Century Okoro
3 min readMay 1, 2023

Once upon a time, in a small town called Pineapple, there lived a man named Bob. Bob was an eccentric man who always had a smile on his face and a joke up his sleeve. He was loved by all the residents of Pineapple, and people would often come to him for a good laugh.

One day, Bob woke up feeling extra mischievous. He had a plan to play a prank on the entire town. He called up his friend, Jim, and asked him to come over to his house.

When Jim arrived, Bob greeted him with a big grin. "Jim, my friend, I have a plan to prank the entire town!" Bob exclaimed.

Jim was intrigued. "What's the plan?" he asked.

Bob whispered in Jim's ear, and Jim burst out laughing. "That's brilliant!" he exclaimed.

The two of them set to work. They spent the entire day preparing for the prank. They went to the hardware store to buy some supplies, and then they headed to the local park.

The next day, the residents of Pineapple woke up to a surprise. Overnight, someone had painted all of the park benches bright pink! The residents were confused and amused by the prank, but they couldn't help but wonder who was behind it.

Bob and Jim watched from afar, chuckling to themselves. They had pulled off the perfect prank!

The next day, Bob went about his business as usual. He went to the local coffee shop and ordered his usual cup of joe. As he was waiting for his coffee, he noticed that everyone in the coffee shop was giving him strange looks.

"What's going on?" he asked the barista.

The barista hesitated for a moment before saying, "Bob, have you seen yourself in the mirror today?"

Bob was confused. He quickly walked over to the bathroom to check his reflection. To his horror, he realized that he had accidentally dyed his hair bright pink while painting the park benches!

Bob couldn't believe it. He had pranked himself! He quickly ran home to try to fix the situation.

As he was running down the street, he heard people calling out to him. "Hey, Bob! Nice hair!" they shouted, laughing.

Bob was mortified. He had become the laughingstock of the town. But he couldn't help but laugh at himself as well.

When he got home, he tried to wash the dye out of his hair, but it wouldn't come out. He was stuck with pink hair for the foreseeable future.

But Bob didn't let it get him down. In fact, he embraced it. He started wearing bright pink shirts and even painted his car pink. Everywhere he went, he was a walking advertisement for the prank he had pulled on himself.

The residents of Pineapple couldn't help but chuckle whenever they saw Bob walking down the street with his bright pink hair and clothes. And Bob couldn't help but laugh along with them.

Years went by, and Bob became known as the "Pink Prankster" of Pineapple. He continued to pull off hilarious pranks on the town, but he never forgot the time he had pranked himself.

In fact, he made a point to remind everyone of that hilarious incident by wearing a pink wig every year on the anniversary of the prank.

  • And so, Bob lived the rest of his life as the town's beloved Pink Prankster, always bringing a smile to the faces of the residents of Pineapple.
Century Okoro

Humble, Jealous. desktop publisher, Electronics engineer