How the Internet of Things created another global revolution.

Stephen Okhutu
4 min readFeb 9, 2019

Did you know that the world has experienced four major revolutions? Causing four major disruptions in how humans behave?

The Agrarian revolution

The development of the world is a continuous revolution. First was the agrarian age which led to the agricultural revolution. This came as a result of the discovery of fire. This revolution disrupted the world and the people who once lived freely were turned into agriculturalists. Success by then was measured on how much one was able to farm. You know Man’s major work before was just to produce kids. He owned nothing because everything he needed was available.

The industrial revolution

The next revolution by then was caused by the discovery of tools and machines. This led to the industrial revolution which disrupted the way people lived creating another ingredient through which people became rich and successful by creating formal education.

During the industrial revolution a lot of industries were established in an era where few people were willing to join employment. Remember wealth by then was measured in how much food and animals one had. Convincing a person to leave his farm and join employment was also another hard task. This also explains why the concept of retirement benefits was adopted in order to convince more people to work in these new industries.

Those who accepted to work had to first undergo a formal training to help them learn how to work in these industries.

For one to become rich therefore she had to be educated (employed) or to own any commercial system.

The information revolution

The the discovery of computers led to the information revolution. This is the current era which is soon ending.

This age flooded the world with information and disrupted the way people behaved. Internet brought a lot of information closer to everyone through media like radio, television, mobile phones, computers, etc. Wealth in this era is determined on one’s ability to get quality information and use it to create wealth. In this era education is no longer a basis for creating wealth but how smart one is able to think for others. In this generation even a child can become super rich.

The data revolution

The next revolution will be caused by the discovery of artificial intelligence (AI) and Genetically modified Organisms (GMO). This era will be characterised by data. Wealth will be determined by how much data is in your control. Employment will be based on one’s ability to code (and mathematical abilities) because this will be an era of machines and codes and mathematics is the language of machines. Traditional jobs will be disrupted making people who could write data management a logarithms to get the best jobs.

How the data revolution started.

The next generation (revolution) started way back during the formation of internet of things (IoT). IoT is an Information technology branch which aimed at making machines communicate with machines (M2M). For instance, a sensor on a street light which can create communication between a computer and a security light to automatically control traffic without the need of human control.

When machines started communicating with machines independently, there was a need to give these machines a mind like that of a human being in order to reduce human errors. This is how artificial intelligence (AI) came into existence. As a result self driven crafts were created, sex robots got a life, etc.

This generation will start to be felt by the introduction of 5G internet. Already human life is quickly turning into data with the help of chips. Money has already become digital (cryptocurrencies), and governments are fast tracking the concept of e-government. Are you ready for the revolution? Your survival will be determined on how much prepared you are to embrace this revolution instead of fighting it. Remember its a revolution!

In the data era, the cash economy will cease to exist and money will be digital. Everything will be disrupted when AI and GMO get into marriage. Machines (and men) will get pregnant, the IoT will become the standard arrangement. All the mainstream jobs will not be available anymore.

In Africa, the cost of internet will drastically come down to allow the IoT control the continent.

Let's take Uganda, a small East African country as an example. When IT was mobile telecommunication came into the country, the cost of a call per minute was at about 700/- with a monthly fee of 20,000/-

Today in Uganda with 1,000/- a caller can get over 50 minutes of call time with no monthly fees.

In this way the cost of internet has also continued to come down and by 2020 the cost is expected to be highly affordable such that a user can consume full high definition (HD) live streams like calls, TV, and games among others.

Unfortunately, the promoters are just talking about the good side. Let’s us not forget the fact that internet was discovered as a tool off war. It has and will always remain a weapon giving power to the mighty against the weak. For instance, just imagine what nay happen when the mighty decide to switch off the server that controls money in a cashless economy.

