3 min readMay 24, 2022



Move2earn is a new crypto investment auto staking protocol that enables users to stake coins and earn MovyAPY (Apy) tokens by doing so. These tokens are used for paying our users for the time, resources and power that they have invested in the protocol.

Move2earn develops and provides a platform that allows investors to automatically earn interest on their cryptocurrency holdings. The Moveapy token is an ERC-20 compliant digital asset that can be earned by holding other cryptocurrencies within the protocol.

Move2Earn is a crypto asset management protocol that enables you (the user) to invest in various assets, and earn rewards based on your holdings. It is a passive income system with the goal of generating more revenue than what you put in.


Move2earn Apy is a crypto investment auto-staking protocol. It will enable (1) anyone, regardless of their level of knowledge or skills to make an easy passive income by staking any coins they hold in their own wallet; (2) developers to create and launch their own ICOs on the Move2earn platform, that would further increase the value of its native token, APY.

Move2earn is a protocol for crypto investment auto-staking. The protocol automates the investment process and minimizes risks by utilizing A) AI B) Staking. It allows users to earn from crypto-staking. It is the first of its kind, allowing people to put their coins into staking wallets. The aim is to provide a full-proof system for passive income.

Move2earn Apy is a cryptocurrency investment auto-staking protocol which can be used by any company or individual. The protocol uses AI to stake cryptocurrencies and creates an environment where people can earn revenue from their digital assets.

Move2earn Apy crypto investment auto-staking protocol lets you earn passive income, without having to manage your portfolio. You can connect to multiple exchanges and let our algorithm manage your assets for you. We offer a variety of plans that allow investors to access this service at different levels.


The Move2earn protocol is a cryptocurrency investment auto-staking protocol, which will allow users to stake their coins and make more coins in their sleep, automatically. This protocol will enable users to participate in an Automated Earning system, allowing them to make passive income while they sleep. This protocol will be based on the Ethereum Blockchain, and will be a fully decentralised protocol.


Our protocol is a perfect match for content publishers who want to earn crypto from their content. We believe in our long-term vision, which is why we built a protocol that not only allows content publishers to earn crypto but also allows them to earn more crypto compared to our competitors. For example, investors can choose to auto-stake their investment, which means that the Apy protocol will automatically keep the tokens locked in a smart contract and will automatically stake the tokens on the user’s behalf. This means that as the Moveapy tokens gain value, the user will automatically earn more tokens without having to do anything. This is a great way to earn more tokens if the user wants to earn more tokens without doing anything. To find out more about the Apy Protocol, please visit the following link:


Bitcointalk Username: Shantiga

Bitcointalk URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2889895

Prove Of Registration: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5398440.msg60138475#msg60138475

BSC Wallet Address: 0x093C7E50427C46E3a35D72892C4c53ad8C893203

