OkLetsPlay and $OKLP: Key areas to stimulate growth

6 min readMar 23, 2023


The OkLetsPlay v1 soft launch is live! We are gathering excellent user feedback and are in the process of making several improvements and upgrades to the platform.

We have many new features on the roadmap in various stages of completion, being deployed and soon to be deployed.

Looking to the future, there are many areas of potential growth to explore.

Key areas that will stimulate growth of both OkLetsPlay and OKLP token are as follows:

  1. Game Linking
  2. White label integrations
  3. OKLP token ecosystem
  4. OKLP token DEX/CEX exchange Listings
  5. Licensing
  6. Partners
  7. Social media followers and engagement
  8. Marketing
  9. Revenue


1. Games
2. White label integrations
3. OKLP Token Ecosystem
4. Token DEX/CEX exchange Listings
5. Licensing
6. Partners
7. Social media followers and engagement
8. Marketing
9. Revenue
OkLetsPlay Links
Other Useful OKLP Token Links

1. Games

OkLetsPlay is actively in talks with game developers, publishers and gaming ecosystems with a plan to scale-up once the initial v1 soft launch testing phase is completed.

OkLetsPlay can support a wide variety of games across multiple gaming platforms, but there is a sweet spot; Games where OkLetsPlay has a direct relationship with the game developers, and can use the OkLetsPlay patented out-of-game peer wagering module, ensures the best player experience. This is a key differentiator that stands OkLetsPlay apart and ahead of the competition, and is therefore a focus area. Doing what we do best! An end-to-end, fully automated, buttery smooth experience where players are launched into game, play and receive their winnings without any need for entering game codes, manual results reporting or verification.

The OkLetsPlay team also understands that partnering with entire ecosystems of games is a faster, more cost effective and scalable path than partnering with and onboarding games one at a time. A growth strategy with a focus on this allow OkLetsPlay to scale-up more rapidly.

2. White label integrations

OkLetsPlay is actively exploring opportunities with a number of gaming ecosystems that have shown interest in using the patented OkLetsPlay tech and infrastructure to add match and tournament functionality to their games.

There would be numerous benefits to securing a white label partnership, such as:

  1. OkLetsPlay could gain access to an entire suite of games all at once. The games supported on each partner’s white label ecosystem could also be offered on the OkLetsPlay platform.
  2. OkLetsPlay could gain access to an entire new audience of gamers.
  3. OkLetsPlay could build brand awareness in the gaming community and beyond. All white label solutions could prominently state ‘Powered by OkLetsPlay’.
  4. OkLetsPlay could grow its social following as it integrates each new white label solution.
  5. Revenue. OkLetsPlay could unlock instant new streams of revenue through licensing and match/tournament fees for every new white label solution.
  6. Streamers/influencers. Every white label solution comes with access to new streamers and influencers associated with the partner and each game in the ecosystem that OkLetsPlay could tap into.
  7. Sponsors. Every white label solution would come with access to a new pool of sponsors seeking to engage with their target audience, gamers playing games in that ecosystem.

3. OKLP Token Ecosystem

There are a number of ways that OkLetsPlay can grow the OKLP token usage and overall token ecosystem. OKLP token usage will increase as we onboard more games, white label solutions, and players. This can stimulate growth in the following areas:

  1. Matches. More partners, white label integrations and linked games means more players. More players means more matches played. OKLP usage will increase as we grow the number of matches played.
  2. Tournaments. More partners, white label integrations and linked games means more players. More players means more tournaments played. OKLP usage will increase as more tournaments are being played.
  3. Donations. More partners, white label integrations and linked games means more players. Players are able to send OKLP tokens between wallets as donations to other players, steamers, influencers, sponsors and to support any cause they believe in.
  4. Fees. More partners, white label integrations and linked games means more players. More players playing matches, tournaments and sending OKLP internally and in/out of the system means more fees are collected as we grow. More fees means more OKLP usage.

If OkLetsPlay onboards new gaming ecosystems and deploys white label solutions, including web3 blockchain games, some with their own token, the OkLetsPlay ecosystem could grow to incorporate those new tokens. This would grow the token ecosystem as a whole, and grow discoverability and usage of OKLP token, since cross pollination between token ecosystems would help drive visibility and adoption.

4. Token DEX/CEX exchange Listings

As the OkLetsPlay ecosystem grows, there will be additional DEX/CEX listing opportunities. We have close relationships with a number of leading exchanges and will list OKLP on them when the time is right.

Currently OKLP can be bought and sold on MEXC Global.

Link: CEX: MEXC Global (OKLP/USDT)

In the future, it will make sense to grow the discoverability and accessibility of OKLP token by adding a number of additional DEX and CEX listings in line with player growth.

5. Licensing

Licensing opportunities will become more abundant as the OkLetsPlay system grows. Licensing deals will be a good source of growth for OKLP token.

6. Partners

We are actively in discussion with numerous partners in a variety of areas. Synergies that can add value to the OkLetsPlay platform, community and players. Solidifying partnerships in numerous key areas is a core component of growth for OkLetsPlay and OKLP token, and the team will announce key strategic partnerships in the near future.

7. Social media followers and engagement

The OkLetsPlay team has plans in place to grow social media following and engagement after the v1 soft launch testing phase is complete and the first batch of games are live.

Having a good selection of games live on the platform for players to engage with is critical. We need games for both content creation purposes and to keep players entertained. After all, OkLetsPlay is nothing without games!

As we integrate items 1–6 from the above list, along with our marketing and social media engagement strategies, our social media following will grow rapidly along with the growth in all other areas.

8. Marketing

OkLetsPlay understand the power of marketing. Building brand identity, finding new players and bringing them to the platform will be the fundamental growth driver for OkLetsPlay and OKLP token.

The team is also very aware that bringing players to a platform too early, before games are deployed, could be detrimental to growth.

The team has done and continues to make every invested $ work hard to grow the platform. At this stage, the focus is on items 1–7. Once the games are integrated, then the marketing program begins. OkLetsPlay will actively start finding players to come and explore the ecosystem.

When we initiate the marketing program, the goal is to find, engage and retain players. Player retention is key and timing is everything! It is futile to spend $$$ on marketing before the games are integrated. Players who come in before the games are ready, may try the platform and then leave due to lack of content. This would be in ineffective use of capital.

9. Revenue

If OkLetsPlay implements the growth strategies in areas 1–8 from the above list, then more games and more players playing those games will fuel revenue growth. Revenue can be reinvested back into further development and marketing and both OkLetsPlay and OKLP token have a real chance of experiencing sustained growth.


As OkLetsPlay moves out of v1 soft launch, it is primed for growth.

Games, white label integrations, token ecosystem, DEX/CEX exchange listings, licensing, partners, social media followers and engagement, marketing and revenue will all play an important part in growth.

If these key areas of growth are developed and executed well, OkLetsPlay and OKLP token really could become household names.

The end goal is to become the gold standard cash and crypto video game platform on the market.

The OkLetsPlay team believes they are firmly on the path to achieving just that!




Patented eSports tournament platform for traditional skill-based PC, mobile and console video games as well as blockchain games