Okky Julian Atmajaya Tarmoko
5 min readJan 5, 2023



In this 3rd semester, we,group 5 from the SAD course made an application for the cashier system for Harihari Suki, an UMKM in the field of food and beverage in Surabaya. My own group consists of me, Okky Julian, then there are Fahrizal Dwi Rinaldi , Jefferson Mourent, and Rae Kenneth. In this project I am the project manager, and I worked on the prototype, some of the reports, and some database queries used in the application we made .


  • Make it easier for user to do recap on the store.
  • Make an app to replace the manual cashier system for convinience.

The Beginning

Before we started on this project, we got the System service requests from hari hari suki, and then we proceed to make the agreement between our team and the team from hariharisuki. after the agreement is established, we proceed to plan our project time frame using gantt chart. after that we make all the necessary document for making the project plan report. after the project plan report finished, we started working on our application/project.

The App Development Process

Before making the app, we were looking onto some already used an developed app to have a rough estimate of how our app will work and function, after that we worked on the prototype that i will explain below :

The Prototype

Login Form

On this page the staff/owner logs in by entering a username and password.
If the username and password are entered incorrectly, an error message will appear.

Cashier Form

On this page, the staff inputs orders ordered by customers. + and button
buttons — used to increase or decrease the items ordered. Staff can Enter the payment method and table number from the customer. The recap button is used to see sales recap. The void button is used to delete all items added. The print button is used to print notes. The back button is used for return to main menu/login.

Recap Form

On this page, staff enter dates and tables then click search to see recap sale. When the transaction column on the left is clicked, transaction details will appear in the right hand column. If you want to change the number of items, click the line on the item you want changed in the transaction details column, then enter the new amount in the change in column lower. After that click edit to process the changes. The add button is used for editing add to the menu if there is something you want to add.

Edit Form

When the add button on the recap page is clicked, this page will appear. Staff can Enter the menu name, quantity, and price you want to add. The add button is used to process additions to the menu.

Owner Form

When the owner logs on, it will enter on this page. Owner can fill
year, month, date desired to view sales reports. If the owner only
After selecting a year, the report that will appear is the annual report. If the owner chooses year and month, then the report that will appear is a monthly report. If owner fill in all, then the report that will appear is a daily report. Inside the report there is total revenue, what menus are sold along with the quantity, the most menus selling along with the amount sold, and info on price changes that have been made.


Here i will show the app interface :

Here Is All The app interface

User Testing

After the app is all done, we proceed to user testing, in this user testing we have a total of 9 tasks for the user to test our app and give us feedbacks, i will attach the User Test Log below.

User Test Log

Alternatively the user test log can also be seen on :

We also recorded the user testing process, i will attach it below.

The User said that our app was good, but there is something that can still be improved, i will elaborate that on our conclusion for this project below.


  • the owner stated that the use of color could be better, gray was just a bit off for the owner
  • and the owner would like a feature to add another menu and adjust the price
  • In conclusion, our app was rated 7/7 for SEQ and 9/10 for CSAT. We get a good comment from the client about the easy to use and can solve the clients needs. But there was a little more to do to upgrade our app become complete useful and attractive for the client, but there are still some things to improve.

That is all for my SAD Portfolio, thankyou for reading and staying until the end 😄

-Okky Julian Atmajaya Tarmoko

