Oliver Kemmis
Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2018

The CAS platform is the only middleware capable of abstracting APIs and gathering real-time Call Data Records across all major telephony and voice recording platforms across the trading floor and back office. A few months ago, we released the CAS-For Compliance Suite a defined set of plugins for the CAS platform — targeted at Compliance and Regulatory use cases.

This month, comitFS has gone live with our first customers using the new transcription capability — the latest plugin in the CAS-For Compliance Suite. CAS-For Compliance now includes the ability to store machine-generated transcripts of recorded audio as part of the archived records. A textual representation of the conversation enables additional flexibility and improved speed in locating records and provides tools for advanced analysis of trade conversations.

Voice searching and indexing has always been a costly and time-consuming issue for Legal, Compliance and Operational Risk Departments. Locating transaction records based on content of conversations requires manual listening to hours of recorded conversations. The CAS-For Compliance suite already saves the firms critical time when it comes to searching Call Data Records and isolating Voice Recordings. The ability to link transcriptions to the same records delivers the added capability of searching the previously unstructured voice files.

Recent regulatory and legal guidelines have increased the scope of supervision, record management and trade reconstruction. The CAS-For Compliance’s archiving of consolidated audio transcriptions and call meta-data records delivers a significant step towards meeting these new guidelines. As founding members of the ComChain Alliance the transcription plugin seamlessly integrates with the ComChain initiative, ensuring the data records are normalised and immutable.

To deliver this capability, comitFS have extended the CAS platform to include a Voice Transcription plugin. comitFS has partnered with Greenkey Technologies ( as a best of breed transcription engine focussed on the Financial Services Sector. Greenkey Technology provides a fully featured, high accuracy AI-based engine for extracting intelligence from financial service voice streams.

The integration with the CAS-For Compliance Suite allows for transcriptions to be linked to Call Data Records across a number of scenarios:

· Transcription during migration and archiving of legacy recordings.

· Realtime Transcription during the recording process

· On demand recording based upon user interactions

For more information please contacts us at

