The beginning and end of Lola

Precious Oke
5 min readJul 11, 2023


Intro: This is the story of how the insatiable desires lola had led to her early grave.

Akinlola is the only child of Mr and Mrs Buknor; she was born in California, United States, she had her elementary in the states and was brought back to Nigeria for high school education. Mr buknor was into oil and gas while Mrs buknor was a successful business woman. The Buknors were notable people in lagos, they were famous for their business brands and the luxurious lifestyles they lived. Lola had everything anyone could possibly think of. At age eight she already had companies that were registered in her name. Her audience was mostly celebrities and prominent people in Africa. Living large was part of lola, she was addicted to wealth. She could afford luxurious lifestyles at a young age because of how her parents invested in her.

When lola became a teenager, she was very mean to people, she wore pride like a cloth and look down on people because of how wealthy her dad was. She was insatiable, nothing was ever enough for her, she always wanted more and could go to any length to get her desires. . One time she was at the salon for facials, while she was being attended to, one of the attendants, a middle aged woman hit her on the arm while trying to fix something in a locker behind her, before the woman could apologize, a slap landed on her face. “Madam are you blind” lola said fiercely. My daughter “abeg no vex, na mistake” the old woman replied her, “who is your daughter, are you mad”, lola retorted back angrilly. A second slap landed on the woman’s face, this drew the attention of the salon owner who apologized to both women.

Lola was always on the edge with people especially strangers, she had no regard for anybody including her parents. She was popularly known for her bad manners. Her employers nicknamed her”ash koikoi” which means someone with extreme hot temper. They dare not mention that in her presence. Lola never listen to her parents, she couldn’t keep friends either. There was no positive thing you could say about her. Little did she know that she was heading for doom.

Few years down the line, her father became very sick, the Buknors spent all their hard earned money on medical trips and treatments. Unfortunately, the Buknor’s ran into debt which crippled their wealth and investments including lolas. They had nothing to fall back on, they couldn’t keep on with the luxurious lifestyle they once lived, It was so bad that none of their friends helped, they learnt the hard way that friends will only show up when things are rosy, once things get sour, they vanish. It was a terrible experience for the buknors. It didn’t take long before they became extremely poor. Life they say is filled with venom and poison, people only get close to you because of what they can get from you.

Shortly after Mr buknors sickness, he passed. Her mother became mentally unfit, she find it difficult to believe her husband was no more. She couldn’t move on with life, she was so devastated that her aged father had to come take her. So Lola had to go live with a relative.

Lola’s uncle is a wealthy but very stingy man, he was so tightfisted that no woman could live with him, he had several children from different women because he couldn’t keep the women due to his stingy nature. In most case scenario, the women usually leave the children behind because of lack of care from him. He had thirteen children in total. The last woman endured for years but couldn’t keep up after she got beaten because of 200 naira, she got so pissed that she left. Although he apologized and begged her to return, but she didn’t budge, she was done with him forever; afterall she had only one child for him.

Lola started living with her uncle when she was 16 years of age, it didn’t take long before she adjusted and fit into an average family setting. She was close to Keke, the third child of Mr James. keke was age mate with lola, they did almost everything together. Keke was a cunny, quick witted girl, she was dark looking and beautiful. She had large white curvy eyes that pronounce her cat eyes. Her beauty made boys sway around her; she got carried away and became flirtatious with them. The absence of a motherly figure made her prone to doing bad things and getting away with it. She was so promiscuous that she started bedding boys at an early age. Nobody suspected a thing due to her timid and innocent face. She quickly influenced lola in a negative way, it didn’t take long before lola started having boyfriends. Then she started sleeping with them for a token before finally graduated to sleeping with big men for money. Lola was used to getting big money back in the day, she thought sleeping with men would get her the money and fame she once had.

On the other hand, Keke got pregnant and couldn’t proceed to the university, her promiscuity didn’t let her know the father of her child. lola had a solid background so she was able to proceed to the university. But while she was in school, she got carried away with material things, living lavishly. She often went for vacations, and one would think her dad is dangote. She slept with dogs for money and spent the money on designers. On one of her outings, she met a fine looking guy. He was into internet fraud popularly known as “yahoo”, at first, she didn’t realize the guy was into fraud because of how often he talks about his father’s company. She thought she caught a “daddy’s money” boy. They went on vacation to different countries, visited Eiffel tower in paris, went for art exhibition, went for yatch birthday dinners, played golf. She was basically living life to the fullest. Lola wasn’t daft, she knew her man was into fraud and was fetish but she turned a blind eye to it because she was after money. She probably taught they were both in love so no harm would come to her.

She couldn’t keep up with school because of the lifestyle she lived. She couldn’t concentrate on her studies so she dropped out and started living with her boyfriend. After few months of living with her man, he got so broke that he could mistake paper for money. He became bothered and started hating and blaming lola for his predicament, he couldn’t keep up with being broke, he knew he had to do something fast. He visited the baba and was told to renew his covenant in order to become rich again. The condition was to bring the pubic hair of his lover. An internet fraudster that was used to duping innocent people of their hard earned money, he was not ready to rub body with poverty, he didn’t care about lola in any way, nothing on earth would stop him. After all, lola enjoyed every bit of his money and every dime he had, she was only with him because of his money. He took her pubic hair to the fetish man and they made concoctions on it. Lola became sick and didn’t survive.

