White Paper — OKO VR platform

14 min readDec 2, 2017


Table of contents

  9. TEAM

1. Abstract

The ‘adult’ industry began to pay attention to the opportunities that blockchain technologies offer several years ago. Banks and payment systems, influenced by various factors (reputation or reasons linked to risk management) started blocking accounts in the pornography market.

Many finally refused to fight it out with the banks, and everyone began to resort to alternative payment methods. The unpredictability of traditional financial partners, which any participant of the pornography market can encounter at any moment, forces them to resort to leading technologies. An obvious solution to many problems in the industry is the development of a decentralized platform for distributing content and an anonymous payment system between the supplier and the consumer. The platform’s main advantages include not only the use of its own cryptocurrency, but also the opportunity to share user accounts. Sharing a single user account between multiple users is not approved of by centralized payment systems and network operators, so this business model can work only with cryptocurrency.

New technology can solve several other difficult problems in the industry — illegal content distribution, fair payments to rights holders, and the question of user confidentiality. The blockchain makes possible previously inaccessible methods for distributing content and selling goods or services. It also decentralizes key processes, providing a means to reduce delivery delays and redistribute the majority of created value within the ecosystem.

An alliance of the blockchain and the adult entertainment industry and their subsequent symbiosis is extremely promising from the point of view of the continued growth of both ecosystems.

This move to a new technological stage in the industry demands investment in mastering the individual parts of its technologies and in reorganizing its central economy. Decentralized direct investments in the project will take place via OKOIN token sales.

The loyalty program that extends to all the participants of OKO’s crowdfunding campaign is unique. It offers regular privileges, premium tokens, and special deals on the platform’s goods and services.

This document contains an overview of the platform, its services, its advantages, its growth outlook, upcoming fundraising (sometimes called an ICO or Crowdsale), goals and project mission.

2. History

Throughout its history, the porn industry has directed the growth of other industries, including some very different ones. In the 1960s, 8 millimeter film came into common use after it was used to film erotic movies. In the 1970s, when VHS cassettes captured the home video market, half of them had a pornographic content.

In the 1990s, readers of the Penthouse magazine were among the first to own high-speed modems because the publishers began to sell this product to their audience. This was so that their poor Internet connection wouldn’t stop them from enjoying erotica.

In 2017 VR technology company (Czech Republic) released a virtual reality headset for viewing adult films. The headset is available for a wide range of different users. It formed the start of the entire OKO ecosystem — a decentralized VR platform with an anonymous payment system for anyone on earth, even those living in the most conservative countries in the world.

Further development in the pornography market will be determined by a combination of two leading technologies: VR and blockchain.

3. About the platform

The decentralized VR OKO platform is the driver of progress on the pornography market, with no equals as yet. The platform, which is protected against hacking, solves several problems at once, all of which seriously inhibit the development of the pornography market:
— Switching to a new video playback format. In the last two years, the number of search requests related to VR porno has increased by 9,900% (according to official statistics from Google). The monthly growth in the audience of VR movies for adults is 250–300%. Deliveries of VR headsets will multiply by 10 by 2020, according to predictions by VR HMD (Head Mounted Display) market researchers at the Juniper Research company. By 2020, the VR pornography market will be worth $1 billion per year.
— Pornographic content distribution without intermediaries.
— Fighting against piracy. A distributed open-source database for controlling rights to intellectual property.
— The anonymity of users and payments. In most countries, pornography is legal, but there are serious limitations on its distribution. Confidentiality is made possible thanks to the level of security, transparency and permanence of records that blockchain technology provides.
— The ability to set up private video chats in virtual reality without intermediary websites and currently existing limitations. VR technologies are certain to breathe new life into the type of adult content in which a girl in a video chat does what is asked of her. The effect of presence in such videos will increase as it will be possible to almost ‘touch’ the girls.
— A virtual market of goods and services for adults. Millions of commercial applications from manufacturers without intermediaries.
— The decentralized P2P principle allows for the elimination of intermediary services.

For suppliers, the platform offers a safe and reliable solution: an open-source blockchainbased protocol, a decentralized market, data encryption, independence, individual pricing, and a lack of third-party influence. In the future, the developers plan to introduce a mechanism for rating suppliers, providing a means to rank the content, goods or services they supply. Over time, suppliers with a low rating will disappear from the platform. Suppliers with high ratings, on the other hand, will get the opportunity to draw investment to their projects on the platform from millions of users. This opens up an unlimited potential for beginners and progressive young teams — to declare their projects to the world and attract money from users to make them a reality. They can then share part of the profits with those users in the future. In this way, the platform will also fulfill the function of a crowdfunding platform for collecting funds for new pornographic projects.

The platform offers its users the opportunity to become part of the blockchain-managed decentralized pornographic market; to take part in a new evolutionary stage of a powerful and extremely stable industry; to contribute personally to the creation of an independent and secure platform with a multitude of interactive services, a pornographic VR video library
and the largest adult sales platform in the world. For all users, this blockchain-built platform offers the opportunity to publish their own content based on the principles of the P2P technology. It also gives them the ability to absolutely safely and anonymously invest in new projects on the pornographic market and get royalties from them in the future. It doesn’t matter how many OKOINs a user has: one or ten million. Each user gets the opportunity to make
profitable investments in the most stable and high-turnover ‘adult business’.
The ОКО platform is a groundbreaking project for a huge industry that distributes the value it creates among those participating in the ecosystem.
The ОКО platform is a global project, and we’re looking for partners all over the world.

4. Platform goal and assets

The platform’s main assets are its users. The larger the user network, the higher the price per token. This price is what reflects the platform’s value on the open market.

At the dawn of the Internet, every new user was supposed to enter their bank card details on registration to prove that they were an adult. This worked to the benefit of the creators of the first porn sites. The technological infrastructure for operating with paid subscriptions created itself. By the beginning of the 2000s, there were already more than 3000 pornography
sites on the Internet with paid content.

Just as now, drawing on the successful experience of the past, VR technology company is making the user base of its own product available to the OKO platform. This means that by 2018, more than 900,000 people from all over the world are guaranteed to be actively using the platform. Partners will help us achieve absolute success and make the project a reality. These partners are leading global providers of VR films for adults with a large audience of paid subscribers amounting to over 1.2 million. VR technology company analysts forecast that by 2019, the platform will be joined by no fewer than 800 leading manufacturers of adult goods and service providers with a yearly turnover of over $120 million.

In developing the project, we place an emphasis on partnerships with market leaders. They have the greatest advantage in the form of having a massive user base. Now we need to bring innovative technologies to that user base. The fact that the OKO platform is doing this faster than other competitors will eventually allow it to take its place as an undisputed leader. The strategy that we are sticking to with our partners is to put on the pressure, and to shift from archaic technologies and formats to VR and blockchain technologies. The most effective way to do this is to use the strengths of market competitors and bring them together into a shard project. We can make this goal a reality only on a foundation of collaboration.

5. Commercial aspect of the project

This project assumes crowdfunding investment in the OKOIN token, which is implemented as a financial instrument on the ETHERIUM blockchain platform.

The OKOIN token (corresponds to ERC20 standard) provides key functions in the ecosystem — the right to vote in the DAO: the decentralized decision-making mechanism. Token holders will take part in the decentralized management of the platform, possessing the ability to vote on various decisions and, accordingly, control the development and success of the platform. OKOIN is the fundamental unit of account on the platform and serves as a means of payment. Cryptocurrencies are anonymous and nobody is obligated to reveal their identity, which makes OKOIN an ideal currency for confidential payments on the platform. Use of OKOIN will involve lower expenses for processing payments than any traditional credit cards or payment systems.

Where will the money come from?

— Investors that buy tokens
— Users that need tokens to use paid services on the platform
— Advertisers

The main aim of crowd investment in OKOIN:

For investors:
Purchasing highly liquid tokens that will only increase in value as the user base grows and the platform develops. The most important characteristic of the OKOIN token is the maximum crossover between the token holder audience and the platform’s users. This component will initially influence the volume of the user base and the potential for its expansion, then the deficit, and then, indirectly, the value of the token.

For users:
Anonymity in paying for goods and services on the platform.

If a token holder wishes to exit the OKO ecosystem, they can sell their tokens on the market.

6. Ico conditions

During the ICO, any person can become an investor in the OKO VR platform.

Goal: 80 000 000 $
ICO start date: December 14, 2017, 12:00 PM PDT
ICO period: 30 (thirty) days
The maximum amount of OKOINs issued will be equal to 240 000 000 tokens. The number of OKOINs is limited, and additional OKOINs cannot be issued.
OKOINs are a utilitarian token of the platform and are not considered currency in accordance with the SEC definition.

The cost of 1 (one) OKOIN during the ICO will be equivalent to:
1 US dollar (December 14 -> December 19)
1.8 US dollars (December 20 -> December 24)
2.7 US dollars (December 25 -> January 14)
The minimum purchase volume is 1 (one) token.
The maximum purchase volume is 350,000 (three-hundred fifty thousand) tokens.

The initial cost of an OKOIN will increase as the crowdsale progresses. This unlocks additional opportunities for investors that decide to purchase tokens at the earliest stages.

35% of the total number of tokens released are put up for sale (automatic distribution); 15% is given to the team as a reward; another 15% is given to partners; 25% is used to stimulate the ecosystem (for distribution among users for activity on the platform); 4% goes on the bounty program; 2% goes on token sale covering; 4% is saved for the platform.

Every investor (token holder) automatically participates in the OKO platform Loyalty Program (to be fully published on the platform no later than Aug 1, 2018). A participation condition is having tokens in your wallet by Jan 14, 2018. Unsold tokens are transferred to the platform for use in the Loyalty Program.

OKOIN tokens will also be placed on cryptocurrency exchanges for free circulation. This means that it will be possible to additionally purchase, buy/sell and trade these tokens on a secondary market.
Accepted currencies: ETH
Platform: ETHERIUM
Exchange listings: end of ICO+6 days

7. Intended use

Funds collected as part of the ICO will be invested in expanding manufacturing of the VR OKO virtual reality headset and scaling up sales in new markets, along with developing and promoting the decentralized OKO platform (including the integration of artificial intelligence technology),
aunching the first ever adult goods marketplace with VR INTIMTECH technologies, producing content, developing new premium services and products on the platform, marketing, and supporting OKO platform users.

The platform will have a positive influence on the pornography market on a global scale. Income from the ICO will help to quickly create a full-fledged project and a global community that supports the tokenization of one of the largest and most stable markets in the world.

Implementation stages:

December 2017—January 2018 — ICO (December 14, 2017 — January 14, 2018)
January 2018 — Scaling up virtual reality VR OKO headset sales in new markets.
Yearly sales plan: 900,000 devices
April 2018 — Launch of OKO platform and OKO FILM video library in test mode
December 2018 — Start of VR CHAT operation on the OKO platform
January 2019 — Begin OKO platform operation as planned
May 2019 — Launch of adult goods marketplace INTIMTECH on OKO platform

8. Marketing and advertising

The project’s target audience is a third of the earth’s population. 35% of all downloads and 30% of total Internet traffic relates to pornography, and over 1/3 of men watch it every day. In terms of audience capture, pornography sites are on the same level as the most frequently visited platforms of general categories. The total income of the porn and adult goods market in 2016 amounted to $127 billion. In the USA, this industry earns more revenue than such giants as the NBA, NFL, Google, Amazon and many other serious businesses. In Britain, pornographic resources are more popular than the mass media and online stores. We’re placing a special focus on promoting the project among the audience outside of the blockchain industry. And we’re certain that the time has come when the blockchain will begin to exert influence on the pornography market. We believe it will provide a large group of the public with the main concepts and mechanisms of decentralization and collective management using DAO mechanisms.

We’re focusing on global PR and marketing among users of popular global pornographic websites and fans of VR technologies.

China is one of our main market targets. The government of this state has outlawed online pornography and initiated mass checks that have led to the closure of over 1900 websites. Over 750 million Internet users are limited in their options and desires. While the authorities and politicians hide behind a false sense of modesty, the real problem can be solved with the help of the decentralized OKO VR platform. Apart from a gigantic user base, China is considered a strategic partner in terms of a number of providers of adult goods. Over 80% of all sex toys in the world are produced in China. More than 1000 Chinese companies are active in this market, generating over $2 billion in revenue.

9. Team

The project’s founders have laid the ideal foundation for the future success of the platform — a team of IT engineers of the independent company VR technology company (Czech Republic). The project team consists of VR technology developers and has been designing, creating and perfecting the VR OKO headset for two years. For the creation and quality control of a full production cycle of interactive films for adults, VR technology signed a contract with leading European production studios, artists, screenwriters and directors. The company employs over 110 people. At the same time, the company maintains the entire technical and manufacturing side of the business with its own resources, starting from developing the devices and platform and ending with programming interactive film scenes.

In 2015, we decided to go down the path of using blockchain technologies, and we invited experienced professionals in this industry to our team.

Roman Pavlovich, CEO VR technology company:
“Unfortunately, it isn’t acceptable in modern society to talk openly about the fact that you earn your millions honestly,
but through the adult industry. Few know by sight or even by name the owners of the most popular ‘adult’ websites. This is an industry that traditionally is at the forefront of technological process, in which hundreds of thousands of people are employed and hundreds of millions daily use its services. Yet even today, in spite of the age of tolerance, the industry prefers to hide the names and faces of its most influential people. We’re the first that have openly supported market decentralization, and we’re willing to introduce ourselves personally.”

10. Risks and incredible opportunities

We do not rule out the possibility of an information or technical attack on our project before/ during/after the ICO. Not all the global participants of this industry and country support the idea of decentralizing the pornographic market. We have no doubts in the full and successful realization of this project. We are reliant on millions of like-minded people from all over the
world and we are convinced that freedom and decentralized control in this industry will bring the entire ecosystem massive dividends and growth. An attempt to stop this process will be just as futile as an attempt to disconnect the entire world from the Internet.

We do not rule out a situation in which blockchain and VR development in the pornography market cause these technologies to become widespread, well known and available to 1/3 of the population of the planet very soon. This will lead to mass acceptance of cryptocurrency, rapid adoption of blockchain and VR technology into ordinary human life and will change it beyond recognition. Today, fewer and fewer individuals and governments doubt the fact that the blockchain will be a significant influence on practically all spheres of human life. As in the past, it may be the pornography market specifically that forms the driving force of this new technological and social progress.

We do not rule out the possibility that the adoption of blockchain technologies into widespread use thanks to pornography and our project will influence the mass popularity of cryptocurrencies and cause their exchange rate and capitalization to grow even faster.

Become a member of the team at the start of our journey!
Be part of the future decentralized world!

Contact info:

Company website: www.vrtechnology.cz
E-mail: info@vrtechnology.cz
Legerova 1820/39, 120 00
Prague 2, Czech Republic




ОКО is the first decentralized VR platform for distributing adult films and organizing online video chats in a virtual reality format.