Are you comfortably poor? Here is how to move on.

Stephen Okhutu
3 min readJul 29, 2020


Have you ever wondered why we have many poor people than the rich? Well, its simple; we have many poor people around and we learn from them, everyday!

We have lived with them long enough and we have accepted it to be normal.

It only becomes abnormal if the poor tries to become rich. Life out there will become uncomfortable for the poor guy and he will do his best to get back to normal.

Infact, if you want to kill a poor guy, just give him money. If he doesn't die of HIV then he may get a road accident or be arrested by police. Why? He is not comfortable with money and so he will do his best to make sure that all the money is disposed off before he gets back to normal. Money is the poor guy's worst enemy. He looks at rich people as people who are not normal. He in fact wonders how rich people manage to live with all that wealth.

I have a friend who after selling off his late father's land, he went to Nairobi and rented a hotel room where he spent all the money on women and beer. Now he is comfortably poor again!

Ironically, the things which the rich do to remain rich are just simple ordinary things. These things are just the opposite of what the poor guys do. Just look around and study your friends. Listen to what they say, look at what they are doing. Then go and do exactly the opposite.

Example; poor people don't concentrate on one thing for a longer period of time. Rich people however concentrate all their resources on doing one thing and focus on that for many years. To them every year is an improvement of the other while to the poor every year is the same. In fact in the poor man's calendar, it's only the new year which is good and the old year is always bad!

Make Love with money. Money is the most wise thing on earth, it knows that the poor hates it. The poor has never made love with money and everytime money tries to make friends, the poor will work hard to chase it away. That's why the two will never be friends! Get new skills of making money look for you instead of you looking for it.

The easiest way to achieve this is by making friends with the rich guys. Learn to comfortably live their ways. They will slowly introduce you to money and soon you will be close buddies!

By the way, if you need time alone to think about how you can plan to get away from poverty, just go online and book a lodge or guesthouse room. You will find alot of them spread allover the country at 54HOMES. Good thing is that these are clean, secure and low-cost self-contained rooms. Go to and life your life!

It's where I go when I need to rest.

To living a comfortable wealth life!

