Okoli Ogochukwu Rita
3 min readDec 3, 2021


image from Pinterest.

So it’s the end of the year again, feelings are high, emotions heightened, and yes we ask ourselves, “what did we achieve this year?”

By now if you have asked yourself this question, the answer may go like this, “I did something really huge this year like getting a new job, buying that expensive device, getting fit while achieving other body goals” and the list goes on.

But for the other, it may be, “Oh well I did start this but couldn’t finish, I tried this out but it didn’t work out, or maybe I really can’t say, I tried different kinds of stuff and oh well, I am happy to be alive and living”.

Then you become filled with this surge of energy to do more, to do better, you feel so motivated to achieve anything and everything, to make the next year better.

But stop, do you think that’s the proper energy or motivation?.

Hear me out, Do not make that New Year’s resolution based on this energy, it isn’t the right one for you.

“But all motivation is good right?”

No, not all motivation is good for you. Acting on this energy will most likely leave you overwhelmed, confused, distracted, or even out of place thereby forgetting the reason you actually even started in the first place.

Feeling so drained a couple of days into achieving your goal, lacking the slightest motivation to continue, isn’t what you want, cause at the end of the year you would feel exactly the same way you felt at the beginning, having not achieved anything of importance to you.

So rather than waiting for the year to end and the New Year to start before you start working on your goals, start now. I know you may have heard this before, but the importance of starting now can never be really over-emphasized. Whether you start big or small, as an expert or a newbie doesn’t really ever matter.

What matters is you start and not let your head make up excuses not to.

Rather than just writing really cool goals set for the long term, break it down into small daily, weekly, monthly, or even quarterly targets. Also while setting a plan in place to achieve these broken down targets will go a long way.

Rather than just keeping the goals In your head, design a poster either an e-poster or even a physical one stating your goals explicitly and keeping it in a place where you would be able to see them every day. Setting up sticky notes with words of encouragement alongside your goals around you can also play a good role in reminding you that you want to achieve this goal for a good reason.

Rather than doing it alone, getting someone who keeps you on your toes, who asks you “How far?”, who may have aligned goals with yours, someone you trust, “An Accountability Partner” is another way to go about this.

What exactly am I saying?

Having a new year’s resolution isn’t the problem here, it's what’s fueling it in the first place, have the right motivation, the right reasons, a plan, be consistent and the rest will fall in place.

So do it for you.

Don’t chase perfection, it’s an illusion.

Every single detail doesn’t have to be figured out.

Mistakes will happen.

Cry when you have to, it helps a lot.

Rest when necessary,

Just don’t quit, consistency is key while enjoying the process and learning from it.

Have a lovely New Year starting with the proper energy to keep pushing.


Don’t Forget to be Kind.

