OKcontract to Automate UI for Smart Contracts on OP!

2 min readSep 26, 2023

We’re thrilled to announce that OKcontract is a finalist of the Optimism RFG (Request For Grant) UI for Smart Contracts program.

The Challenge

Interacting directly with smart contracts is both exciting and cumbersome. Current interfaces, while functional, often present challenges — numeric type conversions, complex input formats, and a lack of intuitive direction, to name a few. Furthermore, building user-friendly frontends is a time-consuming, costly and challenging task for many developers.

Optimism’s RFG challenge boils down to building a generalized, user-friendly UI for ABI contracts.

Main goals

  • Drop significant friction for builders and users: UI should serve as default frontends and make smart contracts more accessible.
  • Support of decentralization: As a decentralized front end for smart contracts, the tool could maintain accessibility even when specific sites or services are unavailable.

OKcontract Proposal

OKcontract team has been tackling the global ABI to UI problem for a long time. Based on our extensive experience in the domain, we are proposing an ABI2UI solution: an automated user interface generator for smart contracts, to simplify and democratize the interaction with smart contracts ABI.

To meet the RFG criteria, our solution will focus on providing:

  • User-Friendly Interface: an easy-to-navigate interface, access to the list of contract functions, parameters for each function and inputs with human-readable formatting
  • Integer Conversions: automatically manage integer conversions and approvals
  • Customizability: generate UI components based on constraints to accommodate the developer needs
  • Universality: a generic solution that aims to be used for any smart contract ABI
  • Scalability: automate the ABI generation and support the growing Optimism ecosystem demands

Our goal is to make smart contracts more accessible and easier to interact with for both developers and end users. Our UI will serve as a default frontend for builders in the Optimism ecosystem.

About RFG Grants

RFG Grants program aims to align grant disbursement more closely with the real-time needs and demands of the community. Instead of being purely supply-based, where projects seek grants, RFG introduced a demand-driven approach. For 8 RFGs in Cycle 15, 72 proposals were received.

Website: https://app.charmverse.io/op-grants/page-8605404489342339

About Optimism

OP Mainnet is a fast, stable, and scalable L2 blockchain built by Ethereum developers, for Ethereum developers. Built as a minimal extension to existing Ethereum software, OP Mainnet’s EVM-equivalent architecture scales your Ethereum apps without surprises. If it works on Ethereum, it works on OP Mainnet at a fraction of the cost.

Website: https://www.optimism.io/




OKcontract Interaction Layer simplifies blockchain interaction implementation across apps