Vignesh Babu
5 min readMar 15, 2018

Long ago, there was a fierce war between devas and asuras. Asuras being physically strong were able to kill many devas in very few days. So Lord Indra and Lord Varuna with other council members from devas side decided to ask the intervention of Lord Brahma in this war. So the council members visited the adobe of lord Brahma and asked for his help to stop this war.

Brahma with his still face said

“ I can’t do anything to help you, but there is one person who can help you” saying this he pointed towards the adobe of Lord Narayana. “Go to his adobe and ask for his help. Only he can help you”.

So the devas visited the adobe of Lord Narayana and asked for a solution.

Lord Narayana replied “There is only one possibility to end this gruesome war, talk in peace with asuras. Ask them politely in the form of request. To bring back every dead and injured into his war both of your two councils should perform a churn to ocean with Mandara Mountain and Vasuki (serpent). After churning you will get an elixir that could bring back the dead and injured to life. To perform this churn you need powerful people to carry Mount Mandara near the ocean. Only asuras can help you.”

Lord Narayana also promised to the devas that the devas will have full rights to the elixir. And also advised to give everything the asuras ask for.” Do not oppose anything” he said.

So after their meet with Lord Narayana the council met the head of asuras, Bali (grandson of Prahalada). By seeing their arrival the gate keepers took their weapons out in order to kill them. But, Bali intervened and invited the devas inside his palace. Then the devas explained about the churning and elixir to Bali and his council members and requested them to stop this war until this quest in completed. Bali accepted their suggestion and promised to help devas if they give equal elixir to him and his associates. The council of devas accepted. And the war was paused. Everybody was exited and were preparing for this march to the ocean. The asuras carried Mandara in their mighty arms. Since the mountain being too heavy the asuras were not able to carry them and few people were badly injured due to this. But they somehow reached the sea shore.

Now both the devas and asuras started their churning. After few days of sincere churning there arose the form of a divine being. He was dark; his arms powerful, physically strong and was wearing gold ornaments all over his body. In his strong hand he held a golden vessel. His name was Dhanvanthari. The vessel of gold was filled with elixir. The asuras ran towards Dhanvanthari and snatched the gold vessel and ran away. Devas then went to Lord Narayana and told them how asuras took the elixir, to which Lord Narayana replied “I promised the whole elixir to you devas, don’t be worried”.

The asuras started fighting with each other on who should drink the elixir first. There was heavy argument between each other. Suddenly there was silence everywhere. There were no arguments, all the asuras stood in silence. Their eyes were focused on someone approaching them. It was a beautiful women. The asuras have never seen such an charming women ever in their whole life. Her eyes were very beautiful and dark blue in color. She had the most perfect feature that they could not believe the eyes of this vision.

After her arrival the asuras pounded on her asking questions, “Tell us who you are”. Another asura who had elixir in his hand said “Look, we are the sons of Kashyapa. This golden bowl has elixir and we are fighting over it, take this in your hand and give it to whoever you decide. Since you are a stranger you will be impartial”.

The women smiling charmingly asked “How is it you have so much confidence in me? I’m a stranger and you are just pleased with my looks.”

The asuras laughed at her and placed the gold vessel in her hands.

Mohini took it in her hands and said, ”Since you have given me this , the decision will be mine. I will decide to whom I should give”.

“So be it” said the asuras.

Kusa grass was spread on the ground while the asuras were taking their holy bath. Dressed up in silk the asuras sat on one side and devas on the other. Mohini took the golden vessel and walked in the midst. The asuras were amused by how beautiful Mohini was. But her hand on other side was giving the elixir to devas. That’s the moment devas came to know that Mohini was the incarnation of lord Narayana. The asuras were not aware of what was happening except one. He was Rahu. He was watching the behavior of Mohini and saw that she would never grant them any favor. So Rahu quickly assumed the form of deva and sat in between Suriya and Chandra. He held his hand for elixir where Mohini filled his palm and he quaffed it. As soon as Rahu drank the elixir, Suriya and Chandra signaled Mohini and made Lord Narayana recognize the imposter. Immediately lord Narayana took his sudarshana chakara and cut off Rahu’s head. Since he drank the elixir he was not able to die despite his head being chopped. His head was alive.

Brahma appeared and said “Since he drank the elixir he has become strong and he will not die, so I will make him one of the Navagraha’s in my courtyard”.

Till then the asuras were struck in awe of Mohini woke up from their dream.

The war continued….

(All images are from internet sources and belongs to the owner)