Caroline Abalo Okello
3 min readSep 3, 2023


Starting of with a question. How big is your family? How many people in your family have you preached to the gospel this year? Were your family members part of your evangelism target this year? Well lets think through a typical African family. On average a Ugandan family has a proximately 7members. Consider these statistics are alive up to fourth generation averagely these would be about 196 persons. Imagine with me if our families were the first groups that could buy from us the gospel of Christ. Putting all factors constant what do we see as the glaring reasons our own family just cant hear the gospel from us but rather move miles to hear the gospel or for one reason or another they would rather not hear about Christ because of how a family member that identified as a Christian represented Christ. Disappointed right? Personally I am disappointed that preaching to family seems to require more preparation than necessary. It should be easier in all principle considering that they known to us. Unfortunately the reality is way different for many of us.

Well before I even go far. Lets define a family at this stage. My 10year old at school boy defines a family as a group of people that eats from the same pot and sleeps under the same roof. When my discipler (Pastor Godfrey Bwire's) discipler Dr.John Mulinde (founder and vision bearer of World Trumpet Mission) was sent on assignment he was convicted to steer the church to build altars. We are encouraged to set up active family altars.

With this background, how many of our families have prayer altars? By this I am tempted to ask for real active altars that align to the gold standard of a true prayer altars that allows a family to send forth the befitting sacrifice acceptable before the Lord. At this point I am laying a foundation for the family as the primary point of interaction from the smallest unit beyond us as individual altars.

Like a true altar should have a priest at this point the family heads (fathers/husbands) should carry the mantle as per the Godly assignment they have been entrusted with. The question at this point is; how many fathers can ably represent Christ as fathers should? How many family members would buy Christ as a result of fatherly characters being profiled in the body of Christ today. Fathers think about how many of your family members would want to identify as your sheep? Men and women of God think of how many of your family members can ably sit under the grace upon the house you lead? Sons and daughters would you sit under the annointing and grace upon a family member?

In all this love and forgiveness should take centre stage for us to make Christ known. Siblings should see Christ love through the eyes of each other, children should do the same love of Christ through their parents. If we are to make Christ famous its important to strengthen the family unit as a place where Christ is the central point of convergence. The gospel will be lovely to embrace with a loving and forgiving blood lineage.

Lets make Jesus famous. Lets take on the assignment with love and forgiveness.
Families for Jesus!