13 Effective Writing Techniques for Every Content Writer

Victory Okpe
10 min readAug 30, 2023


This is the most complete and comprehensive list you’ll ever see on the Internet.

Photo by Christin Hume

As a content writer, you’ll agree that you’ve once or twice struggled with self-doubt after 2 or 3 constructive criticisms on a writing piece you worked so hard on.

Or you find it quite challenging to write down all your thoughts and present them in a good and cohesive structure.

Well, a thousand and more successful writers have been in your shoes before.

This blog post aims to equip you with 13 actionable, practical, and effective writing techniques to improve your writing skills.

Everything you need to pay for an expensive course to get started as a writer is right here.

If you can spare a few minutes, let’s get right into it.

Table of Content

1. Develop Click-bait Titles

2. Write Compelling Introductions/Hooks

3. Structured Subheadings

4. Be Concise

5. Use transition words

6. Accurate Statistics, Facts and Figures

7. Understand audience search intent

8. Research the topic

9. Induct the “People Also Ask” section

10. Keyword Research

11. Choose the Right Tone for Your Audience

12. Use effective writing tools

13. Call to Action (connect benefits with features)

13 Effective Writing Techniques You Should Know

Writing isn’t always a sweet ride but with the knowledge of how to implement effective and proven techniques, you can become a badass writer.

So, here are the 13 most used and tested techniques to take you to your success.

1. Develop a Click-bait Title

It is one thing to write what your audience is searching for, it is another thing to make your readers interested in what you wrote.

Click-bait titles have long proven to be a top game changer when it comes to on-page optimization.

This is because it has to engage your readers first. When it does, you are sure of more traffic on your client’s website or yours.

Your title should be compelling enough to make your reader click through your website and read your content. Some of the ways to come up with such titles are:

  • Evoke Curiosity: Be in their shoes for a minute and answer some questions they are asking. Pose thought-provoking questions or use intriguing phrases to spark curiosity and entice readers to click. Titles like “Exposed: Unraveling the Problems of ChatGPT’’, “10 Best Productivity Apps You Never Knew Existed”, and “Why You Should Avoid Cleaning With Bleach” are topics that can evoke curiosity in the minds of your readers.
  • Use Power Words: You can incorporate compelling action words that evoke emotion and urgency, encouraging readers to explore your content.
  • Promise Value: Convey the benefits and features your readers will gain from your content. This will help set clear expectations with your clickbait title. Words like easy, fast, right now, and free, amongst other words, will make your readers click through your website.
  • Keep it Concise: Opt for short and punchy titles that pack a powerful punch, making an immediate impact on readers. The number of characters allocated to titles is 55–60 characters long. So, while trying to explore, be careful to keep your title concise.
  • Test and Analyze: Experiment with different click-bait titles and analyze their performance to refine your approach and improve effectiveness.

2. Write Compelling Introductions/Hooks

Crafting compelling introductions and hooks is a fine art that captivates readers from the very first line.

After the title, that short hook is what determines if the reader wants to read to the end or bounce out.

You sure do not want the latter. So, here are some tips for writing a compelling introduction or hook:

  • Address Your Reader’s Pain Point: Embrace their emotions and draw your readers into an experience they won’t soon forget by addressing their pain points. Inject your unique voice and personality to create an authentic connection.
  • Promise a Solution: Now that they know how much they need your help, promise a practical solution in your introduction. Set the stage by promising value and a transformational journey ahead.
  • Keep It Simple and Yet Impactful: While it’s best to write 100–150 words as your introduction, keep it simple leaving readers eager to explore further.

With this winning formula, your writing will engage your audience effectively.

3. Structured Subheadings

To be fairly honest, not all readers want to read to the end. Everyone has something they look forward to when they search on these search engines.

Your job as a writer is to make sure you provide the answers they are looking for.

Structured subheadings are one of the vital signposts that guide readers through your content with clarity and ease. Here are tips to create effective subheadings:

  • Start by organizing your main points into distinct sections.
  • Use clear and descriptive language for each main heading.
  • Employ a hierarchical approach, utilizing different levels of subheadings to break down complex ideas.
  • Keep them concise yet informative, ensuring readers can skim and grasp the essence of each section.
  • Use formatting tools like heading tags, bold text, or italics to make subheadings visually distinct.
  • Incorporate targeted keywords into 2 to 4 subheadings.

4. Be Concise

Being concise in writing is an effective technique that captures attention and delivers a clear message.

Wordiness is a red flag. And trust me, you don’t want to start with some relationship issues with your readers. Of course, here’s how to be concise in writing:

  • Start by eliminating unnecessary words, and tightening sentences.
  • Use active voice to convey information directly and avoid redundancy. You can’t engage your readers’ writing like a bystander.
  • Choose strong and precise words that convey your intended meaning without ambiguity. Always check for simpler and shorter phrases or clauses.
  • Keep paragraphs brief and well-organized, ensuring smooth flow and readability.
  • Edit ruthlessly to remove any fluff or repetition. Embrace brevity while maintaining the essence of your message.

5. Use Transition Words

To avoid boring your readers, it’s advisable to introduce transition words in your introduction, in between the content and also, your conclusion.

This way, you keep your readers glued to their screen waiting to know the next option or solution you have for them.

Transition words are the glue that binds your writing together, creating a seamless and coherent flow.

Here are some tips on how to use transition words:

  • Begin by understanding the purpose of each transition word, whether it’s for adding, contrasting, or sequencing ideas.
  • Integrate transition words strategically to connect sentences and paragraphs, guiding readers from one thought to the next. Utilize words like “however,” “therefore,” and “meanwhile” to establish relationships between ideas.
  • Strike a balance, avoiding overuse while maintaining clarity.

6. Accurate Statistics, Facts and Figures

Acquiring accurate statistics, facts, and figures is vital for creating credible and trustworthy content. Various credible sources provide accurate information.

Photo by Алекс Арцибашев

You can check them out and even link to their sites. This way, your readers can verify that you write credible and relevant content.

Some tips on how to acquire statistics and facts are:

  • Start by relying on reputable sources, such as government websites, research papers, and academic journals. Verify the credibility of the sources and ensure they are up-to-date.
  • Cross-reference data from multiple reliable sources to confirm accuracy. Be cautious of biased or unverified information that may lead to misinformation.
  • If needed, reach out to experts or professionals in the field for clarification.
  • Always cite the sources properly to give credit and maintain transparency.

7. Understand Audience Search Intent

This is the bedrock of your writing journey. Knowing what your target audience is searching for is what guides your content.

Photo by visuals on Unsplash

No one will find your content relevant if it’s not answering a majority of readers’ questions.

As a beginner, you can use tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to identify popular and relevant keywords.

Here are tips on how to understand your audience search intent:

  • Pay attention to the context of the search queries and the intent behind them.
  • Consider user demographics and preferences to tailor your content.
  • Look at competitors’ content to gain insights into what resonates with the audience.
  • Continuously monitor and adapt your content based on search intent changes.

8. Research the topic

‘How can you effectively write what you’ve not read about and rank your content?’, a wise writer who wrote this article once asked.

Since you know so much about your topic, it is important that you check the internet to see for yourself what has been written about that topic.

An effective writer reads through the first 3-to 4 articles on the SERP and sieves, spins out, and readjusts her own content.

If that even made sense.

This particular writing technique helps you know the questions searchers still ask about the topic you are about to write, hence, guiding your content outline.

The best way to research?

  • Google it
  • YouTube it
  • Quora it

9. Induct the “People Also Ask” section

The “People Also Ask” section is another secret recipe for effective writing to rank your content faster. This section presents a series of commonly asked questions related to the keyword typed in the search engine, showcasing readers’ interests and curiosities.

While exploring these FAQs, your aim should be to provide answers and practical tips that answer these questions.

Employ some of the questions in your content also. This will help Google present your content when the same question is asked by searchers.

From engaging introductions to powerful conclusions, the “People Also Ask” section enriches your understanding.

10. Keyword Research

Keyword research is a cornerstone of effective content creation and content optimization.

Photo by Justin Morgan

Ensuring your writing aligns with what your target audience is actively searching for is one of the important parts of your journey before writing.

To embark on this journey, start by brainstorming topics relevant to your niche. Put yourself in your audience’s shoes and think about the words they would use to find information.

Next, employ keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs. These tools provide insights into search volumes, competition, and related keywords.

Identify a mix of high-volume and long-tail keywords to cater to varying search intents.

Analyze competitor content and see which keywords they’re ranking for. This can spark ideas and uncover gaps in your content strategy.

Focus on user intent, understanding whether searchers are seeking information, solutions, or products.

Group keywords into themes and subtopics, organizing your content plan effectively. Keep in mind that trends and search behaviors evolve, so continuous monitoring and adaptation are essential.

11. Choose the Right Tone for Your Audience

Selecting the appropriate tone for your writing is paramount to effectively communicate with your audience. Begin by understanding your readers’ demographics, preferences, and the purpose of your content.

For a formal audience, like in business communication, adopt a professional tone. Use a respectful and authoritative voice that instills confidence.

For a casual or conversational tone, tailor your language to your readers’ familiarity. This works well for blog posts or social media where a friendly, relatable approach is preferred.

When addressing an expert audience, an authoritative tone is key. Demonstrating expertise and confidence builds credibility.

Inject empathy in your tone when dealing with sensitive topics or personal stories. Connect emotionally with your audience, showing you understand their feelings.

Overall, aligning your tone with your readers’ expectations ensures your message resonates effectively, building rapport and fostering engagement.

12. Use Effective Writing Tools

Utilizing writing tools not only helps you with better words, it also saves time to proofread and edit manually. As you know the saying, “Time is money”.

To elevate your writing experience, consider utilizing the following five writing tools:

  • Grammarly: Grammarly has been one of my best tools ever! It is a powerful grammar checker and writing assistant that provides real-time suggestions, spelling corrections, checks the tone and other advanced grammar checks. It ensures your writing is clear, error-free, and polished.
  • Hemingway Editor: The Hemingway Editor focuses on improving readability by highlighting complex sentences, and excessive adverbs, and suggesting alternative word choices. It helps you communicate your ideas with clarity and simplicity.
  • Evernote: Evernote is a versatile note-taking and organization tool. Capture ideas, snippets of inspiration, and research materials seamlessly. Its syncing feature ensures access to your notes across devices.
  • Scrivener: Scrivener is a comprehensive writing software designed for long-form projects. Its features include outlining, organizing research, and providing a distraction-free writing environment, allowing you to stay focused and productive.
  • Copyscape: Ensure your writing is original and free from plagiarism with Copyscape. This plagiarism checker compares your text to a vast database of web pages to identify any potential matches.

13. Call to Action

Just like the headings and the title of your article, your conclusion also holds the power to transform your writing from mere words into actionable engagement.

It acts as a guide, prompting readers to take a desired step, whether it’s commenting, subscribing, purchasing, or sharing.

CTAs provide that urgency and direction, enhancing the impact of your content. This could be a way of telling your readers to subscribe to your channel, click on a link, buy a product or read more of your content.

An effective CTA serves as a bridge between your message and their response.

Remember, a well-crafted CTA is concise, clear, and aligned with your content’s purpose. It provides readers with a reason to act and benefits to gain.

Don’t just conclude your writing, conclude with a call to action.


As we draw this enriching journey of effective writing techniques to a close, let’s keep the conversation alive!

Share your thoughts, experiences, and questions in the comments below. What other effective writing techniques do you think I missed?

Your insights could spark valuable discussions and inspire fellow writers.

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Victory Okpe

Welcome to my corner! I'm Victory, a passionate writer with a deep understanding of SEO. Subscribe to my email on more updates on how to optimize your content.