OKcontract to Build Web3 Widgets for Compound III contracts embeddable on any web page

2 min readJul 25, 2023


Frontends play a crucial role in the adoption of smart contracts. However, developers often encounter a series of challenges when tasked with creating transactional user interfaces for these smart contracts and integrating them into their frontends or websites. The process of enabling onchain transactions on any web page is complex and time-consuming. It involves a steep learning curve due to the absence of standard protocols for blockchain interaction, fragmented client-side computations, and a lack of standard methods for accessing off-chain data.

At present, there isn’t a streamlined way to embed transactions into a website, which would enable end-users to directly interact with a smart contract. This limitation not only slows down user adoption but also restricts the number of access points to interact with smart contracts.

To address these challenges and enhance the usability of smart contracts, we are thrilled to announce that the OKcontract grant proposal for Web3 Widgets for Compound III contracts has been accepted!

Our journey with Compound III

1. Integrating Compound III Smart Contracts into OKcontract Platform

First, OKcontract will integrate the Compound III smart contracts and associated tokens into the OKcontract platform. This integration will enable developers to browse ABI functions, view parameters and test transactions on Compound III’s contracts.

2. Web Transactional Widgets for Compound III

The second part of our proposal is the creation of transactional widgets for Compound III that can be embedded by copying and pasting an HTML snippet generated by the OKcontract platform, eliminating the need for JavaScript integration.

With these widgets, Compound teams and other Web3 devs will be able to embed direct interactions with Compound III contracts on any site, such as blogs or news articles. Hosted on OKcontract, the initial widgets will be able to be cloned and customized, and new widgets can be created for any Compound III contract methods or assets in the future.


Widgets can serve various purposes, from educating users and bolstering the Total Value Locked (TVL) of Smart Contracts, to streamlining daily operations and enabling partners to provide lending experiences for their users.

With OKcontract Widgets, creating multiple access points will become a swift process. Any website will be able to offer direct interactions with Compound III smart contracts to its users without the need for additional coding. This will significantly expand the scope and reach of these contracts, making them more accessible for a wider audience.

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OKcontract Interaction Layer simplifies blockchain interaction implementation across apps