How to use Microsoft Graph API in UWP

Kazuki Ota
3 min readDec 20, 2018


Microsoft Graph APIs has very powerful feature sets. My favorite is findMeetingTimes API.

There are a lot of APIs outside of this.

In this article, I explain how to use Microsoft Graph APIs in your UWP app.

Following list is steps to use Graph APIs in your app.

  1. Register app to Azure AD
  2. Add permission to the app
  3. Add authentication logic in your app
  4. Call the APIs

Register app to Azure AD

Sign in to Then click “New application registration (Preview)” button at “Azure Active Directory > App registrations”. Fill the form below values:

  • Name: Your app name
  • Support account types: Accounts in any organizational directory

After created the app, you can see “Application ID” on Azure portal. Please store the value because to use after. And then, check “urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob” on “Authentication”.

Add permission to the app

Next step is adding permission to the app. Select “API permissions”. Then select permissions to call API you want. The permission is defined on the document. In this sample app, I want to call “Get a user” api.

“User.Read” permission is already added.

Add authentication logic in your app

In Azure AD v2, we can use MSAL.NET library.

Add “Microsoft.Identity.Client” to UWP project using NuGet package manager. Next, add “Const.cs” to the project, and then add “ClientId” property and “Scopes” property to the file.

Edit MainPage.xaml like below:

Then add SignInButton_Click method to MainPage.xaml.cs.

OK, launch the app ,then click sign in button ,and then Sign In dialog is appeared.

After sign in, access token is shown on “Output Window”.

Call the APIs

You can call APIs using the access token. In UWP, you can use “Microsoft.Graph” package.

Add the package, then edit the files like below:

After launch the app and sign in, user profile is displayed.


Microsoft Graph APIs is powerful API set. You can use the APIs in your apps.

Have a fun programming.

Source code



Kazuki Ota

I like WPF, UWP, Xamarin.Forms and Azure. I’ll write to here about them. And I’m Microsoft Japan employee, however this medium is my personal articles.