Francis Elechi
4 min readAug 18, 2018


From time immemorial, trading has revolutionized and has become a part of us as humans. Trading have undergone numerous stages to becoming how we see it today, from the batter system to its today’s economic nature. Today, every now and then, people exchanges one currency for another through various mediums. It is however tiring when huge fees are incurred in the exchange process. These fees accrues to large amounts of money for investors who deals with billions of money in their businesses. It is in fact unattractive and worrisome because it on the long run reduces to a greater percentage the viability of many investments. However, with the introduction of the blockchain innovation, the potential of the numerous cost of exchanges both in the forex sector and others have been envisioned, as a result, a greater number of people are ready to invest in trading and the forex market. But it can not be any easier without the right guidance and adequate knowledge. As a result, one requires assistance from a seasoned and experienced professional in the field. Through the help of the blockchain innovation, FXPay can act as that guide required by all and sundry in order to succeed in the forex and or trading industry.

What is FXPay

FXPay is a platform that is Blockchain-based whose main concern is to bring solutions to the numerous challenges faced in the forex market space which over time has been begging for a solution. It is a promising business opportunity in the forex exchange industry that is fully backed by innovative technology. It is targeted at bringing cost-saving solutions in the forex exchange to traders, brokers and the likes. FXPay utilization of the blockchain innovation enables it to provide even more opportunities to liquidity providers, brokers and traders in the forex exchange market. It also offers even more speedy transactions services, thanks to the blockchain technology. The platform benefits traders and brokers through the use of FXP ( an ERC20 currency).

Targets of the FXPay platform.

It is only when there’s a persistent problem that a solution is sorted for. The birth of FXPay platform is not an exception, as earlier stated, there are many unattractive features of the current forex exchange structure that have over time begged for a lasting solution. It is in line with providing that sustainable solution that the FXPay team came and through rigorous brainstorming created the FXPay platform. The sole objective that swelled above others is to address the present unattractive qualities of the forex exchange space in such a way that it will be attractive and cost efficient to cryptocurrencies investors and others. With the help of the blockchain innovation, FXPay will bring about a boundless, multi-national, economic frenzy atmosphere that will operates on a digital platform to favor all and sundry in the forex market. FXPay platform offers a new transaction method that is not just cheap but fast in all ramifications, thanks to the blockchain technology.

The unique qualities of the FXPAY Platform

FXPay is focused on bringing an efficient forex trading that allows unrestricted access to many courses of actions. Also, with the FXPay platform, customers and the likes can without restrictions and unattractive cost change their fiat money into FXP tokens.

The FXP and how it works

The FXP token is an ERC20 token used under the FXPay platform. Under the platform, it can be changed over to various forex credit. This forex credit can then be used by traders in appreciating and or operating in the market. Even when there’s a slow down or a halt in trading, merchants or customers can trade forex credit over into FXP or any other cryptocurrencies of their choice. Depending on when the market is open and or favorable or in fact, the choice of merchants, the forex credit can be used to continue trading or changed to fiat currency through the forex trading system.




A platform as FXPay cannot be achieved by just a single individual, it also requires great intellectual to bring such a project to fruition. And the team members and Advisories who through rigorous brainstorming birth the FXPAY platform are;

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Writer’s Details

Elechi Oko

Bitcointalk Profile Url:;u=1658784

Bitcointalk Username: Ikrypto