching your attention from one to another anytime you want. Just like in a video game, you can choose, for instance, to play with two different sports teams, thereby starting two separate careers (as if timestreams) which exist concurrently on the same platform (hard drive). And you may switch your attention from one to another anytime you want. Completeness of time — full access to the personal quantum field of probabilities.
Remember those ancient internet browsers of the 1990s, with only one tab available for your web-surfing?

It would seem a nightmare now, as everyone at least has two or (much) more tabs open in their fancy browsers; truly, this is what the simultaneous existence inside quantum parallel realities would look like — the original, non-linear, synchronistic time perception.

But in such a 3density world, alas, we access our personal quantum/astral field of probabilities only after unplugging (falling asleep; astral projecting) from the bio-etheric body-complex. At least, when unplugged, we’re sometimes able to get a glimpse of the future events (having also access to visit our past lives); wander all around the alternative timestreams of our life, living up the quantum parallel scenarios where totally opposite choices have been made; we can even time travel mentally, by virtue of our 3D astral body — entering our, for example, 18-year-old self on a particular day in the past, conversing with our friends of days gone by, giving them some adult advice to tweak the past events for good, thus influencing on the present as well.

Yes, everything happens in the now, and the past is being recreated with each new second: the said mental time travels into days gone by simply refine our present reality, so our adult advice will count.
Actually, your future self is watching you right now through his (your) memories from his present in which you are…right now
, i.e. by being in the now, you are concurrently in the future and in the past.
Know thy quantum physics — the future affects the past.

You are always. You are now. You are outta time.

Like in Zoroaster’s eternal recurrence: whatever will happen has happened before.

The moment consists of infinity, therefore, every circumstance that is possible to imagine, even the most impossible one, is inevitable. And since the moment is infinite, a whole infinity has passed until the very moment you read this, which means that any possible course of events should have already happened. Whatever is observed, is a recurrence. When you install a game and play it for the first time, you run a program that has already been written.

How it all began — it will begin again.

Simona, always remember,
Whatever will happen has happened before:
Another November; a better December;
That heavenly pleasure of being adored.

Such indivisibility of the now moment explains the well-known phenomenon of déjà vu, occurring due to the spheric-spiral nature of time.

The moment you turned, say, four years old, and the moment you read these lines — it is one and the same indivisible moment. You were four less than a moment ago. Life passes in one moment. There is so much more to come. Take it easy.
And you’ve already read this before… Déjà vu.

As long as the Sun rises in the east to set in the west, tomorrow, today will be yesterday, and yesterday, today was tomorrow.

Remember the future, imagine the past.

Nothing is more precious than the moment itself.
It is immensely important not to waste our time floating in the bottomless oceans of the past, or soaring pointlessly in the fearful skies of the indeterminate future, as these both constructs do not matter indeed — everything happens only in the now.

“If you are depressed you are living in the past.
If you are anxious you are living in the future.
If you are at peace you are living in the present.”


The moment strives to be cherished, since there is nothing besides it; by blinking, we’re already missing a lot

Carpe diem. Seize the moment.

All of existence is one epic journey through the moment.

When we realize that the external world is not something separate from us, but the essential part of our omnipresent I AM, we acquire absolute freedom and at last enjoy every moment of our existence.

After all, our bio-emotional body-complex serves as a light conductor for our three-dimensional astral body of the 5density to play in the worlds of ether/sub-ether.
We are physically incarnated as lifeforms based on carbon — literally, as flesh and bones, bodies of meat.

Our avatar is essentially too dense to be an adequate conductor for our own astral self — that’s why we can’t hear our intuitive mind clearly enough and be less judgmental of circumstances. For instance, a seemingly evil deed may be done for the prevention of greater evil (and vice versa), so we’d better not rush with our linear conclusions.

We all come from the same Source, yet the lack of awareness feeds the illusion of our separation. Maybe that’s why the last words of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe were “No one has ever properly understood me, I have never fully understood anyone; and no one understands anyone else”.

By Ohm’s law the rate of the light transmittance is strictly correlated with the quality of the conductor; no wonder why all the computer chips and other semiconductors are based on silicon, and not carbon. This physical body is a bio-computer, and our multilayered I AM, as a fractalized, primordial light of Absolute Consciousness/God, keeps it switched on with the ray of his/her attention. And such a carbon bio-computer absorbs too much of our spirit’s attention — frequently blocking the inner voice of our 3D astral self, thereby negatively affecting the overall quality of our decision-making and distracting us from our true life path.

Our omnipresent I AM (spirit; Higher Self; monad)

While in the case of a mental disorder, a certain bio-emotional body-complex with heavy karmic anchor barely receives the ray of his/her spirit’s attention, thus resembling a wrecked motherboard. Such people can actually see through the sub-etheric veil, yet often their childhood traumas, causing them emotional sufferings, tune their intuitive mind to perceive mostly the nasty, infra-physical side of the otherworldly. After all, hallucinations are not mere products of our imagination, but a glimpse of a reality much complicated than ours, a reality of higher (or lower) light density, sharing the same spatial dimension with our matrix. Our physical eyes are not capable of seeing anything besides this one world, but our astral third-eye surely is.
We’ve got strongly limited vision:

This is a blivet — an impossible trident. Our eyes cannot catch the full picture of it no matter how hard we try.

Everything is light. And we shall weight like light to experience the unbearable lightness of being. For it indeed becomes unbearable once you realize that few remember how it feels to be an essential part of everything else.

Only two strands of our DNA have been left active (just to code proteins for the chemical make up of our organism, nothing more) ever since the decline of Atlantean and Lemurian eras. DNA itself is like an infinitesimal quantum computer stored in our physical body.

About 8000–10,000 years ago (130–90 centuries BC), when these two legendary civilizations were in their prime, the hermeticistic teachings had widely been known and, as a result, the contemporaries had more than two DNA strands active, with much better access to the etheric internet — the cosmo-telepathic network.
Alas, all of the twelve strands cannot be simultaneously active in our world due to the latter’s sub-etheric nature.

A DNA strand forms a spiral called a double helix

The most obvious flaw of a carbon based avatar is its extreme vulnerability — it gets sick, ages (wears out); its bones tend to crush. Plus, our chakras are in need of a continuous tune-up, and due to the sleeping sixth chakra, many people still blindly refer to telepathy as Sci-Fi.

As a matter of fact, with all our modern technological and socio-economic achievements we blatantly consider our society to be civilized, however, we have nothing else to compare our progress with but our own obscure past. Hence, due to the very same reason, a given mid-18th century newly industrializing society too would think of itself as a civilized one, just like the citizens of even earlier, the Renaissance-hit 16th century Republic of Venice, would; mortal arrogance is typical of the 3density worlds of oblivion, drenched in ever-present survival fears.

If 500 years ago one would naively claim, “Oh we’ll never know what stars consist of,” today, many display the same attitude toward the mysteries of the afterlife journey, whereas such matters are truly within the frames of human comprehension, and, fortunately, we now live in a century when the misty veil separating our world from the multidimensional wonders of Gaia steadily fades away. In this matrix, where almost no one remembers his/her past life, the metageographic knowledge is of immense importance.

The inscription says, “Screw your reality…”

Or imagine explaining to the people of the 1st century, whether it’s BC or AD, how the internet works… How would you explain to them texting? Nowadays, understanding the telepathy may still seem too complicated, but we’ll definitely get it, as our species currently undergoes evolution of consciousness. Our paradigm shift is a matter of inter-cosmic interest. It’s a great time to be incarnated here.

And while the scientists discover the electromagnetic secrets of the Great Pyramids of Giza, it gradually becomes obvious to the masses that the development of our civilization has never gone in a linear manner, and the ancients did possess some legit data on the true essence of reality.

Every living being, having its own quantum field of probabilities — a personal “reality bubble” — is indeed a “walking-timestream.”

In other words, our astral body is encased in our personal quantum reality bubble, and by becoming deeply self-aware and resonating positive emotions, we open up only those quantum doors that lead us to the most comfortable, abundant and joyful realities — the best outcomes of all our daily events, whether of the great significance, or not so. When living in bliss and displaying generosity we bring abundance into our reality.
Our original life path itself was carved in our quantum field of probabilities before our physical birth — it is our main personal-timestream we are supposed to hold on to, where everything happens not only for our greater good, but also for everyone’s we love, and sometimes — in our nation’s, or even in the whole planet’s best interest. And all we need to do in order to stay within our life path’s quantum borders is to listen to our heart and intuitive mind.

This sub-etheric life is a quantum computer game your Higher Self plays from a 6D planetary platform through a multi-layered body. A game where most of the 3D avatars of our species’ Higher Selves have forgotten the rules of it, as well as its purpose. We truly are a species with amnesia.

Due to the sleepy third-eye we often identify ourselves with our physical avatar only, forgetting the purpose of our incarnation. Indeed, the blockage of our sixth chakra lays a veil over this reality, behind which our analytical mind barely ever penetrates, thus for many the multidimensional and multi-layered nature of things remains largely unnoticed, and for some — fully hidden.
Those quantum doors of our reality bubble are designed exclusively for us — yet we rarely choose the best one to enter, since most of us even have no clue about their or anything else’s existence beyond the dense-physical, that is, sub-etheric light refraction level.
When enjoying our favorite playlist on shuffle we can consciously choose the next song thanks to our awareness and intention. Here how it works: in the case of a playlist of, say, 100 songs, there are exactly 100 quantum doors to be opened, and the song you want to listen to next — Ornithopters by The Whiskers, for example — is behind one of these doors for certain, since it’s already in the playlist.

Thereby, given your awareness of existence of the said quantum doors and your intention/wish to enjoy the particular song you prefer, you are about to enter the very quantum door behind which there is the exact reality where the next-song-to-be-played is indeed the one you’ve wished/intended to listen to. So once the current song ends, the very second preceding the song-to-be-played keeps all the remaining 99 songs in equilibrium, since the fabric of reality is being recreated from the scratch each given moment. And the actual manifestation of your choice, that is, Ornithopters becoming the next song in the playlist, comes to life when you combine your awareness with your intentions and wishes — the weight of the sincere emotions you put into your desires is as important as your knowledge about having a personal quantum reality bubble, with its doors waiting to be opened by you alone.

Thought manifestations require a necessary emotional state.

Of course, the fewer are the quantum doors (the variants), the easier is the manifestation, thus the method mentioned above won’t be really helpful when playing a lottery.
If you want something to happen, imagine it’s happening right now and feel it. Feel the desired outcomes of the future right now embrace the indivisibility of the moment. Whatever will happen, has happened before.

Our choices weave our reality, and thanks to free will we can choose not to follow our original life path. This, however, might potentially be harmful for our emotional body, as in such scenarios we most certainly won’t manage to break out of the continuous sub-etheric births and deaths cycle.
By the way, all the predictions by each and every soothsayer are always subject to free will, since how the future events will exactly unfold remains indeterminate.

The future is like a chain of constantly branching possibilities, and each link of it, having two sides, is dual in nature. Therefore, such a link contains two mutually exclusive variants, and when our choice falls on a certain variant/side of the link, it branches out into a new one with another two variants to be chosen from and so forth. Thus, we can never claim with absolute certainty which link is going to be manifested in the future, because any choice is made with free will and completely opposite outcomes are more than possible to occur. But we can foresee the potential events of the near future, and the most accurate outcomes of it are available to be checked out in those dreams which are often called prophetic.

The program of this matrix game has already been written. The programs of our lives too. Whatever will happen has happened before. All we have to do is to play this game — to walk through it.
Our free will either refines, or ruins our life path.

On a given day you may encounter an extra-terrestrial (ET) in the avatar of a human being, who might hardly exhibit any palpable difference from an average person, except of a powerful radiance of his enlightened aura as a rule.
In general, our psyche is not ready to fully digest their presence among us, so they courteously pretend to be mere humans.
Your interaction (the contact of your 3D astral bodies to be exact) creates a third, neutral (edited) personal-timestream/reality where this ET has a better control of your mutual quantum field of probabilities thanks to his 4density crystalline origins (or in the case of a sub-etheric 3density extra-terrestrial — by virtue of having more DNA strands active and open third-eye). In fact, you don’t need to directly interact with them to have a mutual reality bubble manifested: their physical presence in the same street, or on the aircraft flying above your head is more than enough.

And such mutual, that is, neutral reality bursts with synchronicities (signs; synchros) of all kinds, especially — repeating number sequences as 1111, 1212, 222, 333, 444, 777, and so forth, or two-, three-digit numbers like 13, 27, 79, 144, 247, etc. and their mirrored versions — 31, 72, 97, 441, 742; it seems like something (or someone) subtly draws your attention to notice once again that particular number you’ve been seeing ridiculously often in recent times (numbers are commonly used by all the star-civilizations in the non-linear, cosmic language of synchronicity, decipherable only to those with an above-average serendipity, i.e. having the right-hemisphere of the brain active at the same level as the left one).

And for many, their awakening begins when they start noticing 1111 on an astonishingly regular basis. If you’re attentive enough and aware of the dreamy fabric of reality, you most certainly notice a lot of synchros with particular number patterns and words on the license plates of cars, or hidden in various ad posters you always come across at the right moment. Even the circumstances of your life bring you to these numbers — like your favorite team scores a goal at the 27th minute, then concedes at the 72nd, while your friend next to you talks about his amended salary with 27% of it being withheld for taxes. Or you buy sweets in bulk, go to the checkout, while your friend rushes to add a few more, and that a few more eventually makes the price 27$ sharp.
Synchronicities give us goosebumps, as we start feeling there is something much grander beyond our primary five senses.

While reading this Travel Guide, you may start immediately seeing recurring number patterns yourself, as a result of your activating DNA. And they will eventually get so repetitive, that you’ll realize it’s not you who’s gone crazy looking for synchros everywhere, but rather the numbers themselves somehow draw your attention toward them in the subtlest of ways.
So, the ETs present nearby masterfully influence our mutual personal-timestreams, where too many events are being tied around the particular numbers. This is done in order to draw our attention toward non-linear nature of time and all the other wonders hiding from us due to our sleepy third-eye. Also, their advanced technologies allow them to generate various kinds of synchronicities.

Very often the meaning of synchros is strictly personal — you have to come up with your own interpretation. And once you tell your friends about these glitches in reality, some of them will start experiencing them too, thus finally drawing a line under that lovely statement you have been repeating in your head already thousands of times — I am not a schizophrenic! This is happening for real!
If you do experience synchros frequently enough, relax, you are not alone — it’s hitting mainstream. Nevertheless, not all the synchros are initiated by the ETs your Higher Self/spirit may also frequently send you signs, so you could remain awake in our oblivious and sinful world.

To be continued

Click here for Part 3

Credits for the inspirational artwork of this, previous and all the following parts go to:

Gabor Jonas
Qing Han
Anders Røkkum
Jonathan Kronafel
Athea Davis
Robert Deutsch
Batsheba Grossman
Joaquin Baldwin
Justin Main
Caitlin Hackett
Evgeny Demakov
Bram Stoker
Tillie Walden
Jason Hise
Naoko Takeuchi
Takashi Homma
KangHee Kim
Louise Mead
Cory Godbey
Ian McMillan
Rizky P. Soedarsono
Shiori Matsumoto
Caro Martini
Jeremiah Allen Welch
Todd Rowland
Chiara Passa
Mark Dorf
Alex Stoddard
Maksim Zaklinskiy
Tanya Shatseva
Damien Hirst
Maria Zolotukhina
Zack Allia
Alexandria Huntington
Bryan Lewis Saunders
Wiley Wallace
Jett Vee
Yoshihiro Togashi
Hai Phung Tran
Amélie Fléchais
Fredrik Toll
Dima lee
Fred Augis
Julia Razumova
Lenka Simeckova
Rovina Cai
Christian Schloe
Davison Carvalho
Javier Ramos
Fra Angelico
Bliss n Eso
Natalia Drepina
Aykut Aydogdu
Simone vdw
George RedHawk
Tetsurō Araki
Jah One
John Walker
Vlad Jet
Gustavo Kidmograph
David Glomba
Milt Kahl
Emil Bisttram
Sam Brown
Steven Quinn
Alexander Petrov
William A. Coulter
Rene Magritte
Tomás Boersner
Jenna Barton
Rebecca Hendin
Vladyslav Yerko
Dan Hiller
Michael Parkes
Natalia Smirnova
Estelle Chrétien
Mario Sorrenti
William Teason
Errol le Cain
Ellen Sheidlin
Niel Quisaba
Pascal Campion
Viktor Vasnetsov
Robert Anning Bell
Johfra Bosschart
Suehiro Maruo
Veli Nyström
James R. Eads
Salvador Dali
Lauréline Chambon
Quint Buchholz
Zdzisław Beksiński
Ludwig Fahrenkrog
Barry Windsor-Smith
Sara Shakeel
Dawid Figielek
JJ Harrison
Toshihiro Kawamoto
Jeff Rowland
J. Kirk Richards
John Harris
George Frederic Watts
Edward Willis Redfield
Pigo Lin
Uno Moralez
Michael Cheval
Ben Ridgway
Igor Morski
Alex Andreev
Jake Amason
Sofia Bonati

