Bulleon is not just another digital asset service

Đào Kim Lực
4 min readJun 15, 2018


Bulleon is not just another digital asset service, it will be a product combination with a massive amount of high skilled labor input. Bulleon is a Universal digital asset platform, which is also aimed at building a strong, concept-driven currency that offers the chance to see profits and gains considerably snappier and can take benefits out more effortlessly. Bulleon will provide customer user-friendly tools to satisfy his all the digital resource needs and help comfortably navigate the crypto world. The customer only needs to focus on his own business, not its technical difficulties.

With several ICOs raising hundreds of millions of dollars in a span of a few days, the ICO market has overtaken venture capital funding, recording more than $3 billion in investment in 2017 alone. As such, a swarm of so-called blockchain startups have started to enter the scene, with the sole intention of operating quick cash grab pump and dump schemes through ICOs.

Why Does the Bulleon (BLN) ICO Scam Work?

Unrealistic Bulleon (BLN) ICO goals: If an ICO makes bold claims without an economic plan or roadmap to support it, it’s best to avoid investing. Further, even if the team has offered a roadmap, you have to do your own research and judge the feasibility of the project.

Is the Bulleon (BLN) ICO whitepaper a real Buzzword salad , and looks to good to be true , but when you actually sit down to digest it, this ICO taste like vague claims and empty promises ? Let us know what you think , and let them know what you feel about their ICO .

You do not only want to see a very thorough whitepaper, but also look for a variety of complementary resources such as SWOT analysis, financial model, wallet design, competitor analysis, institutional studies, and more .

Before you invest your funds in the Bulleon (BLN) ICO , you need to take a moment of introspection to reexamine why you are investing in the said cryptocurrency. Are you buying into the Bulleon (BLN) ICO because it has strong business fundamentals or because the sales pitch make you feel good? You should also avoid buying into the Bulleon (BLN) ICO because the marketing pitch is always in your face through ads, emails, social media, or an unrelenting friend.

Jordan Belfort , the real ” Wolf of Wall Street ” has claimed that Initial Coin Offerings like Bulleon (BLN) ICO , are the “biggest scam ever”. ICO’s involve a company selling cryptographic tokens instead of shares or raising debt when starting up. These tokens can then be traded separately or back to the company for a service, for example, tokens will allow you to play a game or send a message on a platform. If the service proves the popular the coin is likely to increase in value. However, the absence of legal guidelines in this new and unregulated field has led to many ICO scams. That is the reason you must beware of Bulleon (BLN) ICO .

Is there a beta version of Bulleon (BLN) project ? Is there a launched product with limited functionality? Prefer projects which have “some lines” of working code, however, many ICOs have proven they can become success stories without any code written.

Why isn’t Bitcoin or Ethereum enough to serve as the Bulleon (BLN) project’s token? Yes, many projects just make up a scammy story. Hey, an ICO can’t be an ICO without a dedicated token. The same question needs to be asked regarding the use of the blockchain technology behind the project.

Greed can be defined by a high token distribution to the team members, let’s say, more than 50% of the tokens is suspicious. A good project will link its token distribution to the roadmap. Because each phase or milestone of the project requires a certain amount of funding.

When someone uses our referral link to complete his/her registration and contribution to Bulleon ICO, he/she will receive a ETH-Back bonus of 15% directly back their Ethereum wallet!

The financial sectors around the world have begun exploring different innovative ways for the purpose of incorporating the Ethereum blockchain technology into their payment systems for the purpose of improving speed of transaction & information, security and efficiency. Cryptocurrencies are the future of financial transactions and they will efficiently eliminate the traditional electronic money transfer systems. The use of blockchain technology into the digital ledger will in the future ensure that people will be able to send or receive money around the world without worrying about loss and fraud.

Bulleon platform is a global digital asset platform that aims at developing a strong, concept-driven currency. This decentralized and blockchain-based platform (such as ShopIn, Phoneum, Bunnytoken) will be first company of the world to revolutionize the way digital transactions are carried out.

Bulleon ICO — Top Rated ICO on ICObench, Track ICO, ICOHOLDER…………

Bulleon Analysis
What is Bulleon all about?
The Bulleon platform provides end-users with the everyday digital asset related services from a single place. This universal digital asset platform is built on the cutting-edge Ethereum blockchain technology and a team of skilled programmers and developers. The services rendered by this platform will efficiently facilitate digital transactions that are carried out in financial sectors. This platform aims to provide the users with a wide range of services and instruments in order to conveniently satisfy all of the necessities that are required to navigate through the entire cryptocurrency world.

For more detailed information about Bulleon visit: https://bulleon.io/

