Neither Flat, nor Round, but a Flower

Travel Guide through Reality. Part 8: Lilith

Ojo de Bárbar
21 min readOct 21, 2018

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To experience complete and continuous inter-individual existence in a three-dimensional matrix of cosmic-extension, one must have a physical vessel to incarnate in. And while Zaranda sculpts the bodies belonging to animal kingdom, the physical vessels of cosmic consciousness carriers’ are weaved by Great Elemental Matrix of Lilith.
Each bramphature has its own authentic quantum computers of Zaranda, Lilith and other Great Elementals.

Lilith “weaving” our physical bodies

And as any other Great Elemental, Lilith has her own monad a feminine spirit of the 9density (Zaranda, for instance, is also a 6D monad, but of masculine energy). Her merkaba dwells in Mati — the mother of all the Great Elemental Matrices of our bramphature, Gaia’s fractalized mental body herself. As for Lilith’s dream-body, manufactured by Mati, it is first of all the very 4D organic quantum-computer that programs and projects our physical vessels — she is omni-present in her abode, appearing at multiple places simultaneously and taking various forms. Same applies for her brothers and sister, Estheera.
As a 4D dream body, Lilith enters any light density corridor she likes, also projecting her own three-dimensional astral body to visit the cosmic-extension etheric/sub-etheric worlds and create there her own bio-emotional body-complex.

So, our planetary platform was hacked by the non-compassionate powers of our universal macrobramphature, infecting our ecosystem with that untimely Cyanobacteria — the planned crystalline world had been turned into this crippled state, and, as a result, unfortunate Zaranda’s innocent children have been incarnating in non-organic vessels of carbon for hundreds of millions years, doomed to follow the cruel law of natural selection and experience all kind of physical pains and diseases across the carbon-reality wilderness. Plus, as we already know, the carnivore animals, due to their forced predatory essence, tend to get deeply stuck in the wheel of reincarnations, just like the parasites do.

Andreev ponders:

Why are almost all baby animals so endearing and cute? Why do even piglets and baby hyenas, let alone wolf or lion cubs, evoke such warmth and tenderness? Because the “demonic” in animals only begins to make its presence known the minute they are forced to enter into the struggle for survival — that is, when they fall under the law of the jungle.

Basically, an artificial imbalance was caused to our world’s etheric nature, with the displays of masculinity beginning to prevail dramatically over the feminine principles — strength over caress.

Around 200,000 years ago, with the help of the Pleiadians, the evolution led Hominidae family to produce the genus of a cosmic consciousness carrier, that is sapiens.In other, more multidimensional words, Zaranda’s Great Animal Elemental Matrix, sculpting the blueprints of the physical bodies of Homo hielderbergensis, was successfully replaced by his sister, Lilith, thus she could start programming specific templates to forge our biological vessels designed for cosmic consciousness carriers Homo sapiens. And we must suck the milk of amnesia so our infant bodies could grow nice and healthy, surviving in this sub-etheric world of carbon. But we pay the price: our mother’s milk actually pollutes our third-eye chakra, and as a consequence, we do not remember who we really are and why we are here.
And by being not aware of our true purpose, we often act as an elemental consciousness carrier trapped in the matrix of carnal pleasures.

Thus, for a couple of hundred thousand years, Lilith, through her sleepy children, has been trying to assist her brother Zaranda’s carbon sculptures to get transformed into the crystalline state. As cosmic consciousness carriers, we are here to initiate the paradigm shift. Yes, this task can only be completed by us, humans, through our inner work, that is, bringing forward the light of awareness by incarnating here as carriers of cosmic consciousness to activate the original, etheric grid the Ley Lines — of our corrupted planetary platform, thus empowering our Logos to become capable of transfiguring animals’ and our very own physical vessels.

Just like we have veins that flow in and out of the heart, Earth has Ley Lines, which are lines of energy that coil around our planet in a similar fashion as a strand of DNA. If you think of these Ley Lines as our planetary platform’s energy currents, you will begin to see how it is possible that Earth also has energy centers or chakras.

This grid is the etheric network (also known as noosphere) enveloping our planet — it’s the skeleton of the actual quantum hologram (our matrix) that swirls out from the focal point, the North Pole, of this planetary platform, projected by the mental light-density quantum computer of Archangel Auriel, which is not an individualized matrix like Lilith or other Great Elementals, but a world for inter-individual existence of super-advanced entities — programmers of cosmic-extension matrices.
All our thoughts are stored in the noosphere.

As much as the cetaceans were developed to watch over the seas, our species was introduced to Mother Nature to protect the lands from havoc.
And the problem with our physical body is not only its 3density carbon state, but also the seed of polarity present within its template; it is known in Judaism as Yetzer hara, referring to the congenital inclination to do evil, by violating the will of God. And it is in fact the embodiment of our ego, and has a rather negative impact on our multilayered self including the merkaba/mental body-complex. Lilith’s source-codes, just like her elder brother’s, Povoorn’s, were corrupted eons ago, thus whatever she’s been weaving ever since carries the very seed of all-destroying egocentrism, which can also be imagined as a condensed nano-bundle of adverse emotions, leading to quite fatal outcomes. Therefore, unlike the avatars of animals, our physical vessels are not initially pure and innocent, and therefore our karmic anchors are often immeasurably heavier. Both Great Elemental worlds — Povoorn and Lilith — still belonging to the astral realm, are much darker than the rest, and non-divine because of the said virus.

As sisters we are here to help our brothers, instead of enjoying them in our meals. However, there is a reason why our biocomputers are omnivore, and not herbivore: in extreme scenarios, such as having nothing else to eat but a dead body of an animal due to the scarcity of plant-based food in a given region, we, of course, should not starve to death, instead accepting the sole mean of our survival with reverence and gratitude toward the animal-elemental soul that used to occupy it; from the greater good perspective, our life as a cosmic consciousness carrier is more important than that of an animal, since generally living longer than it and having higher intelligence, we’ll manage to do more helpful things for this world than any child of Zaranda ever could (subject to following our true life path, and not getting distracted by phony and captivating pleasures of this sub-etheric matrix).

As any other cosmic consciousness carrier’s avatar, the crystalline 4density bodies of the Daimons, the winged humanoids, are also weaved by Lilith. They initially carried the polarity seed too, and it took them a while to heal their egocentric endeavors once and for all: their technologies eventually allowed them (and still does) to keep the seed of polarity forever idle from the very moment a given Daimon’s infant physical vessel was born, or rather, manifested in their world — as that’s the way things are on the etheric planetary platforms (we’ll discuss the details of the crystalline reproduction later). Such a scientific breakthrough happened thanks to the birth of our bramphature’s Logos himself in a crystalline physical body upon Jeram, the Daimons’ planetary platform. There he grew up into a genius geneticist, improving the future lineages of this highly spiritual and aesthetic civilization by curing the seed of polarity.
As a matter of fact, some Daimons happen to incarnate on Earth to expand their three-dimensional experiences.

Also, there was another 3D planetary platform in the etheric hyperspace of Gaia, inhabited by cosmic consciousness carriers with non-reproducible, crystalline physical vessels about three times the size of our own. The tragic history of this specific androgynous entities with no gender, living in their matrix called Huskah, found its vague reflection in the ancient Greek myth of the Titans, imprisoned in the belly of Earth, and in the Christian legends about the Nephilim.

It was the very seed of polarity that played a crucial role in the decay of this peculiar civilization: the emotional bodies of the Titans, affected by their physical avatars’ egocentric codes, gradually began resonating at lower frequencies, thus preventing their bio-etheric body-complexes’ anticipated transfiguration to their astral metaculture, pulling them down into the infra-physical trap-worlds instead, where their wrecked etheric bodies got imprisoned for some continuous time, while their non-transfigured crystalline physical vessels were left lifeless upon their dying planetary platform. And some of them had ascended from the infernal matrices to the actual Shruhster corresponding to the Greco-Roman metaculture, its antipode, and remained imprisoned there for many centuries.

The development of Titans’ planetary platform unfortunately ended in fiasco.

Huskah, along with Jeram and other 3D cosmic-extension planets of Gaia, is merely an alternative version of original Earth (Enroth, that is) within our bramphature’s etheric light density corridor. Though both, Jeram and Huskah, are older than our matrix. And consequently, the alternative material universes where these other Earths were created in are just different 3D simulations of our mutual 9D universal macrobramphature.

The legend of Prometheus the Titan, who created humans from clay, has been talking about this story across the centuries, distorted by time and limited human mind. Clay is a our ancestors’ interpretation of metaphysical source-codes programming our avatars. The Titans, under the command of the Pleiadian forces guarding our bramphature, initiated the humanity experiment. Then many of them descended onto Earth in special rather sturdy human avatars to become ancestral father of the nation they have seeded or in case of mondial metacultures, play for(we’ll expand on this in the next chapter)

[All 3D cosmic-extension matrices of Gaia; Enroth was removed forever into the quantum parallel. Besides our matrix, none of the “alternative Earths” has or has ever had animals. The same applies to Luna.]

Many ex-Titans, lightening their karmic anchors, began incarnating upon Earth. The majority of them are now completing their journeys among humanity, standing out from other people by the magnitude of their genius and its somber, though far from dark, tint. Among the most famous ex-Titans were the dream bodies that played in our matrix as Aeschylus, Dante, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Goethe, Beethoven, Wagner, Ibsen, Lermontov, Lev Tolstoy.

Now imagine the challenges we face in our sub-etheric, carbon bodies, which often fall victim to lust and gluttony — the two major traps of this world.
From a multidimensional viewpoint, the purgatorial and infernal trap-matrices, projected by the malevolent forces with the help of Povoorn’s hacked source-codes, are located under the ground of Gaia’s cosmic-extension etheric/sub-etheric planetary platforms, yet not literally beneath their crust and further down — by belonging to the infra-physical hyperspaces, such trap-worlds exist rather in parallel with the etheric/sub-etheric underground caverns, oceans of magma and planetary core, and are inhabited by under-dense, parasitic entities, commonly known as demons, which feed off the physical emanations of our negative emotions and sufferings, gahvvakh. Yes, our negative emotions materialize in their worlds, just like the emotions of plant- or water-elementals do on our planet. The lowest of these worlds has one dimension of space and is of infernal 1density, however, unlike the regular trap-matrices, it is not related to any 3D planetary platform in a metageographical sense.

And in the meantime, our emotions of carnal lust allow the malevolent powers to force the Great Elemental Matrix of Lilith into creating an elemental world called Duggur, inhabited by infra-physical entities, who previously were the sub-etheric captives of Povoorn’s corrupted matrices, dwarves and trolls; now they’re sentenced to incarnate here in under-dense physical bodies, karrokhs, because of their untied karmic knots, which has made them resonate at the frequencies of the 2density and match the density level of this lustful, purgatorial local-planetary platforms, somewhat reminding of our sewers, and hidden within the 4D sectors of very large, heavily populated cities and urban complexes of Earth.

The other dwellers of Duggur are known as larvae, or succubi/incubi: energy-consuming, under-dense elemental creatures, feeding on the emanations of human (and sometimes animal) lust. They are especially rampant on the other side of the largest of megalopolises the open-air brothels of our sub-etheric civilization. And with the rapidly flourishing porn industry, the other side of those brothels exponentially grows in size — even such an unnatural act as masturbation, being a great waste of life creating energy, is often encouraged, rather than scorned in our inverted matrix.

Here’s what Daniel L. Andreev remembered about Duggur from his interdimensional travels:

Duggur is an ocean-like area of uninhabited dark vapors with infrequent islands linked geographically with the metropolises of our three-dimensional world. The landscape is extremely urbanized, even more urbanized than in the Shruhsters, because there are no mountains, lava seas, or vegetation in Duggur. But the glow of black and crimson light is not to be found there either. The entire color spectrum of our world is visible there, the dominant colors being pale blue, blue-gray and moon blue. Even the sky is visible from Duggur, but the Moon is the only luminary for this matrix, being of an elemental nature (i.e. not of cosmic-extension), does not extend far beyond the limits of our lunar bramphature. The Moon sets at nights, which are therefore utterly dark.

The huge population of Duggur replenishes its energy at the expense of our plane. Radiations from human, and sometimes animal, lust, called eiphos, flow on the streets of Duggur in slow and gooey streams of whitish liquid, which the inhabitants consume. Such food suits their own essence: lust is the meaning, purpose, chief pursuit, and passion of their lives. The orgasmic intensity of pleasure that they experience is many times stronger then we are capable of experiencing.

And the Moon is the only luminary of Duggur for a reason: Voglea immensely impacts on its dwellers, so they would seek nothing but even more carnal pleasures while being trapped in that purgatorial-elemental world. Her abode is a five-dimensional 1density matrix of the infernal corridor, from where she sent psychic emanations onto Gaia’s non-elemental planetary platforms of cosmic-extension, which irritated the (back then unhealed) seed of polarity of their inhabitants, and, in the case of our sub-etheric world, her demonic energy forces us to blindly seek for carnal pleasures, until we satisfy our urge.

As we already know, since Earth is of the sub-etheric 3density, our mirroring astral metacultures (with their corresponding dreamworlds) are established in a lower, four-dimensional floor, so as to have a direct influence on us. And because Gaia’s four-dimensional floor also includes the elemental worlds of etheric, sub-etheric and infra-physical densities, the rendezvous with every type of elementals is pretty common when we sleep (or astral project).
Alas, the existence of unpleasant planes of reality makes many of us prefer to believe that there is nothing beyond this physical level — neither benevolent, nor malevolent — so as to remain in our comfort zone.

Since the elemental purgatorial matrices are in the same 4D floor, we may get an occasional nightmare or sexual dreams invoked by the said succubi/incubi. And because these vampirizing creatures are of elemental (emotional) nature, we should keep our psyche away from anything dirty and remain positive as often as possible, i.e. not to lust after on a regular basis (or better not at all) and take care of our emotional body in order to avoid becoming a victim of such parasitic entities.

Generally, they are also responsible for such a typical sub-etheric issue as sleep paralysis. In case of their presence, it’s strongly recommended not to generate any emotions of fear. Repeatedly saying prayers/mantras words full of light will eventually kick them out of your quantum field of probabilities (reality bubble). Your dream/astral body-complex can create anything you want — imagine a light-sword in your hand and scare the heck out of them; turn your nightmare into the one of their own.
No wonder why any glimpse of carnality is among the things (like the brutality of predators, for example) that we prefer our children not to witness, as whatever harms their psyche is not organic; not divine, but disturbing and dirty.

Carnality feels “shameful” as a reminder of its infra-physical origins.

Sexual relations exist only in the matrices of sub-etheric or lower light densities, and besides being a mean of reproduction, they tend to bond loving couples tighter, yet in almost every culture anything related to carnality has always been some sort of a taboo. Moderation in sexual matters is immensely important, for indeed it’s a fine line between love and lust, as well as between making love and having sex.
Only the energy of reciprocal love cancels out
to some extent any potential larvae attack.

The intensity of carnal pleasures is as though a compensation for the physical pain, as the latter is permitted in such a dense reality like ours by sub-etheric nature itself; these both constructs are non-existent in the etheric matrices of the original light density — pains and carnal pleasures are unknown upon the planetary platforms of organic molecular configuration. People there do not seek physical pleasures, but acquire emotional bonding by sharing similar values and activities. They exchange energies through kisses and cuddles only, as there is no urge of something extra (copulation). They do not lust after one another, while reproduction is not a physical activity, but rather a telepathic one (we’ll expand on this topic in the further parts).

The brutality of predators, or any scene where blood is spilled, also belongs to this disturbing category — that’s why you’ll never see blood in children’s cartoons/shows. The very energetic parasites feeding on carbon-based bodies’ pains and misery, enjoy the moments when humans or animals bleed, because in the first few minutes of such processes, an intense infra-physical radiation is being released, quenching their thirst.
By the way, besides the under-dense elemental matrices, there are also sub-etheric worlds manufactured by Lilith, based on the 3density body heat-codes that our physical vessel emanates while we live in the same place continuously (whether it’s an apartment, a trailer or even a car). And you might have noticed that each home has its own smell.

Once the said body heat-codes are generated to a certain degree, the Great Elemental Matrix of Lilith, the corrupt mother of our carnality, starts off projecting a sub-etheric local-matrix within the four-dimensional sector of the place where we reside. Such a world, called Manikou, is home to mythological household deities (hobgoblins; brownies; lares and penates), who are in fact 3density elementals with tiny, dense-physical bodies, infected by the seed of polarity which accompanies everything Lilith does. Thus, as victims of the dualistic worldview, these entities can be both friendly and mischievous. In fact, they try to protect and take care of the home as best they can, and love to do people small services in such a way that no one notices it. Astral projections are the closest way for us to penetrate into their world.

Anyways, before making radical changes in your residence, think twice, as the hassles of such a renovation could negatively affect their four-dimensional habitats, making them not so happy with your presence any longer — they might start playing more or less harmless pranks on you, which would include some minor incidents like, for instance, falling hangers in the middle of the night. Not that they physically affect our world, no; their elemental psychic energy allows them to enter the quantum doors of our common reality and manifest a mutual personal-timestream where such an event as falling hangers does take place.
If we leave our home permanently, and no else moves in, their sub-etheric elemental shelter slowly gets destroyed, as they themselves die, or in few cases, manage to reach another 4D shelter somewhere nearby.

Duggur is a light-density lower than Manikou, hence its dwellers are non-benevolent. Essentially, Hobgoblins gather in the local-worlds framing our households, while the demons of Duggur live upon their 4D purgatorial local-extension planetary platform enveloping much larger human settlements.
And the cities of the Daimons, for instance, don’t have such worlds upon them, for their crystalline bodies are not of meat and blood, therefore, cannot become victims of carnal pleasures, and are not prone to catch the virus of lust.

Andreev wrote about one more matrix manufactured by Lilith — it is a sub-etheric local-platform, known as the world of Nibroosks:

Nibroosks are beings somewhere between the lesser demons of Duggur and what the ancient Romans referred to as genii loci. Not a single human settlement can exist without Nibroosks. I still don’t quite understand how and why those beings are concerned with the physical aspects of human love, especially with child bearing. Perhaps the Nibroosks replenish their energy from some kind of radiation the human soul emits in states peculiar to infancy and early childhood. In any case, there is no question of their concern. They see things in their own little way, helping to bring together men and women in our world.

They make a big fuss over our children, hustling and bustling all around them, and even trying to guard them from dangers we cannot see. But they are capricious, impulsive, and vengeful. One can not always trust them.

Let the wise of our century who have locked themselves into a prison cell of materialism scoff from the heights of their ignorance at the superstitions of savages, but there is a profound truth in the legends about gremlins, penates, and lares, those good-hearted and mischievous “tiny spirits” of the home. Ancient paganism was far more aware of that truth than we all of us who heaped slander and lies on those harmless creatures. One cannot help but be amazed at the injustice of the tales told of gremlins. Such fables were born of one spirit alone — the same spirit peculiar to fanatic believers in monotheism, hypocrites and dry moralists who proclaim as evil everything that does not enter into their canon. How much more fairly did the ancients treat those beings, regarding fares and penates as their loyal friends!

Cats, having an active third-eye, are more than familiar with all of the above mentioned creatures, and often try to play with them, which seems to us as though they battle against some ghosts.

Lilith’s Great Elemental Matrix source-codes were actually used by the malevolent powers to mutate the underground dinosaurs we’ve spoken of earlier, while Lilith herself, influenced by the said powers, took part in a bizarre, extramundane (black magical) experiment around 1750's BC in Mesopotamia, becoming the mother of the so-called Little Grays, known also as Igwas. This was completed by the temporal merging of the astral and emotional bodies of an imperious Babylonian priest with those of an infra-physical feminine entity — the actual embodiment of The Great Elemental Matrix of Lilith; her sudden and ghost-like emergence in this area of Earth has got lost in translation in the legends about the Whore of Babylon.

Because of the seed of polarity, Lilith’s physical manifestations in the three-dimensional worlds are of purgatorial 2density nature. Thus, the bio-emotional body-complex of the said priest was adjusted accordingly by the malevolent forces right before he met Lilith.
After that occult conception, she descended into the particular Shruhster — a purgatorial matrix corresponding to the 4D sector of the Babylonian mountain roots — to birth the under-dense Igwas. They began co-inhibiting those Shruhsters with extremely aggressive and dumb Rahruggs; the Igwas were designed to become the intellectual elite of their four-dimensional local-extension universe.

Andreev wrote:

Thus, the Rahruggs are the aborigines of that inverted world, an ancient race who in part resemble centaurs, in part, flying dinosaurs. Their wings are powerful and jut straight out from the sides of their inordinately huge bodies. Our ancient legends of the winged steeds of hell are echoes of the knowledge of the existence of Rahruggs. And their physical strength and unbelievable emotional intensity are such that after a lengthy battle for the Shruhsters, the Igwas were forced to reconcile themselves to coexistence with them. Soon after, a unique modus vivendi was drawn up between the two races, which subsequently grew into an alliance. The Rahruggs are now something like the intelligent warhorses of the Igwas, their cavalry.

Though before the Igwas, the Shruhsters corresponding to the Atlantean and Lemurian metacultures, had been inhabited by much smarter reptilian-resembling aliens of malevolent nature, coming from other star-systems. They eventually got kicked out from those Shruhsters by the Pleiadian, Orionian and Vegan guardians of Gaia, while the Rahruggs abandoned that particular 4D infra-physical underground islands.

After all, it’s the Age of Aquarius and Lilith is ascending — healing the seed of polarity — thanks to the Divine Feminine monad of the transcendental 0density, entering our bramphature in the late 1800s. These two factors allow our physical vessels to slowly get rid of all those egocentric endeavors, and, as a result, the vibrations of our etheric bodies more or less are beginning to match their natural 4density state, filling the etheric grid of our planetary platform with positive frequencies, clearing the remaining blockages inside Earth’s chakras, thus preparing us for the paradigm shift.

Now, Lilith is trying on a brighter crown to finally heal herself from the polarity virus, thereby causing a domino effect, allowing our Logos to transfigure our bodies into the original crystalline state in accordance to the templates of Gaia’s etheric hyperspace.


To be continued

Click here for Part 9

Credits for the inspirational artwork of this, previous and all the following parts go to:

Gabor Jonas
Qing Han
Anders Røkkum
Jonathan Kronafel
Athea Davis
Robert Deutsch
Batsheba Grossman
Joaquin Baldwin
Justin Main
Caitlin Hackett
Evgeny Demakov
Bram Stoker
Tillie Walden
Jason Hise
Naoko Takeuchi
Takashi Homma
KangHee Kim
Louise Mead
Cory Godbey
Ian McMillan
Rizky P. Soedarsono
Shiori Matsumoto
Caro Martini
Jeremiah Allen Welch
Todd Rowland
Chiara Passa
Mark Dorf
Alex Stoddard
Maksim Zaklinskiy
Tanya Shatseva
Damien Hirst
Maria Zolotukhina
Zack Allia
Alexandria Huntington
Bryan Lewis Saunders
Wiley Wallace
Jett Vee
Yoshihiro Togashi
Hai Phung Tran
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Rovina Cai
Christian Schloe
Davison Carvalho
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Aykut Aydogdu
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Vlad Jet
Gustavo Kidmograph
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Steven Quinn
Alexander Petrov
William A. Coulter
Rene Magritte
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Vladyslav Yerko
Dan Hiller
Michael Parkes
Natalia Smirnova
Estelle Chrétien
Mario Sorrenti
William Teason
Errol le Cain
Ellen Sheidlin
Niel Quisaba
Pascal Campion
Viktor Vasnetsov
Robert Anning Bell
Johfra Bosschart
Suehiro Maruo
Veli Nyström
James R. Eads
Salvador Dali
Lauréline Chambon
Quint Buchholz
Zdzisław Beksiński
Ludwig Fahrenkrog
Barry Windsor-Smith
Sara Shakeel
Dawid Figielek
JJ Harrison
Toshihiro Kawamoto
Jeff Rowland
J. Kirk Richards
John Harris
George Frederic Watts
Edward Willis Redfield
Pigo Lin
Uno Moralez
Michael Cheval
Ben Ridgway
Igor Morski
Alex Andreev
Andy Steele
Roberto Ferri
Victor Vercesi
Jake Amason
Jana Brike
Lois van Baarle

